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Re: Powermax software

Roland wrote:
> I am glad the legal types at DSC have something to do to entertain them.

The first time Bass did this was several years ago (before he had the
"search-me" store).  He provided DSC's software as a free download from
his website, BassHome.  When I contacted DSC to apprise them of the
situation, it took exactly 23 minutes for the software to disappear.
The second time Bass did this was only very recently.  The software was
available as a download from all three of his websites after I posted
the links to the specific pages.  Every one had a unique base address
(BassHome, BassBurger, and SecurityAlarmSystems).  The links are still
there though along with the downloading instructions.  The files have
been removed.  It's exactly like catching someone with their hands in
the cookie jar...  (or holding a "smoking gun")...  AFAIK, that's Bass
standing on the "Grassy Knoll" with the umbrella...  :-)

> I
> wish they'd spend the money instead on getting more bugs out of their
> product line. Aren't there at least 32000 reasons now out there for you to
> try and agree with me on that?

Yep.  But the smoke recall is going very well (from what I hear).  Not
only are they providing a free replacement, they'll also credit you with
$25.00 per detector (that you have to switch).

> I guess if you've never been bitten by faulty
> DSC gear it easier to see it from their point of view.

I've been "bitten" many times.  Ask me about the DSC PC-3000 that used
to "self arm"... in partitions that weren't even programmed...  That got
me off DSC for about five years.  When you have to go around and change
out 114 chips, that's a major pain in the pocket-book (and one I'm not
liable to forget for a very long time).

> Having seen their
> customer support first hand I am less inclined to be so friendly, and even
> less worried about their little software distribution problems.

I've never had a problem with customer support.  There are a couple of
guys at the local Tri-ed branch that are positive treasures.

> I wish they
> would just send me the new panel they promised me last year to replace the
> recalled one.

Don't wait on DSC.  Call your distributor.

> At least Bosch gives you $75.00 when you have to swap a panel.

I've rarely had to "swap panels".  All my guys carry spare boards in
their vans so getting a bad one "out of the box" isn't a huge issue.

> It's not much money, but DSC can't even get around to sending the new panel.

I'd suggest you contact your distributor.

> I am sure Bass is really worried about DSC chasing after him.

Heh...  Sure...

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