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Re: FS: Simon

Petem wrote:
> be careful here..all the best sniper from the Canadian army are French....
> I don't know why but we kind of produce al lot of those...
> they are even better then the American one,in the first year in Afghanistan
> our task force of sniper killed like 25 time more hit then the American by
> ratio...
How can that be?

You guys aren't even allowed to have guns up there anymore ..... are

I can just see the Canadian govenment going to the sharpshooters and
asking them to please register their guns. After all ..... they might
hurt someone.

Just a point of interest. The origin of the word sharpshooter comes
from about the mid 19th century. There was a long range cartridge rifle
manufactured by a company called Sharps. It took a lot of practice to
become good a using them and those that were ..... were called Sharps

Just kidding with you Pete. I truly sympathize with your plight
regarding gun control and registration up there. Hope the new party
begins to turn it around for you.

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