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Re: Numerexsolutions;GE-NX8E; GSM Digital Cellular

works good with surguard

<chasbo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> Additional info:
> In my experiments I am using two Ozzies, several different phone
> numbers, two digital cellular units, two analog units, two NX8E
> panels, two different account numbers.  No matter what configuration
> mix I use, the results are similarand in most cases identical.  Even
> signals sent to NumerexSolutioins receiver were corrupted!
> I only have eight analog units in the field, and I suspect that none
> of them may be working correctly.  Don't know if my problem is recent
> or has always existed.  I may have been fooled into believing that if
> the signal reached the GE/Numerex website, I was good to go.  However,
> when bench testing the analog units I always had the website on the
> screen in front of me, and my test Ozzie sits to the left of the
> screen.  I find it quite difficult to believe that when I first bench
> tested the analog units prior to installing them that I would not have
> realized that the signals were not reaching the Ozzie.  I'm too much
> of a detail person for that to escape my attention.  So in retrospect
> I believe that the analog units were working as they should, and the
> Ozzies were getting the signals correctly.  So what has changed?
> On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 23:43:40 -0500, chasbo@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>Problem:  Signals (SIA format) from NX8E, via new GE-591E-GSM Digital
>>Cellular Modules (as well as older analog units), to two different
>>QuickAlert II's, each in separate locations, are not being
>>displayed/recorded properly.
>>For the past two weeks I have been testing the old analog 591E modules
>>and have discovered that when the cellular signals are received by
>>NumerexSolutions, the event codes and associated data are displayed
>>correctly on the GE/Numerex website, but when the same data is
>>re-transmitted by Numerex to my CO via long distance (using my 888
>>number), the data is not accepted by the Ozzie, causing Numerex to
>>retransmit several times, all failures.
>>When I change the 888 number to my local number in area code 781, the
>>data from Numerex is correctly displayed/printed.
>>After much testing of the analog 591E, even bringing my "Test"
>>QuickAlert II (which I use to bench test all panels/configurations
>>before installing) to the CO and temporarilly connecting to the 888
>>numbers, I have come to the conclusion that the SIA data burst sent to
>>the CO receiver(when dialing the 888 number) is either too fast, or
>>corrupted by Numerex's re-transmitting equipment, or bad long distance
>>phone lines, or the long distance phone companies specs don't allow
>>for these very fast bursts of data (which SIA uses).
>>Bear in mind that when the signals are sent over land lines (not
>>cellular) the signals are correctly received!  The problem only exists
>>via cellular, and GE has contracted with NumerexSolutions to handle
>>the cellular signals from users of the NX591E units.
>>Though I have spent many hours with GE tech support people and the
>>Numerex support techs, they have failed to resolve the problem.
>>I told all the tech people as well as my local GE rep that I would
>>write a detailed report of my problem, the avenues I took to resolve
>>it, and my conclusions as to where the problem DOES NOT lie, as well
>>as where I think the problem really is and who is ultimately
>>responsible for resolving it.
>>I have not yet written the report.  I decided to try one more
>>experiment:  Since the analog units are being phased out in early
>>2008, I decided that now is the time to order a few of the new Digital
>>GSM units from GE and bench test them before swapping them with the
>>older analog units.  Maybe the new units will act correctly when
>>talking with the Ozzies.
>>Guess again!  Similar problems via cellular; transmissions via land
>>lines still perfectly fine.
>>Regardless of which of two Ozzies I send signals to via
>>NumerexSolutions, and regardless of which phone number is dialed
>>(local or 888) the data is either not accepted by the receivers or
>>"uncatologued" is preinted.
>>Here is what I would like to do:  I need one of you who owns one of
>>the new OH2000E's to permit me to send in a few signals to see if the
>>signals are received correctly or if they come through corrupted.
>>With this information I may have a better understanding of the
>>problem.  It could very well be the older QuickAlerts, but I find it
>>difficult to believe the receivers are at fault, simply because I get
>>hundreds of valid SIA signals via land line every day.
>>Best way to reach me is via email: chasbo@xxxxxxxxx
>>Many thanks.

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