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RE: Re: Sky Digital wiring woes


Sounds like you've got a fault in your 'wiring' somewhere. CT100 should a
good enough spec. How long is each cable length ? How are you joining the
lengths of cable together ?

Re: testing for shorts (no...the other kind ;-) ) Here's how I do it.
Disconnect the cable from the LNB and digibox !! I set my multimeter to it's
"continuity" setting then test it beeps by touching the probes together.
Next I test that it's "sensitive" (?) enough by touching the probes to
either end of a single strand of copper braid (some of the stuff that
invariably comes off when fitting the F plugs. Next, carefully touch one
probe to the centre conductor and the other to the outer case of the F plug,
there should be _no_ continuity observed i.e. no beep. re-check the meter by
removing the probes and touching them together (as per the first test) the
meter should beep again. Check each length of cable individually, then check
two lengths together, then the whole run.

Incidentally, how did you check for continuity in the first place, and are
you sure you didn't just prove you've got a short ?

Finally, I don't think a regular aerial booster will be much use.


Tim H.
(no satellite expert, just what I've picked up as I go along)

-----Original Message-----
From: bquinn123456

I used CT100 that's good enough right?

Would a standard aerial amp be of any use to boost the

--- In ukha_d@y..., "Dave Marley" <dave@d...> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "bquinn123456" <bquinn@i...>
> > Dave,
> > Is there anyway I could boost the signal? in case the cable
> > run is too long?
> Yes, I think you can get amplifiers, but I don't know much about
> Having read your original message again, I notice that you aren't
> getting a signal in your wiring closet. What sort of cable is used
>from > attic to the wiring closet? It may be worth getting some good
> satellite cable and wiring straight from your dish to your wiring
> (and ideally down to the sitting room with no connectors if that's
> possible), or at least replacing the attic -> wiring closet cable
unless you
> know that it's good quality.
> Dave


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