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Re: External Ethernet???

> I want to wire my house for Ethernet

Good :-)

> , well at the moment I just want to
> have three Ethernet connections in my lounge
> to be connected to my study (upstairs) where
> my PCs and the Ethernet ADSL.

OK - won't be enough... but let's carry on.

>  Unfortunately, I live in
> a new house so no mess is required by SWMBO,
> which means the neatest way
> of doing it would be to run a cable up into
> the loft, along, and then down the outside
> of the wall and the into the lounge.  The
> outside wall cannot be seen from the road
> so it wouldn't bother me.

This is known as the "Mark Harrison" solution :-)

> Are the =A330 reels of cable (on the other thread)
> up to outside life? Any suggestions?

Not if you just tape them to the wall. They will degrade in UV and
fall apart.

What I do is run "white plastic trunking" down... I have some piccies, but they're big... if you want me to mail them to you, drop
me a note off-list.

> Also, can anybody recommend somebody

Not really. Mine was done by me, Mrs. H, James Hoye, and Paul Wootton
of this list, with the planning done by Phil Harris.

> Or is there a wireless solution?  I'm using a Netgear ME102
connected to
> my switch for Wireless access from my ipaq and Fuji510.  Could I =
> another Netgear in to a switch downstairs and use it as a bridge?
> Anybody done this?  I heard I couldn't use the as APs if I did th= is?

I don't know about the Netgears... The 802.11b spec allows the mixing
of bridges and clients (done it with Cisco kit) but the Netgears may
be dumb.


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