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Fwd: Your rubbish. A Sad tale told by a fool.

Well, I have to say I'm gobsmacked!! - I just did not believe that in this
day & age, in such a competitive market place, any company could even
contemplate responding to my genuine concerns & justified complaints in
an outrageously rude, unprofessional, peurile manner!

(Just look at the title in the subject line - that's what they sent to me!)

Needless to say I will not be dealing with this company now, or at any time
in the future. I will leave it to you all to decide whether you wish to or

>From: "" <Dominic@xxxxxxx>
>To: Paul_Gordon@xxxxxxx
>Subject: Your rubbish.  A Sad tale told by a fool.
>Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 09:03:07 +0100
>Dear Mr Gordon
>Your slander has been forwarded to our solicitors. Clearly you didn't
>read the terms and conditions.  I have given instructions to refuse
>you any further service.   Your details will be passed to our trading
>partners and the HiFi industry contacts that we have. Your banned!
>You are wrong it what you say and are foolish in believing that
>anyone cares.  Most people are glad.  If you provide a public apology
>then we may cease action.
>Dominic Hogan
>Managing Director
>PS thanks for the link to the email news groups which we will take
>advantage of.


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