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Re: Hayes 1200 8 & 10 Dips
This section is a list of the different types of modems that can be used
to download panels. If you have any information you would like to share
on this topic, please Click here to email us.
Dipswitch Settings
Init Strings
Cardinal 2400 External MB2400EX
BizComp Intellimodem 1200/2400
Hayes Optima 336 External
Hayes Smartmodem 2400 External #231AA
Hayes Smartmodem 2400 External #3124US
Hayes Smartmodem 1200 #07000038
3 5 8 OFF
Hayes Smartmodem 1200 with Volume Control
2 3 5 8 OFF
Hayes Smartmodem Optima 2400 Fax96 External #4007AM
Practical Peripherals PM1200SA Mini
3 5 8 ON
Dipswitch Settings
Init Strings
Hayes Smartmodem 1200 #07000038
Dipswitch Settings
Init Strings
Hayes Smartmodem 1200 #07000038
Hayes Smartmodem 1200 with Volume Control
2 3 5 8 OFF
AT&T 8700 Dialer (For AT&T 8000)
Dipswitch Settings
Init Strings
Hayes Smartmodem 1200
Hayes 1200B Internal
Hayes Smartmodem 2400 External #231AA
GCH Systems Easy Data 1200D
US Robotics Sportster 1200PC
US Robotics Sportster 2400PC
Packard Bell PB1200EM
AT&T 8300
Dipswitch Settings
Init Strings
Cardinal 2400 External MB2400EX
Hayes Smartmodem 1200 External #07000038
Practical Peripheral 2400SA v.42 bis
AT B16 S37=3
C&K Systems
Dipswitch Settings
Init Strings
Datatronics Discovery 2400C
Easy Data 1200D
Hayes 1200 Smartmodem External #07000038
1 2 6 7 9 UP
Hayes Smartmodem 1200 #6802US v1.2
1 OFF = Com 1
1 ON = Com 2
2 ON 3 OFF 4 ON
Hayes Smartmodem Optima 2400 #4007AM v1.0A
Hayes Smartmodem Optima 2400 Fax96 #4000AM v1.0C
Hayes Accura 14.4K Fax 144 5105AM v2.3
Hayes Accura 299 v.34 +Fax 5901US v7.00A
Multi-Tech Multi-Modem 224E
Samsung SM1200C1
Supra Faxmodem v.32bis 03-0091-0A S10=255
Not needed with Win 95/NT
SupraModel 2400 External 50 - 2400
0 &D3S10=255
Packard Bell PB12001
Practical Peripherals PM1200SA Mini
3 5 8 ON
Practical Peripheral 9600SA
US Robotics Sportster 1200
US Robotics Sportster 2400
US Robotics Sportster 14.4 Faxmodem 276
Dipswitch Settings
Init Strings
(Must add Listed Init Strings in program setup)
S7=255S10=255X0T (Default Setting)
Aptiva 14.4 Internal fax (Listed only for NX Series)
ATI Technologies 9600 External
Boca 14.4 Internal Fax
Boca 33.6 (Listed only for NX Series)
Compaq 14.4 Internal fax Maxfax (Listed only for NX Series)
Datarace 33.6 internal (Listed only for NX Series)
Digicom Scout 14.4 PCMCIA fax (Listed only for NX Series)
Hayes Accura 28.8 (Listed only for NX Series)
Hayes Smartmodem 300
Hayes 1200 Smartmodem #07000038
Hayes Smartmodem Optima 2400 Fax96 #4007AM
S7 =255S10=255X0T&Q0&K0
Hayes Optima 33.6 (Listed only for NX Series)
Intel 24/96 Internal Fax
Intel 24/96 PCMCIA Fax
MegaHertz 24/96 Internal Fax
MultiTech ZPX 14.4 internal (Listed only for NX Series)
Practical Peripherals PM1200SA Mini
3 5 8 ON
Practical Peripherals 14.4 External
Practical Peripherals 24/96 Fax
US Robotics Courier 14.4 Internal
US Robotics Sportster 14.4K (Listed only for NX Series)
Zoltrix 2400 Internal
Zoom 14.4 v32bis (Listed only for NX Series)
