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Re: Press "1" for English

Everywhere Man wrote:
> Hey Jim.
> Nice to see you today Mr. No Show at the Alarm Show. I swear if you
> tell me another vacation story I'll crap in your milkbox.

Milk box?  You're too young to have ever seen a milk box.
> European immigrants didn't have huge hurdles to clear to enter the U.S.
> A stop at Ellis Island and off they went.  Imagine if we had stopped
> the flow of Europeans like we are trying to stop the flow of Mexicans
> and South Americans.

I don't want to STOP immigration. Just restrain it to acceptable and
tolerable quantities. It's the CULTURE that's being distorted because
it. You seem to think that what they are doing is ok .... IT's
And it's distorting the culture of this country. They're coming into
country with out any restrictions. Look as the
quantity of illegals in prison. Look at how schools can't teach the
because because there arent enough teachers and because the kids
can't speak English because only the legal citizens are the only ones
paying the way for all the illegal kids. Look at how the hospitals are
closing because they have to give free everything to people who
haven't and don't contributed to the tax structure. How can this be
good for them OR for us?

> European immigrants were also a huge drain on this nation's economy.

Sure they were. Doesn't that tell you something?   DON'T DO THAT?

> One need only think of the NY gangs extorting businesses as one
> example. Many European immigrants didn't speak English and didn't allow
> their kids to complete school. European immigrants were heralded for
> overcoming the same adversities that Mexican immigrants are being
> chastised for.

That's bullshit and you know it. Sure ...the Europeans came here and
worked their asses off for a couple of generations. But they did it
paying their way and contributing to our financial and cultural basis.
and came in controlled numbers. The difference now is that in our
permissive society the Mexicans and South Americans unfortunately
have the backing of the ACLU, and all the liberal swill from Hollywood.
And in addition, people like you who think more of themselves than
what the long term effects of having a great influx of people from
cultures swarming uncontrolably into this county. Read your history
Just about every great nation, just before it's fall either allowed or
control a great flood of another culture into it's boarders. A country
can't do that and expect that it's culture will survive. And without
culture what is a nation? ANOTHER NATION!

 We've got something that is unique in history in this nation. It's
amazing to me, that we've come to the point where we're letting our
belief in freedom destroy us.

> Open more immigration hubs like Ellis Island so we can track who is
> coming in.

Oh? are you talking about doing it legally now? Control the kind of
that come here? The quantity? How unique!!!!!

> I'd hate to think we might turn away a child who could one
> day grow up to be a scientist finding a cure for cancer, or some other
> miraculous discovery because his parents escaped here.

Oh gimmie a fucking break. Sure. And that same person might
be some Aye Rab, coming across the boarder with a suitcase
full of botulism to put in the NY reservoir.

> All of these so-called "patriots" have lost sight of the very
> foundation of America. They're just bitching for the sake of bitching.
> Even the fact they get paid off the books doesn't mean they don't
> contribute. The business owner paying them off the books still has to
> claim the money he pays them as his own income and that is taxable.
> When they shop in our stores they pay sales tax. They are not this
> gigantic drain on the economy these numbnut hillbillies accuse them of
> being.

Who the hell do you think is paying for their Social Security, welfare,
their medical and education?  I AM!   And I don't want to do that.
It's wrong and they don't deserve to get for free what I've worked a
lifetime for.

> They want to end the politically correct talk and shoot straight? OK
> let's do it.

Yeah lets do it. Who the hell ever said that it's alright for someone
has never contributed a damn thing to this country to come here and
take, without giving anything back .... what I've worked a lifetime to

 If it wasn't for the fucking
"politically correct" assholes who think that everyone "DESERVES" to
come to this country and not pay a price. How about that ACLU?
(Did you know that the ACLU was based on a communistic and gay
rights foundation?  How's that for a combination?)  If it wasn't for
all the
rich pricks who think they know how to run a country but can't run
own fucking lives. If it wasn't for all the chicken shit politicians
who think
more of getting the Hispanic vote than the betterment or our country,
we wouldn't even be in this position now. If it wasn't for the fucking
conservitives who didn't see this coming.

