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Re: 1-wire to USB converter that can use 1820s directly

Byron Hynes <bph@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote

> I think you have two choices:

>  1. Purchase an engineered set of matching products, such as those in the
> links below; or
>  2. Build your own.

Or 3. Find a USB/1-wire adapter that does what is necessary
to allow the 1820s to just be plugged into the 1-Wire bare.

Cant see why that should be any problem design wise.

> In order to do #2, you will need to understand more about the 1-wire
> protocol and wiring options than you seem to do at present. Have you read
> all of the appnotes and forum posts at the Dallas/Maxim site?

Yep, and decided that its perfectly possible to have a device
that will allow a string of 1820s to be plugged into it.

I was hoping someone chose to do that with their USB/1-wire converter.

> I have four temperature sensors (DS18s20) currently logging using
> this: http://www.electronickits.com/kit/complete/meas/ck110.htm

I think it makes more sense to use the 1-Wire
system the way it was meant to be used.

>> The problem is that
>> http://www.hobby-boards.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=108
>> implys that you cant just add a swag of 1820s in parallel to
>> http://www.hobby-boards.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=1503

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