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Re: SIA, Contact ID, 4/2, 3/1
Appendix A: Reporting Codes
The following tables contain Contact ID and Automatic SIA format reporting
The first digit (in parentheses) will automatically be sent by the control.
The second two digits are programmed to indicate specific information
about the signal. For example, if zone 1 is an entry/exit point, you could
program the event code as [34]. The central station would receive the
*BURG - ENTRY/EXIT - 1 where the "1" indicates which zone went into alarm.
SIA Format - Level 2 (Hardcoded)
The SIA communication format used in this product follows the level 2
specifications of the SIA Digital Communication Standard - October
1997. This format will send the Account Code along with its data
transmission. The transmission will look similar to the following at the
N Ri01 BA 01
N = New Event
Ri01 = Partition /Area Identifier
BA = Burglary Alarm
01 = Zone 1
NOTE: A system event will use the Area Identifier Ri00.
Section # Reporting Code Code Sent When...
Contact ID
SIA Auto
Rep Codes**
[320]-[323] Zone Alarms Zone goes into alarm A/R
[324]-[327] Zone Restorals Alarm condition has been restored A/R
[328] Duress Alarm Duress code entered at keypad A/R (1) 21 HA-00
[328] Opening After Alarm System disarmed with alarm in memory A/R (4) 58
[328] Recent Closing Alarm occurs within two minutes of system arming A/R
(4) 59 CR-00
[328] Zone Expander Supervisory
Panel loses/restores supervisory transmission over the Keybus
from zone expansion modules, or keypads with zone inputs
A/R (1) 43 UA-00/UH-00
[328] Cross Zone (Police Code)
Two zones on the same partition go into alarm during any given
armed-to-armed period (incl. 24Hr zones)
A/R (1) 39 BM-00/BV-00
[328] Burglary Not Verified A/R (3) 78 BG-00
[328] Alarm Cancelled A/R (4) A6 BC-00
[329] [F] Key Alarm/Rest. Keypad fire alarm (alarm and restore rep. codes
sent together) A/R (1) 1A FA-00/FH-00
[329] [A] Key Alarm/Rest. Keypad auxiliary alarm (alarm and restore rep.
codes sent
A/R (1) AA MA-00/MH-00
[329] [P] Key Alarm/Rest. Keypad panic alarm (alarm and restore rep. codes
sent together) A/R (1) 2A PA-00/PH-00
[329] Aux Input Alarm/Rest Option#23/24: a panic button wired to PGM 2 is
code is entered
Option #04: a 2-wire smoke detector wired to PGM 2 goes into
alarm/alarm is cleared.
(1) 4A
(1) 11
[330]-[337] Zone Tamper/Restoral Zone is tampered / tamper condition
restored T/R (3) 83 TA-ZZ/TR-ZZ
[338] General System Tamper/
Enrolled module with tamper inputs has a tamper alarm/all module
tampers restored
T/R (1) 45 ES-00/EJ-00
[338] Keypad Lockout Maximum number of incorrect access codes has been
entered at
a keypad
T/R (4) 61 JA-00
[339-341] Closings System armed (user 01-34, 40-42 indicated) O/C (4) A1
[341] Partial Closing One or more zones bypassed when system armed O/C (4)
56 CG-ZZ
[341] Special Closing Closing (arming) using one of the following methods:
quick arm,
auto arm, keyswitch, function key, maintenance code, DLS software,
wireless key
O/C (4) AA CL-00
[341] Late to Close Whenever the Auto-arm prealert sounds (if the Late to
option is enabled)
O/C (4) 54 CI-00
[341] Exit Fault O/C (3) 74 EE-00
[342-344] Openings System disarmed (user 01-34, 40-42 indicated) O/C (4) A1
[344] Auto-arm Cancellation Auto-arm cancelled O/C (4) 55 CI-00
[344] Special Opening Opening (disarming) using one of the following
methods: keyswitch,
maintenance code, DLS software, wireless key
O/C (4) AA OP-00
[345]-[346] Battery Trouble/Rest. PC1616/PC1832/PC1864 battery is
low/battery restored MA/R (3) A2 YT-00/YR-00
[345]-[346] AC Line Trouble/Rest. AC power to control panel is disconnected
or interrupted/AC
power restored (Both codes follow AC Failure Comm. Delay.)
