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Re: plugging an appliance module into a lamp module?

Either your spell checker failed to prompt you to replace "dim-off" with
"dumb-ass" or you're trying to get an early lock on the "dumb-ass idea of
the year" award even though it's only January.

"random735" <random735@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>I'm thinking about plugging an appliance module into a lamp module, so
>that i can effectively get a dim-on effect.
>That is, starting w/ the appliance module off, I would send an on
>signal to the lamp module, dim the lamp module to 0%, send an on signal
>to the appliance module, then brighten the lamp module to whatever
>brightness i wanted at whatever rate i wanted.
>the lamp module would be plugged into the wall, next would come the
>appliance module, and finally the lamp itself.
>What i'm wondering is
>1) will this work, or will the lamp module chop the x10 signal when
>dimming, such that the appliance module never sees it
>2) is there a risk of damaging the appliance module by sending it the
>dimmed signal (i know you shouldn't plug a lamp module into a lamp
>module, since you're putting two dimming circuits in a row, but i don't
>know if there are any issues with an appliance and a lamp)
>3) will this not work at all since the lamp module won't have a closed
>circuit when the appliance module is off (but maybe the appliance
>module current sensing will provide enough of a complete circuit)
>obviously for #1 i can just try it and see, but first i'd like a little
>reassurance that i won't fry a module or start a fire if i leave it
>that way overnight, etc.
>i know, people are going to point me to lamp modules that have preset
>dim options and the ability to come on at zero brightness, ramp up, etc
>etc, i'm just wondering if this is something i can do with what i've

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