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Re: J Rojas

On Feb 28, 12:11 am, Frank Olson
<use_the_email_li...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Bob La Londe wrote:
> > Well... I can say Jim usually answers his phone.  I've had reason to call
> > him half a dozen times over the years, and I can only think of once I didn't
> > reach him right away.  I called the next day and got right through to him.
> > He also is usually on his IM and repsonds to most queries pretty quickly.
> Jim's the man!  I was kinda hopin' he'd share more of his "experiences"
> with the US Legal system...  :-) <

Just out of curiousity Frankie, will you be removing Jim from your
page of 'approved vendors' or whatever the fuck you call that list on
your site? After all Jim is apparently committing the some of the same
offenses you're forever accusing Bass of, isn't he?
Unanswered emails
Never returns phone calls
Accepts payment yet doesn't deliver products/service

Personally I don't give a kosher cat's cock one way or the other who
didn't receive what from where.
It's just ME pointing out how YOU are being a hypocrite.

And Jim Rojas:
You have some people in here blindly defending you for something
you're dead wrong on, and I'm sure more of these fucking retards will
jump on the bandwagon if they think it's the popular thing to do.
You know me and popularity aren't bosom buddies so I'm going to tell
you like it is.
Stop making excuses, send the guy his equipment already, and save
what's left of your credibility. Campbell must feel like a fool right
now for recommending you only to have you give the shaft to the
customer. He might not admit it in a public forum but I'd bet he's
regretting his involvement.
If you're that fucking busy then turn the job down, but don't grab the
cash and stiff the customer.

To the guy bitching about panels and the keypad Cleopatra:
This is what happens when you're too fucking cheap to buy new
equipment. Used panels and keypad repairs? It's like shopping for
security products at a salvage yard. You should be ashamed of
yourselves and need to immediately remove any traces of yourselves
from the gene pool.

if I can be of further assistance you can reach me at tom@xxxxxxxxxxx,
tom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, or allucan8@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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