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RE: Anyone got a BT 2+8 pabx phone system?


> The LEDS come on when the phone powers up but go off once the self
> completes. If they stay on then the data isnt getting through.

These aren't system phones, they're normal phones with an ringer LED
that seems to be on all the time. Any ideas?

> PBX. Extn 20 is the operator (I think) and it gets all the calls.
> Others can pick the calls up when they ring.


> KEY. All phones have incoming and outgoing access to both lines.

Does this make all the phones ring when there is a incoming call?

> Recall. Earth used when parented of a larger PBX, Timed Break used for
> Star Services on exchange lines.

So it should be TB for home use?

> Ring Bridge. Used to indicate the gap in incoming ringing to stop the
> phones from ringing when an incoming call hangs up. Leave it on SHORT.
> Long is intended when parented off a manual switchboard where only
> occasional bursts of incoming ringing occur.

Ah, that explains the ringing after the call is dropped...

> Will check to see if I still have a manual somewhere.

That would be handy...

One last question, should the sockets used on the internal lines be master
or slave sockets? I read they should be masters somewhere...
If so, can I convert a slave into a master cheaply/quickly?


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