DMP (Digital Monitoring Products)
Dipswitch Settings
Init Strings
DMP Model # SCS105
DS (Detection Systems)
Dipswitch Settings
Init Strings
Banksia BBM12E
Hayes Accura 144+FAX144
(May require below added to WDSRP.INI) ModemRate=200
Hayes Smartmodem 300
Hayes Smartmodem 1200
Hayes Smartmodem 1200B Internal
Hayes Smartmodem 2400 External #231AA
Hayes Smartmodem 2400B Internal
Hayes Smartmodem Optima 144+FAX144 #5100AM
Practical Peripherals PM9600SA
Practical Peripherals PM14400 FXMT
Practical Peripherals PractiCard 144 (PCMCIA)
(May require below added to WDSRP.INI) ModemRate=200
GVC (Cardinal) 1200 (internal)
DSC (Digital Security Controls)
Cardinal 2400 External MB2400EX
DSC External MD-12 v1.0
DSC External MD-12 v1.1
EMP 1200E 1200 baud external
Hayes Smartmodem 2400 External #231AA (Maybe)
Hayes Smartmodem Optima 2400 External #4007AM
Hyundai 1200 External HMD-1202
InComm Classic 24E
Practical Peripherals PM1200SA Mini
3 5 8 ON
Practical Peripherals PM1200 Internal
Stradcom Pocket Modem
SupraModel 2400 External 50 - 2400 - 0
EDM (Electronics Design & Manufacturing)
Banksia Bit Blitzer 12E
3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 ON
S2=43 S6=2 S7=100 S8=2 B0 S9=2 S10=100 X0 M3 L3
Banksia Bit Blitzer XM124S/RFAX
S2=43 S6=2 S7=100 S8=2 B0 S9=2 S10=100 X0 M3 L3 YES YES
Banksia PCMCIA MyFast Modem V.34 - 33.6K S2=43 S6=2 S7=100 S8=2 B0
S9=2 S10=100 %C0 X0 M1
Banksia MyVoice Modem - 33.6K S2=43 S6=2 S7=100 S8=2 B0
S9=2 S10=100 X0 M1
Datacraft Multispeed V32 BIS (Dataplex) Telecom &F0 F1 S2=43 S6=2 &K0 V0
S7=150 S8=2 S10=21 M2 L2
Dataplex DPX596 S2=43 S6=2 S7=60 S8=2 F1 &E0 *E0
%F0 *F0 S9=2 S10=100 X0 M1
Dynalink V1414VQH S2=43 S6=2 S7=100 S8=2
S37=3 N0 \N0 B0 V0
S9=2 S10=100 X0 M3 L3
Dynalink V1428VQH S2=43 S6=2 S7=100 S8=2
S37=3 N0 \N0 B0 V0
S9=2 S10=100 X0 M3 L3
Hayes ACCURA S2=43 S6=2 S7=100 S8=2 V0 B15
S9=2 S10=100 X0 M3 L3 &Q0
Hayes OPTIMA S2=43 S6=2 S7=100 S8=2 V0 B15
S9=2 S10=100 X0 M3 L3 &Q0
Hayes OPTIMA 144 S2=43 S6=2 S7=100 S8=2 B15
S9=2 S10=100 X0 M3 L3
Lightspeed 5600 ASVD S2=43 S6=2 S7=100 S8=2 S9=2 S10=255 X0 M1
Maestro Executive 96M S2=43 S6=2 S7=100 S8=2 B0 %C0 V0
S9=2 S10=100 X0 M3 L3
Netcomm 1234 S2=43 S6=2 S7=100 S8=2 B0 V0
S9=2 S10=100 X0 M2 L3
Netcomm Smart Modem V32 M5 S2=43 S6=2 S7=100 S8=2 S0=0 \N0
%C0 %E0 #J0 &C0 S9=2 S10=100 X0 M1
(SW1-SW5 = Down, SW6-SW8 = Up. No info on switches was available.)
Netcomm Voice Master 288 S2=43 S6=2 S7=100 S8=2 V0 B0
%C0 &Q0 S9=2 S10=100 X0 M2 L2
Spirit Cobra 33600 B1 S2=043 S7=255 S8=2 S9=10 S10=100
+MS=0,0,300,300 \N0 X1 M3 L3
Spirit Ventura 33.6K PCMCIA S2=43 S6=2 S7=100 S8=2 B0
S9=2 S10=100 X0 M1
Spirit Viper S2=43 S6=2 S7=100 S8=2 S37=1 N0 B0
S9=2 S10=100 X0 M3 L3 %C0 %E0 V0
NOTE: Some older Spirit Viper modems may need "LOCATION 899" set to 14
Xstreama XT2814SAM S2=43 S6=2 S7=100 S8=2 S9=2 V0
S10=100 X0 M2 &Q6 %C0 S37=1 N0 F1
Zoom V.32BIS S2=43 S6=2 S7=100 S8=2 %C0 &Q6 S37=1 N0
&C1 B0 S9=2 S10=100 X0 M3 L3 V0
ZyXEL Alink 2.61 S2=43 S6=2 S7=100 S8=2 V0 &N16 &K0 &M0 &H0
&C0 *Q0 S9=2 S10=100 X0 M3 L3
Electronics Line Init Strings
coming soon!
