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Re: home owner needs advice

On Tuesday, May 28, 2013 12:23:58 AM UTC-4, CalT wrote:
 No, I'll just need a battery with a battery tender. Those solid state batt=
ery tenders are a modern day miracle. Unlike the old battery charger junk w=
hich killed as many batteries as they saved, these tenders keep them alive =
for so many years that I've lost track of when I bought the batteries I hav=
e on those tenders. I have another Rube Goldberg affair for tripping the al=
arm, which I won't mention because you've already had your jollies for the =
day. As far as the full blown alarm panel goes, I already have had one for =
the past 4 or 5 years - sitting in the box with accessories. It's the Conco=
rd 4 Wireless - 8 hardwired zones plus 96 wireless zones, etc. I'm sure you=
're more familiar with it than I am. I've only perused the manual slightly.=
 I bought it before realizing my wife was dead set against the seeming comp=
lexity of the system. That was before the area began changing and the preda=
tors seem to have spread out farther than they use to hunt before. As long =
as predators know how to drive and can steal a car, they have access to the=
 goodies of others for miles around. There have been problems around here f=
or the last few years which have intensified as of late. I have realized my=
self that the Concord is going to have to get setup and going, and my wife =
is simply going to have to go with the program. She is beginning to somewha=
t realize the predator situation is getting worse around here. She had a ba=
d situation a few weeks back when she was out riding her bicycle in what us=
ed to be a peaceful area. Although she has had a 'carry' permit for years, =
she never carried. I was the one who insisted she get one. After the incide=
nt of a few weeks ago, she now carries a snub .38 on her bike rides. (And B=
arry Soetoro is going to let another 15 million or so of them in here?) I'm=
 going to stick with the Optex method with the siren hook up until I can ge=
t the Concord up and running. (The dang manual is a bit intimidating.) I do=
 have a bunch of accessories I bought at the same time, including the phone=
 and voice interface board, so that part is mostly done. The biggest proble=
m as I mentioned before was the fact of our somewhat rural setting and all =
the daytime and nighttime critters - 4 legged ones, that is, that make it e=
xtremely difficult to use motion detectors. We also have a very large bird =
population here, due in good part for me feeding them for many, many years.=
 Those birds fly low around the house and would easily set off motion detec=
tors. That's why Optex is so great. Those suckers have protected the entire=
 interior of the house for some years without alarming on our 4 large mutts=
. The beams on the Optex units can be so finely tuned - and without taping =
the transmitter windows. But even they on the outside would meet their matc=
h with the birds and squirrels, not to mention the stupid woodpecker who ke=
eps banging his beak against our home in a fruitless effort at finding a sn=
ack under the siding. So, other activities permitting, I should have the Co=
ncord and touch pad mounted before the week is out. As I said, the manual l=
ooks formidable, but a careful reading of it and picking out the proper seq=
uence of first steps to get it operating should make it installation easier=
. I have found that it is the rare manual which displays things in the prop=
er sequence. Why am I doing this myself? One reason is this is not an urban=
 area, and too many of the "business" people in this area think because the=
y held a job for a year or so in a certain repair or installation business =
they know how to do it. They may not. We've spent too many bucks in the pas=
t on these guys and learned this the hard way when we had to have a job red=
one by someone who indeed knew what they were doing. On top of that, why sh=
ould I trust anyone else? Remember the Comcast installer who raped two wome=
n customers on the job? This system of mine is to keep vermin like that at =
a distance, not allow them to be intimately acquainted with my defense. I a=
lso feel by doing it myself I will be much more up on what the system can a=
nd cannot do, which I will have to be up to speed on if I'm to explain it t=
o my wife. Ain't lookin' forward to that part of it. :o( I'll keep you post=
ed. You might need another laugh or two before the week is out. :o)

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