This was ignored for years and
years and now that it's gotten to the state it's in now, everyone is
crying about how we cant' turn poor people away from coming here, if
they want to. WHY THE FUCK NOT? So what are we going to do
not turn hundreds of thousands of people away simply because they
want to come here? If the want to come here so fucking bad, let them
go through what every other generation of people has gone through.
What the fuck makes THEM so different from every other ethnic
group that has come here? This is OUR fault, not theirs. but dammit
enough is enough. It's got to end or there'll not be an Amercia that
anyone will want to come to

> The same fuckwad southerners whining about Mexicans stealing their jobs
> are the same ones who bitched about how Israel and jews control
> America, blacks getting everything from the government, and asians are
> all sneaky.
> They are for the most part extremely uneducated trailer park wackjobs
> who buy David Allen Coe albums, talk about being saved by Jesus, send
> 10% of their money to bullshit preachers, spend more money on firearms
> than they do on furniture, and think the corner Aye Rab is plotting to
> bomb their town's Piggly Wiggly. Love thy neighbor only applies if the
> neighbor is a cousin. They are the first ones to preach "the Lord's
> word" asking if you believe in Jesus Christ and Believer's Baptism yet
> don't practice the religious nonsense they babble.
> You can't call them racist because they are too fucking stupid to know
> what racist means, and you can't say they are losing jobs to Mexicans
> when they had no damn job BEFORE the border jumpers arrived. Let them
> stand at the border with their guns. At least it will keep them off the
> barstools.

And I hope they kill as many of these fucking wetbacks in the process.
A few well placed land mines ought to do the trick.

When they come around to the front door of this country, knock and ask
if they can come in and contribute, instead of sucking money in
that I'VE paid for and sending their paycheck back to Mexico to support

that mismanaged bandit country .... then I'll feel different.

> -They came here for several centuries for the same reasons - freedom
> and hope -- and then a Frenchman created a statue that embodied their
> hopes and dreams. And it embodied America's promise as well.-
> "Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses longing to be
> free..."
>                   THE STATUE OF LIBERTY

I don't see anywhere on that statue where it says ....HEY, Come
and get your free pass, free medical, free education, no taxes,
continue to speak your language cus well learn to speak yours
and you can send as much money back to your poor economic country
at our expense, and you can picket and lobby for everything you want
and get it, because you deserve it ..... and we don't even have to
know what your name is. Bullshit!

> Yes they should learn English but I'm not going to alienate the wallets
> of those who don't.

You seem to think that if these people weren't here that there would
be jobs that would go unfilled. You're wrong. I mean, just think about
it. Every one says that Amercans wont work for the low wages that
the illegals work for. So what do you think .... that the cabbage
growers wouldn't get someone else to do it if the illegals weren't
here? So you think they'd simply go out of business and stop
growing cabbage?   Yeah sure.  What would YOU do? You'd go
out and get the cheapest labor you could and then you'd adjust
your price to what ever it took to keep your business growing.
And so would every other cabbage grower.And the public would
pay the price. So don't give me that shit
about these illegals supporting the economy. This is just the
way a capitalistic society works. No big fucking mystery. You
charge and pay what the market will bear. How many times have
you paid double the price for coffee or orange juice because of a labor
or weather problem?  How about gas prices? The economy will
take care of itself, without having to make up false claims
about how illegals help the economy. That's just making another
excuse for the previous excuse for making the mistake of letting
them into this country illegally in the first place.

> Our city would be a mess if we didn't have them wouldn't it?

I have to disagree with you there also. Everyplace that I've gone,
that they predomintate, they've compeletly trashed the area.
There's garbage everywhere,
trash litters the areas. They treat it just the way they lived back
where they came from. That's just the way they lived where they
were and they're used to it being that way. It's not because they're
bad people .... they just don't know any better. But they continue
to do this and the reason why?  Because they are not being
assimilated into the culture. Where ever they are, since they
don't have to learn to speak English, they're isolated in their
surroundings and can't get services or goods that they need
out side of their isolated communities.They're isolated and are
doing the very same things they did where they came from.
So how is this helping them? How is this helping the nation and
the economy?THIS is just a small sample of and example of how
a mass uncontroled influx of another culture can cause the decline
of an town, a city,  of a nation.

There's no reason to keep people of other countries and ethnicity
from coming into our country because that diversity IS our nation.
But it absolutely HAS to be controlled. Otherwise our culture and
all the things that have brought this nation to bear, will be lost in
generations to come.

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