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Re: Yea! Another one read the contract!

"Nathan W. Collier" <no@xxxxxxx> wrote in message
> "Frank Olson" <use_the_email_links@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in
> message news:sG0_i.202976$Da.11120@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>> "mr. bass" fell asleep at the wheel.  Someone that gets behind the
>> wheel of an automobile when he *knows* he's tired is criminally
>> negligent. "mr. bass" also threatened another person with a gun
>> (was convicted of that crime and sentenced to five years
>> probation).  The latter crime was committed in Florida the very
>> same year he set up a security company in Connecticut.  He did
>> this without the proper licensing too.  "mr. bass" has flouted
>> social mores, local laws and ordinances for most of his life. He
>> recently had to stop selling monitoring contracts because he
>> lacked the proper licensing in Florida.
> thank you for the information.  im still trying to "learn" everyone
> in here before i formally introduce myself to the group.


To understand what goes on in this newsgroup you need first to
understand a little about Olson and a couple of others here.  Olson
lies constantly.  He has gone real world against me and my online
business repeatedly so I decided to find out if there was anything
more than bluster behind his statements here.

He has made a fictitious persona of himself, claiming all kinds of
experience which he does not have.  He also tells ludicrous tall
stories.  For example, he once claimed that he had snap-rolled (an
extreme aerobatic maneuver which is prohibited, not to mention
physically impossible in a large airliner) a Boeing 737 airliner
which, according to Olson was lent to him by Boeing Aircraft so he
could test his per theory about a famous Canadian air crash.  I
checked.  He never held a pilot's license in the US or Canada.

Olson also claims he installs all kinds of advanced security, access
control and fire alarm systems in and around Burnaby, BC.  I checked
that, too.  None of the local supply shops ever heard of him.  No
inspectors in any of the towns near there had ever heard of him.
There's no record of a license in his name.

Olson built a website which pretends to "represent" this newsgroup.
On it he placed the logos of various manufacturers and industry
associations.  Above those logos he "thanks" all of those
organizations for their assistance in creating the website.  I
checked that out, too.  No one in marketing, public relations, etc.,
from any of the companies knew anything about Olson's website.

The site includes a page which quotes a *proposed* FAQ for this
newsgroup.  The FAQ was the idea of the gentleman who originally
posted the requests to create the newsgroup (a minor task which
required less than an hour's time).  Olson never met the gentleman (I
have) and had nothing to do with creating, maintaining or otherwise
supporting the newsgroup or the proposed FAQ.  FWIW< the FAQ never
became official since no one could agree on its terms and none of the
people who post here, including me and *especially* including Olson
has ever given it more than lip service.

There's a long-term war in this newsgroup which began when I came
along about eight or nine years ago and began posting answers to
DIYers' questions along with links to my website.  Several other
long-term participants (the word, "members" is not appropriate since
there is no membership per se) here tried to stop me from posting.
When they realized they could not get the ISP's that actually own the
news servers to cooperate they tried flame wars (posting the kind of
personal attacks Olson just did), bogus complaints to the local BBB,
the states of FL and CT and calls to my distributors and
manufacturers.  Olson called ADI, DSC and several others trying to
interfere with my business.  He also filed a bogus complaint with the
state electrical contractor licensing board.  All of those efforts
failed since there was never a shred of evidence to support their

Now Olson, Jiminex (a nickname I gave to one exceptionally vulgar
participant whose verbal filth I assume you've already noticed) and
several others simply post flames in response to anything I say.
Several of them, when they learned I'm fighting cancer, actually
rejoiced publicly.  These are not normal people.  You can believe
what they say or not.  It will not change anything.  However, if you
dare to speak up for any semblance of human decency you'll get
slammed mercilessly, called every name in the book as has been done
to anyone and everyone who refused to join their effort.

They're basically sick, cowardly people who hide behind the perceived
anonymity of Usenet much as cowards driving big SUV's behave
boorishly on the road.  They would never dare to act this way in
person.  That's why they find Usenet so rewarding.  It gives them a
place to act tough without fear of being popped in the nose.  As
such, Usenet affords an attractive, safe haven for people like Olson.
They tend to hang around for years because here they can pretend
they're part of the "in crowd" (in this case, alarm installers).

For my part, I'm not in the least ambiguous about my motives for
being here.  I answer DIYer and newbie techs' questions because it
makes people interested in my online alarm system store.  That very
fact infuriates these guys and since I have no intention of stopping
and neither do they, the war rages on.  C'est la vie, no?  :^)


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

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