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RE: VOIP FXS Gateways that support SIP

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>Cr*p means very poor speach quality even at quite low compressions.

I disagree, I've talked to Dan and a few others - even a guy in New Zealand
SIP a number of times, and the quality has very good.. I started out trying
to use
various softphones, and they really don't compare with a hardphone at all
in terms of speech quality.

>carried out by one of our punters (very large VoIP carrier - like the
>largest in Europe) showed that H.323 running at a 10K compressed codec
>performed SIP running at 32K compression. i.e. the H.323 produced
>results and only used one third of the bandwidth.

Whose SIP equipment was being used, it IS very important since the
of the codecs vary between manufactures. However, that's not  'SIP' being
crap that's
a codec implementation being crap.It's just like saying: Ford cars are
crap, ergo all
cars are crap... in that situation, Ford may have a poor implementation of
'cars' but
it doesn't make all cars crap.

> Now maybe 32K doesn't
>sound bad but remember your ADSL upstream is only 256K so get a few
>calls going with SIP and you might start to get problems.

Assuming you're using the least compressed codec rather than say gsm then
this may well be true.. However it is an emerging technology. Besides you
try to poor 2 gallons of water into a 1 gallon container - do you?

One thing to note is that H.323 gets bastardised by each manufacturer,
interoperability isn't 100%. For the end user this means, generally, buy
your kit
voice interoperability). SIP is an attempt to address this problem.

>Don't get me wrong here.... With MS and Cisco behind it (bl**dy 'ell
>make rubbish voip kit!) SIP is obviously going to get better but I just
>get the impression that, like all MS stuff, it's been launched maybe a

Wooohhhaaaaa there!!! SIP is NOT something from Microsoft!! They have
implemented it in some versions of messenger but it is NOT something

>couple of years too soon. Let's face it, after 18 months XP is just
>starting to get useable (I'm still sticking with win2k for a bit

That's a Microsoft issue, not a SIP one...sure Microsoft may take 2 years
to get
their implementation is SIP right, but that's not the issue here.

all imho


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