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Re: EXTRA: Graham teh Kook admits to serious failure (Re: Dammit.. How to get 2 zones and power from a 4-conductor)
Robert L Bass wrote:
>>> if youre going to fantasize about violence
>>> make it a juicy fantasy
>> and preferably involving innovative uses for
>> everyday unassuming tools or natural objects
>Like crayons, for example? :^)
There you are, you fuckheaded maroon... It's about fucking time.
From: "Jim" <alarminex@xxxxxxx>
Newsgroups: alt.security.alarms
Subject: Re: Adding keypads to gem p9600
Date: 3 Apr 2007 20:35:53 -0700
Organization: http://groups.google.com
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On Apr 3, 12:25?am, Steve <Steve@xxxx@steve.net> wrote:
> You guys are rough.
Nah ...... we're not rough.
Here's an example of "rough"
The fact is, ...........this is NOT a DIY group. It is a group set up
for the use of alarm contractors to talk about business matters.
Contrary to Steve Ryckman's (the founder of this group) intentions,
and the group FAQ, Bass, promotes his website and exploits this group
and the trade experience of it's participants, for the sole purpose of
making a profit here. If he were to simply state in his sig line that
he had an on line store and perhaps occasionally refer someone to his
site, that would be acceptable. However, he continuously lies about
himself as still being in the installation business. He's stolen
information from people here and from other sources and doesn't give
credit or lies as if it is of his origin. He constantly berates
installing companies, encompassing all, into his deriding remarks. His
conduct and attitude is demeaning towards any who object to what he
does here ............. and he simply refuses to stop. Therefore, the
choices for those who choose to be here ...... are ........ let him do
his dirty deeds and stay silent while he insults individuals ( calling
installers idiots, monkeys, stupid .......... and installation
companies (frauds, thieves, swindlers). Or,.................
object to his unacceptable conduct. Many would say that this mess
exists simply because of something that has escalated to this point.
What isn't so apparent, is that in past newsgroups, Bass has been
forcibly removed by consensus of the entire list of participants, for
doing the same exact thing that he does here in this group. He lied,
stole information, went real life to get people who opposed him in
trouble with their employers and told lies to people about his
detractors. It's all documented in Google. Every thing that he does
here in ASA, he's done in other groups. So it's not just simply an
isolated "circumstance", as someone like yourself might assume .... In
fact, it's a pattern of behavior that Bass has acted out over many
many years in Usenet. So this just makes what he does here ever so
much more objectionable. He obviously does it intentionally!
The casual participant, such as yourself, has no idea of what this
deranged individual methodically does here and what his nefarious past
or intentions are. To you, for the brief time that you are here, you
simply see a snapshot of his fraudulent persona, and think that there
is no reasoning behind the actions of his detractors. He shows his
best side only for the short interludes that end users come here
looking for information. He depends upon their short stay to appear to
be the benevolent provider of anything that they need, so as to entice
them to buy from him. When those that have been the brunt of his
insidious "Mr Hyde" persona object and berate him for what he's done
to this group, the short timers think the worst of the detractors and
cant understand why someone who is so helpful, should be "attacked" in
such a fashion.
Now, to support all of this .........along with all of his
reprehensible conduct in Usenet.........there's the story behind the
story. After all of his ongoing criticisms of individuals who oppose
his conduct here, there lies the amazing tale of his personal life
that has been exposed.
If you add to all of the above, what has been revealed ( and he has
confirmed) about the abnormal behavior that represents his personal
life, you get the picture of a truly demented individual who's
purposeful and obvious intent, is to cause chaos and disruption where
ever he goes and no concern for others. How many people do you know
who are responsible for the death of someone through negligence? How
many people do you know who are a convicted felon for pulling a gun on
someone? Just those two items alone, makes it obvious to any normal
person, that you're not dealing with someone who has the faculties or
character to make socially acceptable decisions. Now put this all
together and tell me if you think someone like this should even be
allowed to be involved in the "security industry" much less be
accepted, with out objection to this group ............... or ....in
fact by anyone, in general? He's a downright social misfit.
