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Re: VoIP transmission troubles

No way, do tell Master Jim......

"Jim Rojas" <jrojas@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> It's just another reason to lease the customer a GSM radio. DSC has a new
> panel coming out soon with built in GSM.
> Jim Rojas
> tourman wrote:
>> I'd like to hear from some of the regulars about their experiences
>> with alarm transmission over VoIP.
>> I have one customer who without my knowledge changed to VoIP from a
>> Bell line, and then asked me to hook up the panel using his new
>> service. I did so reluctantly, but only after he signed a legal
>> agreement limiting liability, and with the express understanding it
>> was being done experimentally. I programmed in a daily test and kept
>> watch each morning for failures to communicate. It seemed to stop
>> transmitting only very occasionally, until one day it started sending
>> "ghost" signals which resulted in a police dispatch on the wrong
>> account number. The panel was programmed in Contact ID, but it seems
>> when the signal went out on the network, it transposed a "6 " in the
>> account code for a "5". Then the comedy of errors increased when the
>> station failed to check the CID (where they would have picked up that
>> it was coming from the wrong phone number) and dispatched the police.
>> Needless to say, I had an unhappy client who couldn't understand why
>> the cops arrived...(and yes, the account number in the panel IS
>> properly programmed...).
>> Bottom line, I disconnected the customer's service until and unless
>> the client chooses to get a proper communication medium. He claims
>> there are other companies who will hook him up successfully, but I
>> suspect they just might be more interested in his business than his
>> security system. The problem is of course, they could tell him
>> anything about his alarm and he would likely agree, not ever really
>> knowing if the panel is communicating properly or not.....
>> Anyone else experiencing these kind of problems and if so, have you
>> come up with any solutions (other than the obvious one of getting
>> proper phone service). I hated to lose this client of many years, but
>> at least for the moment, I don't see any other alternative if it's
>> affecting other customers.

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