FBII Init Strings
GVS 1200 Internal, possibly Cardinal (real Generic)
Hayes Smartmodem 1200 #07000038
Hayes Smartmodem Optima 24+Fax96 #4007AM (Requires 7702 Interface)
Practical Peripheral 14.4K v.32bis #PM14400FXSA (Requires 7702 Interface)
FireLite Init Strings
Hayes 9600/14.4 (No model specified)
US Robotics 9600/14.4 (No model specified)
Identity ID-2400 (No model specified)
Zoom 14.4 (No model specified)
ITI Init Strings
AT&T Smartlink 14.4 Internal
Avatex 1200HC External
Cardinal 2400 External MB2400EX (Select Super Modem 2400 in setup)
Hayes Accura 14.4 #5300AM
Hayes Smartmodem Optima 24+Fax96 #4007AM
Practical Peripherals PM1200SA Mini
MICC 4824
Securcomm DL110 from DC Security
Supra 2400 External 50 - 2400 - 0
Linear DVS Series Init Strings
Hayes Smartmodem Optima 24+Fax96 #4007AM
Practical Peripherals PM1200SA Mini V1EQ S11=60 S10=255 X Z
Linear CP-90 Init Strings
Hayes Smartmodem 1200 #07000038
Moose (Transport PC or RPM/2 Pro) Init Strings
Anchor 2400I Internal
Boca Bocamodem 14.4K External (For RPM/2 Pro only)
Boca Bocamodem 14.4K Internal (For RPM/2 Pro only)
Cardinal 14.4 Fax/Modem (For RPM/2 Pro only)
Hayes Accura 14400 External (For RPM/2 Pro only)
Hayes Accura 28800 External (For RPM/2 Pro only)
Hayes Smartmodem 1200 #07000038
Hayes Smartmodem 1200B Internal
Hayes Smartmodem 2400 External #231AA
Hayes Smartmodem 2400B Internal
Intel 2400B Classic Internal (For RPM/2 Pro only)
Migent 1200 Pocket Modem
Practical Peripherals PM1200SA Mini Dip Switches 3 5 8 ON
Practical Peripherals 14.4K PM144MT External/Internal
Supra Express 144 Plus External (For RPM/2 Pro only)
Tandy 1200 Internal 25-1013 or 25-1013A
US Robotics 14.4 Plus External (For RPM/2 Pro only)
Zoom Telephonics PC 1200XL
Napco Init Strings
(Requires either PCI2000/3000 Interface or Phone kept off-hook)
Blue Line 1414VQE (14.4kbps Fax Modem) External
Blue Line 1428VQE (28.8kbps V.34 Fax Modem) External
Cardinal Technologies MB2400EX External
Cardinal Technologies 14.4 Data/Fax (model 020-0470) External
Cardinal Technologies 28.8 Data/Fax External (use setup 1428VQE)
Hayes Smartmodem 1200 Model #07000038
Intel 14.4/14.4 FAX + Modem (See Figure 1 ) PCMCIA
Practical Peripherals PM1200SA Mini Dip Switches 3 5 8 ON
Supra COMcard 144 Fax Modem (See Figure 1 ) PCMCIA
SupraExpress 144 Plus (14.4kbps Fax Modem) External
SupraModem 2400 External
SupraModem 28,800 External (use setup 1428VQE)
Zoom VFX V.32bis (14.4kbps FaxModem) External
Zoom 520PCMCIA 28.8 V.32C FAxModem PCMCIA
Optex Init Strings
Hayes Smartmodem 1200 Model #07000038
Hayes Smartmodem Optima 24+Fax96 #4007AM
Paradox (ESPLoad) Init Strings
Cardinal 2400 External MB2400EX
GVC 2400 External
GVC SM96H 9600 Internal
GVC SM96HV 9600 External
GVC 14400 External
GVC 14400 Voice External
GVC PCMCIA 28.8 v5430607 FM288T
GVC 33.6 Voice/Fax
Gandalf 2400 External
Hyndai HMD-2401 External
Hayes Smartmodem 1200 External #07000038
Hayes Accura 144 + Fax 144 External #5300AM
Hayes Accura 56K External
