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Re: OT: Physicians for a National Health Program

On Dec 17, 8:52=C2=A0pm, Frank Olson
<use_the_email_li...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Jim wrote:
> > On Dec 17, 12:57=EF=BF=BDam, Frank Olson
> > <use_the_email_li...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >> Y'know... =EF=BF=BDI never thought I'd ever actually get to correspond =
with a
> >> real "Amurican" Redneck Asshole... =EF=BF=BDThanks for this.
> > Frank, you're showing a new side of yourself.
> > I have to say that I didn't know I was communicating with a Canadian
> > Liberal Asshole.
> > I think that whoever said it was right. You and Bass ought to settle
> > your differences, put your heads together and start a rockpile.
> I'm not a "Liberal". =C2=A0And if Nathan represents the way you think, I m=
> say I'm disappointed. =C2=A0For pete's sake Jim, this is the kind of guy t=
> would shoot the corner grocer because he "looked" Muslim to find out
> afterwards he was a Sikh or a Christian. =C2=A0Sirhan Sirhan may have had
> Arabic features (since his family hailed from Palestine that would make
> sense), but to label him a "Muslim extremist" is utterly idiotic.
> Nathan should get his "facts" straight before he posts nonsense. =C2=A0You=
> notice he still hasn't provided the source for his "quote".

Frank .... I gotta tell ya. If I had to make a decison one way or the
other, today, on the spot,  I'd pick the safest way for this country
and it wouldnt be a wishy washy what about the innocent people  way. I
really couldnt give two shits about any fucking  dot head or anyone
one who even resembles one ....  thinks.  I want every goddamned
terrorist or anyone who LOOKs like one, to jump for cover, anytime
someone knocks on their door. I want them to be looking over their
fucking shoulder everytime they go out in public. If you want to come
to this country, you fucking well better be ready to adopt it's ways
and promote nationalism and denounce ANYONE who is against it. If you
don't I don't give a fuck ........... get out and don't come back. You
want to come here and wear a fucking turbin or a jewel in the center
of your forhead or wear your pajamas out in public, or want to take
your picture for your drivers license with your face covered,  when
we're at war with people who look just like you?   I'm gonna stare you
right in the fucking eye so that you've got no other place to look and
I'm going to watch every goddamed thing you do.  And given the chance
I'd ridicule you right out of this country. You want to live here then
join the country and never the fuck mind about where you came from.The
tolerance of all of this garbage is the very thing that you're
promoting and that got us where we are. It's called diversification.
It's called multicultural. It's called tolerance of
others  ............. But really it's the weakness that the terroist
capitilized on and the fucking liberals and people who think like
you,want to let them continue capitalizing on. There are people in
this nation that want open boarders and two people of the same sex to
get married, and reduce the military to zero. Jesus fucking christ
already! If you can't see the destruction of a society begining with
just those few examples, you just may as well hand over the formula
and the funding for an atomic weapon, to the Talaban.

The Muslims stole Christianity from the Christians and modified it to
fit their culture. All other religions contain the culture of their
origins. Not satisfied with that, they set out to destroy
Christianity. They were defeated and have never forgotten it. The same
way that they lost to the Israelis and wont ever accept that. Seeing
that they could never win in a "normal war" they resort to the only
thing they have left. Terrorism. They're out to convert the world to
their religion and they wont give up until they do. The only way to
stop it is to beat them back down and this time keep them down. How do
you know which are the good ones and which are the bad ones?  YOU
DON'T. So what do you do? Let them get away with whatever they want to
do or set yourself up to be attacked from someone you SHOULD have
taken out, but didn't? That's what YOU want to do! I say, treat them
ALL the same way and don't  ... NOT suspect ANY of them. The more
pressure you put on the good ones they'll either see it your way or
the other way. But at least you'll know where you stand. Stop ALL
immigration from that area of the world. Register anyone who IS from
that part of the world and keep tabs on them.

 Look what happened in Ireland. The public finally got so fucking fed
up with the terrorist, REGARDLESS of which side they were on and
everyone was turning in everyone they know was involved,  to the
authorities. Because the authorites didn't show any quarter in who was
arrested. And the terrorists were killing anyone, and everyone
regardless of which side they were on. Living was so restricted that
no one wanted to put up with it anymore. And THAT's what's got to
happen here.

Now that we know what the Islamic Terrorist want to do we, as a
society have to be wary and stay on top of them .......... forever if
necessary. Call it what you want ......... I call it self defense and
survival of the fittest. Fight the fire of a torch with the fire of a
bomb. You do that a great enough number of times and the torch becomes
an ember that's much easier to watch and control. If you just try to
weed out the terroist and innocent people continue to die but only
from that side of the fire, it will go on forever. It's war. Innocent
people are going to die. Unfortunately not until enough of them die,
will the remanider finally take the action necessary, within their own
society to stop it.You don't negotiate with your enemy. You crush them
and destroy their culture. Otherwise you're enemy lives on after
you've won the war. Just look at history. It's written there thousands
of times and we're not going to change the human factor.

 All we need is someone who's going to make the decisons that are
needed and fuck the negotiations or who thinks it's nice or not nice
or diplomatic or not and beat them back into the fucking sand where
they came from. If they don't want to live in the 21st century then
they deserve to live where and how they want, away from the rest of
the world.

I hope that claifys any doubts you might have had.

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