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Re: Rhonda Lea Kirk tells the world that it's completely ethical to post private email to get back at an ex.
Rhonda Lea Kirk <rhondalea@xxxxxxxxx> Thou new gorgon. Thou peasant
swain. Ye gassed:
> "Kadaitcha Man" <nntp.news@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:sgeie.221.19.1@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Rhonda Lea Kirk <rhondalea@xxxxxxxxx> Thou undesirable noisome
>> stench. Thou bulbous high-minded strumpet. Ye disembogued:
>>> "Lionel" <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>> news:f0jjr6$s0r$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> On Mon, 23 Apr 2007 19:46:19 -0400, "Rhonda Lea Kirk"
>>>> <rhondalea@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> "Lionel" <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>>>> news:f0je1i$dgm$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>> On Mon, 23 Apr 2007 17:44:33 -0400, "Rhonda Lea Kirk"
>>>>>> <rhondalea@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>> "Crash Street Kidd" <crashstreetkidd@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:1177354779.825085.204240@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>>>>> But what makes posting ones own email unethical, Lionel? Even
>>>>>>>>>> posting another's email is only a netiquette violation, not
>>>>>>>>>> an ethical lapse.
>>>>>>>>> It's totally unethical, Rhodenta. Ask anyone on Usenet what
>>>>>>>>> they think of anyone who'd do such a disgusting thing.
>>>>>>>> Anyone?
>>>>>>>> I'm on usenet and I have no problem with posting email under
>>>>>>>> certain circumstances. In particular if someone sent me email
>>>>>>>> and then started lying about the contents of our email
>>>>>>>> exchanges I might post those emails.
>>>>>>> What Lionel fails to mention is that the email I posted was not
>>>>>>> email that someone else had written to me, but email I had
>>>>>>> written to someone else. I made a comparison between the quality
>>>>>>> of a single email written several months prior to that of a
>>>>>>> series of emails written on a single day to show that there was
>>>>>>> no change in my mindset between the two.
>>>>>>> I have never posted another person's email, although I
>>>>>>> tentatively agree with your idea, under certain extreme
>>>>>>> circumstances.
>>>>>>> Certainly, Lionel has excused the posting of email if that email
>>>>>>> happens to be unsolicted.
>>>>>> Liar. I 'excuse' posting email if it's from a spammer, a threat,
>>>>>> or from somebody you know, but who you've told never to email you
>>>>>> again, under pain of having any such email posted publicly.
>>>>> Lionel, there was no need for me to tell Rick not to email me
>>>>> again,
>>>> Yes there was, if you wanted a legitimate excuse to post private
>>>> email about him. Of course that was the last thing in the world you
>>>> wanted, because if you'd told him not to email you any more, he
>>>> wouldn't have done so, so your revenge plan would've been screwed.
>>>>> because he'd publicly said he wouldn't. He also said he wouldn't
>>>>> harangue me on usenet anymore.
>>>> Which he didn't. All the poor guy did was to ask other posters not
>>>> to flame you.
>>> Um...no, Lionel:
>>> From: "Kadaitcha Man" <nntp.news@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> Newsgroups: alt.usenet.kooks
>>> Subject: Re: <snipped address and phone number in subject line>
>>> Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2007 08:07:26 +0545
>>> Message-ID: <avad6f$677$7@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> "I will only put any more about anything between us into email where
>>> it belongs, but I will not email you unless you tell me it's ok.
>> You neglected to post the destruction of the very same argument from
>> the last time it was blown to kingdom come, psycho-stalker
>> bunny-boiler.
> I didn't notice it was destroyed.
Delusion tends to do that.
> You promised. You acknowledged the breaking of your promise in the
> email you subsequently sent.
>> Round and round you go...
> PKB.
Call it whatever you like, you mad fucking psycho, stalking bitch, but you
can not and will not be able to escape the fact that nearly every single one
of your mad, circuitous loop-the-loops around the inside of the
psycho-rat-wheel you're still trundling around in, complete with explicit
predictions about what your actions will be and when they will occur, has
been foretold in black and white writing, on usenet, and archived on google.
"We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us."
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 [129]
Hammer of Thor: February 2007. Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook,
Line & Sinker: September 2005, April 2006, January 2007.
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AOK in news:ermdlu$nli$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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