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Re: OT: Foulball

On Sep 13, 2:04=EF=BF=BDpm, too fat for a ladder <alarminst...@xxxxxxx> wro=
> On Sep 13, 1:28 pm, mleuck <m.le...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The birthers are fucking morons as are the 9/11 conspiracy screwballs,
> however I do firmly believe we shot down the plane over PA because
> wreckage was recovered as far as 5 miles from the alleged crash site.
> Now while we're on the topic of fucking morons, and since I haven't
> figured out how to post in a thread without it attaching someone
> else's post, allow me to say you are all in that category as far as I
> am concerned. You boneheads (Republicrats and Democrans) will cast a
> ballot based on the party affiliation rather than cast a vote based on
> the merits and integrity of the candidates. Talking heads plug their
> favorite candidates and the sheep that watch those clowns follow their
> advice.

I think that about sums up my thoughts at this point also.

When the primaries were running, and after awhile I got the gist of
what each of the final candidates stood for.... I just sort of threw
up my hands and thought .......... After all my years caring, voting,
debating, working and doing my best to provide for me and mine..... on
my own! ......... Is this the best that this great country can come up
with as people they believe can lead this nation forward?   I haven't
listened to one speech, read a newspaper ( haven't for about 10 years,
anyway) listened to a talk show or a newcast related to politics,
since. It's over for me.

I figure, at my age, there's not much that any politician can do to
this country that will greatly impact me. And there's not anything
that I can do, or not do, that will impact the environment or the
politics of this nation in any way that will change anything. Right
now, I dont give a shit if the globe warms or freezes, if I use too
much electricity, water, plastic, paper towels, fuel or whatever the
fuck else someone feels they have the right to tell me what to do or
not to do. I don't give a good goddamn if some asshole politician
pulls the switch tomorrow. That, at least, would be better than
watching the slow fucking death they're giving this country.

I've tried to figure out why there aren't any good leaders stepping up
to take this nation forward and I speculate that maybe ...... just
maybe ..... it's because all the people of integrity wouldn't
associate themselves with the corruption and corruptable assholes that
the masses of deluded self interest sheep have voted in. At least, I'm
going to hope that's the reason. These so called "representatives" in
Washington now, who were voted in by the lazy fucks who aren't willing
to work to achieve. These people want and actually believe that the
government should provide everything to them and to all the lazy fucks
who wont or don't provide for themselves, from birth to death, at the
expense of the people who produce. How can bringing everything down to
the least common denomiator be good for anyone? Where's the incentive
to do well, to achieve, to excel .... if you get it all "free"? What
incentive will there ever be for the people who have the talent and
intelligence to create things? Why should anyone try to be better than
they are ..... if you can get everything for "free"? Or, if they take
your achievments from you to supply the unachievers, why bother to try
to rise up from your present position?

As you say Tom, read the fucking Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
We have the right to the "pursuit" of happyness.  Not "to" be happy.
Not to have everything taken care of for us. That's the key word,
pursuit. If you pursue it you can achieve it. If you don't .... you
can't have it. Simple as that. Survival of the fittest. If it's given
to you ........ it has no value at all. You don't have any reason to
transend. to try to achieve it.  No one has any reason to excel. We're
trying to ignore the basic laws of survival. These laws pertain to
individuals as well as nations. Man is the only animal that preserves
it's defects. It is said that ....that's what makes us greater then
the wild animals. I think that's an excuse to make it seem like we're
different. We're not ..... but we have to keep up the deception and
we've totally decieved ourselves into thinking that basic laws of
survival don't apply to us. We can change the environment ..... we can
do anything!

 A nation of sheep. ....... Truly ..... a nation of sheep. Watch them.
There they go, running though life bleating.... Feed me Feed me. Take
care of me, take care of me. I just want to run throught life, eating
sleeping shitting and fucking while all the people who actually
produce job's, money, ideas ..... take care of me.

How long will it be before those who aspire to provide for themselves
and others too, finally say ...... that's enough?
That's when the end of this great country will be right around the
corner. It's coming closer and closer. And why shouldn't it? What's
the point of working hard if they're going to take it away from you to
give it to those who don't work for it? I belive it will happen, but
fortunately, I do believe that it won't happen soon enough for me to
witness it.

As I say, I intend to live out my days without any more remorse for
this country or a single care about what the politicians and the birth
to death believers do to it.

I'm done with it.

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