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Re: OT Atlas Shrugged.

"JoeRaisin" <JoeRaisin@xxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit dans le message de groupe de
discussion : 5MRlm.148676$Qg6.137708@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> RLB wrote:
>> On Aug 27, 7:09 pm, JoeRaisin <JoeRai...@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Robert L Bass wrote:
>>>> "Bob La Londe" wrote:
>>>>>> You realize of course that the story, while interesting, is a
>>>>>> fiction?
>>>>> It?s a parable.
>>>> Just so we all understand it had nothing to do with Obama.
>>> But what do you think of the analogy?
>> I think it misrepresents what Obama is about as well as what socialism
>> is in the modern age.
> Taking Obama out of the equation (since I already acceded that his
> inclusion was a load of crap) you do not believe the scenario illustrates
> socialism.  In what ways do you believe socialism to be different from the
> example?
> I believe it shows how the fruits of everyone's labor is collected in a
> general pool and the results distributed evenly.  It further shows the
> effect this has upon the work force.
> That effect was illustrated when the Berlin wall came down.  After a while
> the business owners in Germany were loath to hire those from the former
> communist regions as their work ethic was horrendous.

Joe there is a damn big difference between socialism action and comunism..

take sweden one of the best country to live in, were company love there
employe , but this country as a large part of its systeme based on

extreme are the problem.. communism and Capitalism are both extrem in there
way and cause more trouble then they fix anything..

>>>>> ... Ever heard of grading on a curve.
>>>> Yes.  Some teachers do it when a test or assignment appears to unfairly
>>>> reward or penalize a significant portion of the class.  However, that
>>>> has nothing to do with grading everyone in the class the same,
>>>> regardless what they do.  The story is a fiction.  It doesn't happen in
>>>> real life.
>>>>> Makes for some of the worst classes I have ever taken...
>>>> I've had instructors who graded on a curve and others who did not.
>>>> When
>>>> my work was the best I got higher marks, regardless which system was
>>>> used. Students who did poor work gor poor grades either way.
>>>>> Usually by the laziest professors who teach the least amount of useful
>>>>> information.
>>>> Grading on a curve takes more effort than the standard method.
>>> The actual determination of individual grades takes a little more work
>>> but it covers up crappy (lazy) instruction.  If I'm not mistaken, that
>>> was the point being made by use of the term 'lazy'.
>> I know you believe that but grading tests on a curve is in fact more
>> complicated than straight percentages.
> I agreed with that point.  My point (and, I believe, Bob's as well) was
> that it allows lazy *instruction* to be camouflaged.
> I have known lots of very lazy folks who were not adverse to short stints
> of hard work to enable overall slothful habits.
> So the lazy comment was directed at the actual course content rather than
> the figuring of GPA's.

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