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RE: [OT] (ish) Matrox G400 problems...

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: RE: [OT] (ish) Matrox G400 problems...
  • From: Mike Griffiths <mike@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 09:26:50 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Have you tried the Matrox Forum on their website
The Staff guys answer very quickly and most faults are already covered

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Gordon [mailto:paul_gordon@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 19 June 2002 09:19
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: [ukha_d] [OT] (ish) Matrox G400 problems...


looking for some assistance with a Matrox G400 card under XP Pro...

Didn't realise I had a problem until Mark & Keith came to stay last month, -

Mark bought a selection of Divx's with him, and when I tried to play them on

my "media" machine, the movie was not showing up on the screen... (TV in the

lounge) - Win XP's media player would open, but there's just a blank where
the movie should be..

Went through numerous hoops thinking that I didn't have the right codecs
installed (The sound was OK), before discovering that it was showing
perfectly well on the other monitor connected to the other port on the card.

(the other monitor is in the cellar, and out of sight...)

It used to work fine under W2K pro, but obviously I'm now using different
drivers from the Matrox website.

The card is set in dualhead clone mode. - Interestingly, if I set it in
DVD-Max mode, The movie plays fine on the TV screen, but is locked in
full-screen mode, and I'm damned if I can find a way to get back to the XP

Anyone got any pointers before I go through a tortuous process of trial &
error? (mostly error probably!)

Cheers guys.

Paul G.

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