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RE: Re: [OT] Draw straight lines (With a pen/pencil)

  • Subject: RE: Re: [OT] Draw straight lines (With a pen/pencil)
  • From: "Rob Mouser" <groups@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 19:18:22 +0000

I did dload Sketchup but it won't even install with Vista which both
my office pc and laptop are running.

I'll have to dig out my old lappy and give it a whirl. (Or borrow swmbo's

Another tick in the box for ''Dont be an early adopter'' :(


(Via mobile)

-----Original Message-----
From: "biggles299" <charles@xxxxxxx>
To: "ukha_d@xxxxxxx" <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
Sent: 27/02/07 17:42
Subject: [ukha_d] Re: [OT] Draw straight lines (With a pen/pencil)

Another vote for Google sketchup - I use Catia and Autocad for work but
Sketchup for my
own stuff as usually it will do the job. What's more it's free!

--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "Ho Yin Ng" <architect.hoyin@...>
> Rob
> Yes Autocad 2007 is a beast. You really have to be using it everyday
to get
> to grips with it. Even printing something to scale is a convoluted
> and difficult to get your head around.
> For sketching and rough layouts you could try Google Sketchup? I
> find it a bit too primative for my liking, but it should meet your
> Ho yin
> On 27/02/07, Rob Mouser <groups@...> wrote:
> >
> >   > I prefer just to sketch it in freehand and then CAD it
once I get
> > home.
> >
> > I was with you until you got to CAD! I downloaded the trial of
> > 2007 for a play a few weeks ago.
> > After about 30 minutes I developed and overwhelming inferiority
> > and a deep feeling of dumbness thus quickly uninstalled it :-)
> >
> > Rob
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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