Once knowing all of this, it's got to be quite clear that what exists
here, is happening because this is what Bass instigates and what he
chooses to happen, by his intentional refusal and inability to get
along with others. The people who object to his conduct are
individuals who just downright refuse to let him usurp this group with
his proven deranged conduct, without any objection. As it turns out,
it gets down to ............ if, by his conduct, he can disrupt this
group, then what's to stop anyone else from doing the same damn thing
as he does? So far, he hasn't caused anyone to go real life with him,
but I feel that someday, it's possible that he's going to do something
to the "wrong" person and they'll take him up on his provocations. In
the mean time, we who believe strongly that what Bass does here is
wrong, will continue to object to his conduct. And those that object
to his behavior ( mostly all here *do* object) but choose to sit
silently by the wayside, will continue to enable him, even though they
know that if he were to be continuously discredited by the entire
group, with the people he solicits to buy products here, it would
defeat his sole purpose for being here. But ........... even though
they know he could be ousted, they choose to do nothing and thereby
enable him ........... and therefore the group will remain in chaos.
That's their call.
So be it. Bass is wrong in what he does here and his past history in
Usenet and in his personal life, attest to his continued pattern of
disruption of other peoples lives ........... no matter where he is.
In this medium of Usenet he can get away with things that he wouldn't
dare do in real life. Therefore, here, he will always find resistance
and objection to his conduct and there will be chaos. He's obviously
quite aware of what he does. Just like a dog that knows it's going to
be whipped if it barks. It still barks because whipping is the only
attention it can get and it's better than none at all. It's obviously
his goal to be the outstanding individual. With a personal background
such as his, it is manifest that he can't have any self esteem so he
gets his attention by being the cause disruption. This is bolstered by
his documented history, that indicates that he is compelled to always
create a scene, good or bad, where he is the center of attention,
The above is only a small portion of the entire chronicle that could
be written about this deranged individual and his outlandish conduct
and history. And unfortunately, because of his ill treatment of people
here, for a very long time, the people that come here for advice are
of secondary importance to discrediting him. If there's ever anything
that I can do to stop Bass from getting one penny in profit from his
unacceptable behavior here, I will do it. Any altruism that anyone
would feel by the help I, or anyone else would be inclined to give
someone who comes here, is totally negated by the fact that Bass will
benefit from it, by being able to capitalize on the information given
freely and thereby make a profit at the expense of what others give
away graciously.
I have nothing to gain or lose here. I'm not here to make a profit and
I was smart enough to keep my identity anonymous, so Bass can't go
real life with me as he has stated that he actually likes to do with
people, who object to his conduct. I will disrupt this group whenever
I can, in anyway that I can, as long as Bass does what he does to
disrupt this group. If his conduct is disrupting the group, and there
are people who wont object to it, then what difference does my conduct
make? They can't rightly object to my conduct without objecting to
what Bass does. Why should only one person have the prerogative to do
whatever they damn well please? If one disrupts the group
intentionally, then others can do the same. The group will be none the
worse and it provides a continuous example to the "do nothings" that
what they do enables Bass as well as anyone else who chooses to cause
chaos. Again, their call.
For what he does to this potentially great gathering of people and
this group, he's a scumbag and rotten son of a bitch and deserves
anything bad that could happen to him. His conduct in his personal
life and in Usenet depicts his unconcern about others. Unfortunately
for him, that attitude of unconcern has trickled over to his personal
well being. He's recently experienced a heart problem, likely due to
his inability to control his eating habits as he is also unable to
control his life. After his insults to one of the participants in this
Newsgroup ( one of his on-line competitors, by the way) about his
overweight problem, it was discovered that Bass himself is an obese,
fat slob. This after him telling us that he had lost weight, was
exercising and bike riding for health reasons. Just another example
of his propensity to deceive people. It is sincerely hoped that this
heart problem will also be his demise. It can't happen too soon. He's
burned his bridges and it would be only just to see the bridge in
front of him come crashing down, just as he was crossing. Which, by
the way will happen shortly when his cancer finally catches up with
him, which won't be long now.
There are nice people in this world and not so nice people. Bass
doesn't even come close to being included in the category
of .............. people. By his history and his example, it's evident
that he's a grotesque and repulsive facade of a human being, seething
with hatred for himself and everyone around him. He deserves to be
treated with no more consideration than piece of shit.and should be
the object of hatred by the hundred or so people that he has insulted,
mocked, humiliated, ridiculed and lied about in Usenet. He should get
back all that he gives here in ASA, twofold .......... and he will.
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