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Re: xPL - Front End

Hi Gerry

This all sounds good.......

>So you can mix and match.  You need Java because the GUI stuff is in
>Java and uses the xPL4Java framework, but if you don't want to use
>anything else in xPL4Java, you don't have to.

Good to hear we can mix and match.....

I currently have Java 1.5.0_04 installed on my computer as its required for im hoping form here it should be easy for me to get your
xPL-Java stuff loaded up........

Im off to do some reading of your xPL-JAVA....expect some calls for help ;)


----- Original Message -----
From: Gerry Duprey
To: ukha_xpl@xxxxxxx
Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 1:17 PM
Subject: Re: [ukha_xpl] xPL - Front End


>>It's geared for touch screen interfaces, though you can
import/create >any
>>sort of GUI widget you want really. (well, there are limits, I
guess).  >You
> Would be nice to be able to say bring up a screen for irrigation and
be albe select a zone and by clicking on the ON button it triggers an xPL
Determinator to activate the zone ..stuff like that ....

Yeah -- doesn't sound like anything you couldn't do with this (pretty easy,

>>It's being written in Java (via xPL4Java) so when done, it should
run >on
>>anything that Java runs on.
> Does this mean you must use xpl-java instead of xplhal ???....I was
also hoping i could control your rgb boards from xplhal ???

You can use the xPL4Java stuff and xPLHal on the same computer and
on the same network.  It's the magic of xPL -- just another device out
there.  So you can mix and match.  You need Java because the GUI stuff is
Java and uses the xPL4Java framework, but if you don't want to use anything
else in xPL4Java, you don't have to.

And since the RGBLED kit has a xPL driver (available now -- again,
controllable via xPLHal, once you start the xPL4Java container and tell it
to load the RGBLED module, it'll appear as a another xPL device to anything
that can show/track such things (like xPLHAL).

Gerry Duprey
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

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