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Re: Please recommend a non-monitored system

On Friday, January 23, 2015 at 11:28:46 PM UTC-5, tourman wrote:
> On Friday, January 23, 2015 at 9:39:07 PM UTC-5, Jim wrote:
> > On Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 10:15:37 AM UTC-5, tourman wrote:
> > >=20
> > > Whoa..backup...calm down...take a deep breath.=20
> > >=20
> > > Although I will be leaving on my terms, just for the record, lets set=
 the facts straight. We do ALL the high tech things you have said you also =
do. Without the ability to keep with up with new solutions, you simply fall=
 behind. We even consult at $100 an hour with other alarm companies in over=
 their heads or those who lazily take the alarm.com avenue and find they ar=
e still in over their heads. Frankly, I am getting tired of using our exper=
tise in bailing out companies unwilling or unable to learn the new technolo=
gy necessary to continue to operate. Unfortunately, my son truly enjoys hel=
ping people - even those who compete with us.
> > >=20
> > > During the last four years, our customer base has DOUBLED with 80% of=
 our business calling for high tech solutions. The average price of an alar=
m now is double or more what it was before, and the days of simple alarm in=
stalls are gone. Our problem is keeping up with growth and having the train=
ed staff to do what is needed to run a corporation. We are fully booked at =
least a month in advance for any sophisticated system, and people still wai=
t. My son and his field people do the work and being 70 plus, I was suppose=
d to take a back seat, but find myself in full time duties doing office man=
agement and front end assistance. We have also taken a front seat in workin=
g with a few third party vendors in assistance and guidance in bringing for=
th products designed for third party applications specifically for the secu=
rity industry. Security now covers, electronic, physical and environmental =
services  =20
> > >=20
> > > Our client base are highly educated, highly paid people in profession=
s or those who work for government. They are smart enough to know that a lo=
ng term contract is not in their best interest, so gravitate to us quickly.=
 But they also demand top quality high tech installations and good, persona=
l service. Other companies routinely complain about our low prices and mont=
h to month contracts, but interestingly enough, have quickly gone that rout=
e. My approach to them is do whatever is good for your business, but don't =
complain when clients don't like your restrictions. Outside of that, I real=
ly could care less... =20
> > >=20
> > > After 25 years in business, there are many things about this business=
 that I despise and just as many that I love, same as you. Unnecessary long=
 term contracts are one, alarm companies that lock their boards as a matter=
 of course with no regard to the ownership of the board, and most of all, c=
ompanies like ADT that systematically rape and pillage other companies for =
their own bottom line gain. They should be industry leaders but instead cho=
ose to only look at their bottom line. Sure, I know that is capitalism at i=
ts worst, but the history of their shoddy work is rampant here and now they=
 are about to destroy a fine company up here called Protectron, likely putt=
ing 1000's out of work and dragging their monitoring services down to ADT l=
evels. Their "takeovers" are simply the easiest money we can make since mos=
t are simply "cash grabs" and anything but high tech...
> > >=20
> > > So you'll have to excuse my feelings towards them. I don't "hate" the=
m; I refuse to allow hatred in any form to soil my being. I'm not sure what=
 word applies, but hate is not one of them. I do love this industry just as=
 you do, but feel I have to speak out when I see things that are not in a c=
ustomer's best interest or the interest of the industry as a whole. And whe=
ther you agree with them or not !=20
> > >=20
> > > As always, you and I will have to agree to disagree, but as Bob Lalon=
de has politely suggested, I'll try to bite my tongue on the subjects that =
tip your wagon over. And since I rarely visit this site any more, you'll li=
kely have little reason to spue your brand of invective again. Take all of =
the above any way you please..=20
> > >=20
> > > Some things like this group have lived past their usefulness I guess.=
> >=20
> > WELL!!! All I can say then .... is congratulation. My observations were=
 based on your method of operation a couple of years ago when your sole goa=
l motivation and operation was taking over ADT accounts. Apparently your so=
n has dragged you into the 21st century.=20
> >=20
> > However, I too have the same relationship with my clients AND....... ad=
ditionally I've got the reinforcement of long term contracts that will fill=
 my pockets should/if I ever get to the point that I want/have to retire. .=
....and so do you .... but to a much lesser degree.  So then .... who's bet=
ter off ???=20
> >=20
> > I'd guess that my heirs will be rewarded greater than your heirs.
 Frankly, with the advances in home automation and especially video monitor=
ing, I'm not sure of the long term viability of monitoring as we know it. P=
ersonally, I hope it continues long term but when large corporations like A=
DT publicly muse that they are worried about how to continue to convince cl=
ients that professional monitoring is still required, it certainly is somet=
hing to consider. We all know from real experience how valuable it is, but =
I am told by many people they don't see a need for it much longer given the=
 technological advances coming.=20

Increasingly, we are adding additional monthly fees for home automation sup=
port because we've found that most clients love the service but have no ide=
a how to keep things working properly (especially if they refuse to replace=
 cheapo modems and routers with better quality equipment that doesn't go do=
wn on them...). These moneys we charge include the warranty and a lot of un=
necessary hand holding and other real service on top of the monitoring reve=
nues. So that part of the revenue stream is probably safe long term. We've =
also struck agreements with private internet providers and voip suppliers t=
o resell and supply and bundle a far superior product for the client into o=
ne monthly rate, and that too is a bit of an insulator.

I sure hope ADT is wrong but they are smart enough to guage the future. We'=
re going to continue to attract much more business with no month to month t=
erm commitments, and take the money now, and not worry about that sort of t=
hing in the far future. You being an old fart like me had better hope you a=
re right because your time is coming sooner rather than later. My son is no=
t at all worried about that issue since he is diversifying the company so m=
uch, while still staying within our core business model.  Nor am I, since I=
 will only be taking out dividends from the corporation from time to time u=
ntil I die. And next year, I have to start taking money out of my RSP'S and=
 that is BIG tax time for me (I think it's like your 401K service)

And in your case, what do you care, you're too damn crochety to have heirs =

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