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13 Tips When Writing Classified Ads

When writing some attractive compelling ad you first need to think.
What service or product am I promoting? What type of people do you
think need your service or product? Do you have any solution for them?
Start visualizing the market place. Then when you find out what kind
of people need your service or product.
Visualize just an individual person from that group and imagine you
talking to him/her and you only have 2 seconds to attract him/her
What possibly can you say to that person?

Use an attention-arresting headline.
Open with an Eye Popping, Attention Headline.
You have a split second to attract attention.
Always leave them wanting more.
Make your offer so attractive that your prospect can't resist.
Arouse curiosity and wonder in the mind of the prospect.
Talk about what your prospects want to hear.
Every word must be important in your ad.
Ask for order
Include necessary contact info.
Try to offer them something free in return.
Make it easy for them to respond.
Stimulate Action NOW!

Explanation, what is prospects? It's an likely customer.
You see in every ad you make PPC, Classified or article writing
headline is the most important thing you need to focus on. The
headline is the only tool for you to grab the reader.
A great tip for headline.
Let's say I'm promoting weight loss e-book: Lose Weight Today. Or You
Can Lose Weight Eating Chocolate. Or Weight Loss For Over 40 !
If you add over 40 to the headline then you are targeting a group over
40 that want to lose weight. And there is an e-book about eating
chocolate and lose weight. Imagine if you had the exact e-book and you
promote the e-book with that headline.
You Can Lose Weight Eating Chocolate people think, can I really eat
chocolate and lose weight? No way and they have to check it out.
Lose weight today is good but not perfect. Because so many people use
this kind of headline so it's not so compelling any more. In stead you
could say something that might touch someone's emotion, like
Still Getting Fat? Or Can't You Stop Eating??
And remember always CAP the first letter in the words in your
headline. Now let's review the biggest mistakes.
What not to do !

Try to close the sale/deal in the ad itself. (Don't sound desperate)
You are not providing a strong compelling offer.
Pushing a product instead of BENEFITS

Blueprint That Made A Six-Figure Income: http://www.bptinfo.tk/

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