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Re: OT: Physicians for a National Health Program

"Robert L Bass" <RobertLBass@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>> i know people who truly _need_ help in paying for their medical issues...
> Done anything for them?

not my burden to bare.  i have my own family to care for.

> Again, read the newspapers and watch the evening news once in a while.

stop asking me to prove your points for you.  if you have an argument,
substantiate it yourself.

>>> Once it was shown that excuse #1 (WMD's) did not exist
>> this has NOT been shown they do not exist.
> Found any?

lack of finding does NOT prove lack of existance.

>>> You have to find the enemy and either make peace with him
>> _thats_ democratic thinking.
> You snipped the part about subduing or killing him.

it was irrelevant.  that you would even suggest making peace with them is
the only part i was referencing.  it is not possible because they do not
want peace with us.  they want us dead.  while you are teaching your
children to read and write, they are training their children to kill your
children.  thank god bush recognizes this.

> I already said that.  The problem is the other options are equally
> unattainable, especially given the Bush non-strategy.

i agree bush appears to lack strategy....but im betting you would prefer his
solution to mine.

> Does that make the dead and the wounded alive and well?  Does it "un-rape"
> the innocent girl who watched GI's butcher her family before they
> gang-raped and finally shot her?

now youre just being silly.  comparing extremely rare exceptions to the
daily routine of heusseins sons isnt even realistic.  your disdain for our
troops is surfacing.

> Hmm.  Are you saying that the Native Americans have done a poor job with
> the reservations we so generaously gave to them?  [sigh]

no, but realism is just that.  the crime rates, the rate of alcoholism, the
unemployment rates, the high school drop-out rates.....theyre very sad but
the truth isnt always pretty.

> So that makes it right for us to invade a non-agressor nation, destroy its
> infrastructure, rape and murder its women and generally behave like
> right-wing, Republican "Christians"?

thats the most ignorant statement youve made yet.

> Seems to me John Kerry was a very vocal critic.

most traitors are.

> Saddam mistakenly believed that he could bluff Bush into cutting him some
> slack by pretending he was armed.

bull-poop.  he didnt allow the inspectors in because he hadnt yet hidden the
WMDs elsewhere.

> Tell that to the families of the unarmed civilians they massacred.

what families?

Nathan In Montana

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