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Re: Sky Digital wiring woes

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: Sky Digital wiring woes
  • From: "bquinn123456" <bquinn@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 11:40:47 -0000
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Thanks Tim,
I'd say the max cable run is 40M.

I done the continuity test's using a coax testing kit. (one box
connects to one end of the cable and sends a pulse down the cable.
Then a second unit checks to see if there is a pulse). that test was

Thanks for your explanation of shorts testing... saves me looking in
the wardrobe!!

Brian Q

--- In ukha_d@y..., "Hawes,Timothy Edward (GEG)" <haweste@a...> wrote:
> Brian,
> Sounds like you've got a fault in your 'wiring' somewhere. CT100
should a
> good enough spec. How long is each cable length ? How are you
joining the
> lengths of cable together ?
> Re: testing for shorts (no...the other kind ;-) ) Here's how I do
> Disconnect the cable from the LNB and digibox !! I set my
multimeter to it's
> "continuity" setting then test it beeps by touching the probes
> Next I test that it's "sensitive" (?) enough by touching the probes
> either end of a single strand of copper braid (some of the stuff
> invariably comes off when fitting the F plugs. Next, carefully
touch one
> probe to the centre conductor and the other to the outer case of
the F plug,
> there should be _no_ continuity observed i.e. no beep. re-check the
meter by
> removing the probes and touching them together (as per the first
test) the
> meter should beep again. Check each length of cable individually,
then check
> two lengths together, then the whole run.
> Incidentally, how did you check for continuity in the first place,
and are
> you sure you didn't just prove you've got a short ?
> Finally, I don't think a regular aerial booster will be much use.
> HTH,
> Tim H.
> (no satellite expert, just what I've picked up as I go along)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: bquinn123456
> I used CT100 that's good enough right?
> Would a standard aerial amp be of any use to boost the
> signal?
> --- In ukha_d@y..., "Dave Marley" <dave@d...> wrote:
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "bquinn123456" <bquinn@i...>
> > > Dave,
> > > Is there anyway I could boost the signal? in case the cable
> > > run is too long?
> >
> > Yes, I think you can get amplifiers, but I don't know much about
> them.
> >
> > Having read your original message again, I notice that you aren't
> even
> > getting a signal in your wiring closet. What sort of cable is
> from the
> > attic to the wiring closet? It may be worth getting some good
> quality
> > satellite cable and wiring straight from your dish to your wiring
> closet
> > (and ideally down to the sitting room with no connectors if that's
> > possible), or at least replacing the attic -> wiring closet cable
> unless you
> > know that it's good quality.
> >
> > Dave
> +

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