MA/R (3) A1 AT-00/AR-00
[345]-[346] Bell Circuit Trouble/Rest. Open or short circuit detected across
bell terminals/bell circuit
MA/R (3) 21 YA-99/YH-99
[345]-[346] Fire Trouble/Rest. Trouble occurs/restores on a fire zone MA/R
(3) 73 FT-99/FJ-99
PowerSeries - PC1616/PC1832/PC1864
[345]-[346] Auxiliary Power Trouble/
Aux voltage supply trouble/restoral MA/R (3) 12 YP-00/YQ-00
[345] TLM Failure Telephone line monitoring trouble MA/R (3) 51 LT-01
[346] TLM Restore Telephone line restored MA/R (3) 51 LR-01
[345]-[346] Gen System Trouble/Rest. "Service Required" trouble occurs (view
troubles using [*][2])/trouble
MA/R (3) AA YX-00/YZ-00
[345]-[346] Gen System Supervisory
Control panel loses/restores communications with module(s)
connected to the Keybus
MA/R (3) 3A ET-00/ER-00
[347] Phone# 1 or 2 FTC Restoral Control panel has restored communications
to central station on
Phone# 1 or 2 (after FTC)
MA/R (3) 54 YK-00
[347] Event Buffer is 75% Full Event buffer is almost full since last upload
MA/R (6) 22 JL-00
[347] DLS Lead In Downloading session start MA/R (4) 11 RB-00
[347] DLS Lead Out Downloading session complete MA/R (4) 12 RS-00
[347] Zone Fault/Rest. One or more zones have faults/restored MA/R (3) 80
[347] Delinquency Programmed amount of time (days or hours) for delinquency
expired without zone activity, or without system being armed
MA/R (6) 54*** CD-00
[347] Wireless Device Low Battery
Wireless zones, panic pendants, handheld keypads, wireless
keys have low battery/all low batteries restored
MA/R (3) 84 XT-00/XR-00
[347] Installer Lead In Installer's mode has been entered MA/R (6)27 LB-00
[347] Installer Lead Out Installer's mode has been exited MA/R (6)28 LS-00
[348] Walk Test End End of test T (6) A7 TE-00
[348] Walk Test Begin Beginning of test T (6) A7 TS-00
[348] Periodic Test with Trouble Periodic system test transmission with
trouble T (6) A8 RY-00
[348] Periodic Test Periodic system test transmission T (6) A2 RP-00
[348] System Test [*][6] bell/communications test T (6) A1 RX-00
[349] PC5700 Ground Fault Trouble/
Ground/Fault/Trouble occurs on the PC5700 MA/R (3) 1A US-00/UR-00
[349] PC5700 TLM Line 1 Trouble/
TLM Trouble /Restore occurs on the PC5700 MA/R (3) 51 LT-01/LR-01
[349] PC5700 TLM Line 2 Trouble/
TLM Trouble /Restore occurs on the PC5700 MA/R (3) 52 LT-02/LR-02
* A/R = alarms/restorals; T/R = tampers/restorals; O/C = openings/closings;
MA/R = miscellaneous alarms/restorals; T = test transmissions
** UU = user number (user01-42); ZZ = zone number (01-64)
*** Use the "Fail to close" event code [(4)54] to report closing or activity
delinquency. Ensure the central station is aware that this code is used.
**** Zones are identified, panic pendants, wireless keys, and handheld
keypads are not.
Section # Reporting Code Code Sent When...
Contact ID
SIA Auto
Rep Codes**
Contact ID Zone Alarm/Restoral Event Codes
(as per SIA DCS: 'Contact ID' 01-1999):
Program any of these codes for zone alarms/restorals when
using the standard (non-automatic) Contact ID reporting format.
