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Re: Bass for President?

Robert L Bass wrote:
>> Well the bridges situation is a state issue...
> Apparently Leuck is unaware that funding of the US interstate highway
> system is also federal.  In fact, the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956
> required that the federal government pay 90% of the cost of the
> interstate highway system.
>> people losing their homes is a sub-prime issue caused by greed...
> It's also both an indicator and a causative factor in the downward
> spiral of the economy since the Shrub took office.

just because you're business is a failure and you had to hock your dads
house doesn't mean the rest of us are in financial trouble.  the economy
is great for me. :)  if u and your fellow numbnut dumocrats hadn't
demanded money for people to buy house with that couldn't afford them
there wouldn't be a subprime problem.  be careful what you ask for numby.

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