Hayes Smartmodem Optima 24+Fax96 #4007AM
E-Tech PCMCIA (C1414AX)
MegaHertz PCMCIA 1.4 Fax/Data XJ1144
Motorola Surfer 28.8 External
Practical Peripherals PM1200SA Mini Dip Switches 3 5 8 ON
Practical Peripheral 14400 Minitower
Supra 2400 External 50 - 2400 - 0
US Robotics Sportster 14400 External
US Robotics Sportster 56K External
Xircom 28.8 Ethernet
Paradox (WinLoad) Init Strings
3Com Generic Modem
Archteck Smartlink 3334BT
Cardinal 2400 External MB2400EX
Cirrus Logic 14400 Fax Internal
Conexant Generic Modem
Duxbury K56E
GVC (Most models)
Super Modem 1200 External (by GVC)
Hayes Accura 144 + Fax 144 External #5300AM
Hayes Accura 336 v.34 + Fax 144 External
Hayes Accura 56K + Fax External
Hayes Accura 56K PNP + Fax Internal
Motorola Montana 33.6 PCMCIA
Rockwell Generic Modem
SecurCom DL110 from DC Security
SupraExpress 288i PNP Internal
Suprafax Modem Plus 2400
US Robotics (Most Models)
Radionics Init Strings
(D5370 Security Dongle required)
Cardinal 2400 External MB2400EX AT&C1&D2X0&Q0S7=255
Hayes Smartmodem 1200 External #07000038*
Hayes Smartmodem Optima 2400 or 9600 External
NEC Prospeed 2400
Okidata Okitel 1200 PC 12P
Okidata Okitel 24 PS-6
Okidata Okitel 2400 Plus PC24P
Tecmar D9351
Tecmar D9350
Vocal Stowaway 1200
Vocal Stowaway 2400
Vocal Stowaway 2400+
Rokonet Init Strings
Ampac 2400 External
Dynamode 56.6K V1456VQE External
GVC 14400 Internal
Hayes Smartmodem 1200 External #07000038
Practical Peripherals PM1200SA Mini Dip Switches 3 5 8 ON
US Robotics 56K Faxmodem External
Zoltrix FM336Fi
Scantronics Init Strings
Hayes Smartmodem 1200 External #07000038
Motorola Fastalk 1200E External
Silent Knight Init Strings
Hayes Smartmodem 1200 External #07000038
Visonic Init Strings
Hayes Accura 33.6/56K Fax ATX4S7=120S9=1S10=250S12=2S37=3N0&Q0
Hayes Smartmodem 1200 #6802US ATE0S7=120S9=1S10=254
Megahertz Telephony 3CXM566 (Maybe) ATB1E0&N1S10=250
Microcom Desk Porte 28.8S AT&Q6N0S37=1S10=255
US Robotics 28.8 Faxmodem ATB1E0&N1S10=250
US Robotics 33.6 Faxmodem ATB1E0&N1S10=250
US Robotics 56K Sportster ATB1E0&N1S10=250
Voice View 28.8 AT&Q6N0S37=1S10=255
Zoom Modem 33.6 ATB1E0S9=1S10=250N0S37=1
Modem Commands (Below most common)
L0 = Low Speaker Volume
L1 = Low Speaker Volume
L2 = Medium Speaker Volume
L3 = High Speaker Volume
M0 = Speaker always OFF
M1 = Speaker ON during Dialing, OFF after Connect
M2 = Speaker always ON
M3 = Speaker OFF during Dialing, ON during Connect
S0=0 (Disables Auto Answer)
S0=1 (Enables Auto Answer)
S11 = 50 to 100 (alters Dialing speed, lower is faster)
Modems 2400 and above speeds may require defaulting for proper operation
In Windows 95 or 98 open Hyperterminal, select anything to call
When the connect screen shows abort to a blank screen
Enter AT then press Enter (Screen may show OK)
Enter AT&F then press Enter (This defaults modem to factory)
Enter AT&W then press Enter (This writes new defaults to memory)
Exit Hyperterminal
AT&V shows all modem internal programming
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