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Re: OT: Physicians for a National Health Program

Jim wrote:
> On Dec 19, 3:56�am, Frank Olson
> <use_the_email_li...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Jim wrote:
>>> Sure, we just go though the immigration lists first and ship out
>>> anyone from any part of the world or from any country that even HINTS
>>> at supporting terroists.
>> Hmmm... �You'd have to include Canada of course.
> Frank, I'm not going to waste my time answering your tripe point by
> point but I'm thinking that it's a damn good thing that you're in
> Canada. Because if you did live in the US I'm sure you'd be one of the
> first cowards to run there at the time when your country needed
> patriotism most.

I see.  So His commandment "Thou shalt not kill" somehow doesn't apply
when it comes to a Government that orders you to.

> Fuck you and your stupid pacifist idealistic bullshit. It's exactly
> that which has let this episode in human history get where it is.

You're sadly mistaken.  All the warning signs were posted.  The
Government chose to ignore them.  They even scrambled a pair of F-16's
but sent them IN THE WRONG DIRECTION so they couldn't have intervened.

> You're fucking religious beliefs and can't we all just get along
> bullshit, is going to be the eventual downfall of democracy in this
> world.

We can't "all get along".  I'm not *that* naive.  I do know that the
"cause" is lost in Iraq.  I do know that we have to pull out.  Sooner
than later.

> I heard somewhere that someone wrote a book ..... Librialism is
> a mental desease.

And prejudice and hatred is what???

> I don't know what it's about but the title has
> enough truth to it, to have it be your autobiography.


> You're like a gooey disgusting piece of shit ......... a fucking
> coward, cowering,sniviling weakling. For chist sake man!  You can't
> even say that you'd stand up to someone if your family was in danger.

I didn't say that.  I said that I wouldn't "kill".  I know enough to
seriously maim someone.

> What a fucking disgrace to humanity you are.

I'd suggest you take a good hard look in the mirror.

> You're so much like Bass
> that with out headers it's hard to tell you apart.

I have several things he'll never be able to claim.  Integrity.
Honesty.  Christianity.  I've also never killed anyone.

> Not only that, but
> you're a hypocrite for even implying that you oppose anything that
> he's done.

Yeah...  right.

> Eheeek what a fucking shame. And all this while you're harboring this
> deception. Fuck off man. Just Fuck of and do the world a
> favor .....and die.
> Jeeeeeze I just can't imagine how much more fucking disgusting  you
> could be.    Amazing  ........... absolutely amazing!

Because I won't join you in condemning every "dot head"?  Our nation was
founded on higher principles by men with more scruples and "backbone"
than those present here today.  "All men are created equal".  They're
entitled to freedom of religion, and freedom from oppression.  Read your
constitution, for pete's sake.  Those that are responsible for 911 will
pay either in this life or the next (and hopefully both).  I have NOT
advocated we "coddle" them.  I do NOT believe that "killing" them will
accomplish anything more than feeding the hatred.  It's a vicious and
pointless exercise.  By all means "find" them and bring them to justice.
  Killing them will ensure they're remembered as "martyrs" to the cause.
  I believe one of your judges was astute enough to recognize this and
sentenced the only convicted conspirator they've managed to catch to
life in prison with no hope of parole (and to be served in solitary

You're entitled to your opinion, however.  I have never wished anyone
here ill (with but one recent exception and you know the reason why).  I
guess I'm not as "Christian" as I thought.

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