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Re: WiFi Woes :(


I don't think this problem is limited to WiFi equipment.  I have had
3 - yes THREE Linksys and Belkin routers in my setup.  All had the
same problem and required power cycling to get the running again.
The only thing I found was that it was next to the powersuplly for an
old Lexmark printer that I had running.  Solution?  Move the printer
and the problem doesn't happen AS OFTEN.  PCWorld were baffled when I
returned 2 out of the 3 routers as faulty.  As for power cycling I
just have to live with it.  I found that if I connected an X10
appliance module and scheduled it to power cycle at 12pm or
thereabouts once or twice a week the problem stopped - wierd I know
but hey, it works for me!



--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, lists@a... wrote:
> Hi Kids,
> What is it with me and WiFi kit?  It seems to work fine for a few
> days/weeks/months even, then it goes on the blink.
> Had it with my linksys WAP11, a belkin 54G, and now a linksys WAP54G
> I set them up on the bench and they run fine for a few days, then I
> them to node 0.5 (maybe this is the problem) where they sit on top
of a
> couple of little parasound zamps.  Have 3 fans in there so nothing
> too hot, and all is sweet....but after a while it goes
> The WAP11 lasted a few months, the belkin a few weeks, and this
> WAP54 a couple of months again.
> With both the WAP11 and WAP54, the connection just craps out after
a while
> and is resolved by power cycling the thing.
> With the belikin, it just crapped out completely.
> The WAP54 only started happening recently and I did a bit of
> experimentation - when the wap was in node0.5, the lappy lost it's
> a few feet from the WAP.
> Take it out of node0.5 and the signal is fine again, though with
> sporadic dropping out - which could take place a few days later, a
> weeks later, a few hours later.
> Now the obvious answer is "Stop putting them in node0.5 you
but I
> want to know why - what could be causing this?
> Could it be, I dunno - something like it ain't happy sitting on the
> and is inducing some sort of feedback or something or other that
> the hardware to go mental and burn out after a period of time?
> Maybe node0.5 is NOT the problem - have DECT phones, RF, IR, mobile
> signals floating round the house, but that's about it - and the WAP
is not
> sitting on/near a source of any of those signals.....
> Any thoughts peeps - I've now got a pile of next to useless WAPs
and don't
> really want to add to that pile.
> cheers,
> NoFi Butler :(

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