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Re: Drilling for conduit

"Robert Green" <ROBERT_GREEN1963@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> "Bill Stock" <me7@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> I've used a microcam and white LED taped together to look into holes where
> I've encountered unexpected obstructions (a broken off hammer head!), but
> a
> helper, a teeny flashlight (I use a $12 fiber optic attachment that
> MagLite
> sells for its AA flashlight) and some inspection holes along the
> *intended*
> path of the bit works well.

I like the inspection cam idea, where did you buy and what model? I put a
day/night cam on a model car once to inspect the larger hot air ducts. :-)
Yeah, I'm sure there is something else in the way between the top plate and
the sole plate, based on my previous drilling adventures.

> You might be able to detect the drill shaft with a studfinder as well, but
> I've never tried it because I never had a studfinder that would be as good
> as a small viewing hole.  If you're drilling big holes, you're going to do
> patching work on the walls anyway . . . At least that was my opinion.  I
> was
> drilling 2 3/8" holes in oak flooring for central vacuuming outlets.

After taking the wall apart for the third time, I built a permant hatch with
J Channel and drywall. It doesn't look TOO bad all painted up. So access is
not an issue. There's a similar hatch inside the kitchen cupboards on the
main floor.

> What I would really like is one of the X-ray rigs they use to scan trucks
> at
> border for illegal immigrants.  No doubt about where the drill's going if
> you can see it through the wall.


> --
> Bobby G.

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