SIA Format Automatic Zone Alarm/Restoral Codes
Medical Alarms (1)34 Entry / Exit
(1)AA Medical (1)35 Day / Night
(1)A1 Pendant Transmitter (1)36 Outdoor
(1)A2 Fail to Report In (1)37 Tamper
Fire Alarms (1)38 Near Alarm
(1)1A Fire Alarm General Alarms
(1)11 Smoke (1)4A General Alarm
(1)12 Combustion (1)43 Exp. module failure
(1)13 Water Flow (1)44 Sensor tamper
(1)14 Heat (1)45 Module Tamper
(1)15 Pull Station (1)4A Cross Zone Police Code
(1)16 Duct 24 Hour Non-Burglary
(1)17 Flame (1)5A 24 Hour non-Burg
(1)18 Near Alarm (1)51 Gas detected
Panic Alarms (1)52 Refrigeration
(1)2A Panic (1)53 Loss of Heat
(1)21 Duress (1)54 Water Leakage
(1)22 Silent (1)55 Foil Break
(1)23 Audible (1)56 Day Trouble
Burglar Alarms (1)57 Low bottled Gas level
(1)3A Burglary (1)58 High Temp
(1)31 Perimeter (1)59 Low Temp
(1)32 Interior (1)61 Loss of Air Flow
(1)33 24 Hour
Zone Definition SIA Auto Rep
Contact ID Auto
Rep Codes*
Delay 1 BA-ZZ/BH-ZZ (1) 3A
Delay 2 BA-ZZ/BH-ZZ (1) 3A
Instant BA-ZZ/BH-ZZ (1) 3A
Interior BA-ZZ/BH-ZZ (1) 3A
Interior Stay/Away BA-ZZ/BH-ZZ (1) 3A
Delay Stay/Away BA-ZZ/BH-ZZ (1) 3A
Delayed 24-Hr Fire FA-ZZ/FH-ZZ (1) 1A
Standard 24-Hr Fire FA-ZZ/FH-ZZ (1) 1A
24-Hr Supervisory US-ZZ/UR-ZZ (1) 5A
24-Hr Supervisory Buzzer UA-ZZ/UH-ZZ (1) 5A
24-Hr Burg BA-ZZ/BH-ZZ (1) 3A
24-Hr Holdup HA-ZZ/HH-ZZ (1) 22
24-Hr Gas GA-ZZ/GH-ZZ (1) 51
24-Hr Heat KA-ZZ/KH-ZZ (1) 58
24-Hr Medical MA-ZZ/MH-ZZ (1) AA
24-Hr Panic PA-ZZ/PH-ZZ (1) 2A
24-Hr Emergency (non-medical) QA-ZZ/QH-ZZ (1) A1
24-Hr Sprinkler SA-ZZ/SH-ZZ (1) 13
24-Hr Water WA-ZZ/WH-ZZ (1) 54
24-Hr Freeze ZA-ZZ/ZH-ZZ (1) 59
24-Hr Latching UA-ZZ/UH-ZZ (1) 4A
Interior Delay BA-ZZ/BH-ZZ (1) 3A
Auto Verified Fire FA-ZZ/FH-ZZ (1) 1A
24-Hr Fire Supervisory FS-ZZ/FV-ZZ (2) AA
Day Zone BA-ZZ/BH-ZZ (1) 3A
Instant Stay/Away BA-ZZ/BH-ZZ (1) 3A
24-Hr Bell/Buzzer UA-ZZ/UH-ZZ (1) 5A
Night Zone BA-ZZ/BH-ZZ (1) 3A
Delayed 24-Hr Fire (Wireless) FA-ZZ/FH-ZZ (1) 1A
Standard 24-Hr Fire (Wireless) FA-ZZ/FH-ZZ (1) 1A
* ZZ = zones 01-64
"JohnO" <johno@@&%heathkit##.com> wrote in message
> Hey guys, it's been about three years since I was here pestering you for
> basic info about alarm systems, and our training course needs an update,
> I'm back again. (Good to see you all still picking on each other.... ;-) )
> The course I'm working on is based on CompTIA's new DHTI+ certification.
> of the certification domains covers security and surveillance systems, and
> one of the sub-domains reads:
> Monitoring Formats
> -SIA and Contact ID
> -4/2 and 3/2
> I've done a basic google search of this group, and the web, and I haven't
> found quite what I need. Or let's put it this way...I have an idea what
> these terms mean, but can't find info that helps me understand them well
> enough to explain it to someone else. Does someone know of a site or
> somewhere that describes these monitor data formats in basic terms? Your
> discussions here in the NG tend towards the pro/con at a professional tech
> discussion level, naturally, and I can't follow along with some of that.
> Thanks!
> -John O
> Heathkit Ed Systems
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