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Re: Press "1" for English

On 28 Oct 2006 16:10:09 -0700, "Everywhere Man" <alarminstall@xxxxxxx>

>But the Mexican families that DIDN'T move after the war should suddenly
>change their lifestyle to suit ours? Let me see if I can understand
>this. If Red China conquers the U.S. we should all start speaking
>Chinese? Should all signs in english be removed from stores, airports,
>hospitals, etc in non-english speaking countries?
>When Texas was part of Mexico did the American immigrants assimilate to
>Mexican lifestyles or did they revolt? Did all Americans legally enter
>Mexico in the 1800's or did Mexico get flooded with Americans entering
>their sovereign nation, taking their land, taking their money, and
>sending it back to family in the States? Pot, kettle, black.

Oh come on Tom...  This happened 5 generations ago.  The US took the
land and that is that.  You act like Manifest Destiny is a bad thing.
It's survival of the fittest, and it's been going on for 25,000 years.
When a land is taken the people are assimilated.  Yes, after a war the
next generation of survivors are expected to assimilate.  You
mentioned the Native Americans not being the original inhabitants of
present day USA, (which I have not been able to verify), since you
claim that they came from the Aleutian Islands (which is not in Asia
BTW) why don't you speak Aleut?

>Now where unions come into play regarding today's immigration issue is
>Union employees are lazy and drive the up the cost of living with their
>charity compensation packages.
>Unions demand breaks, benefits, holidays, wages, etc. The only thing
>unions don't demand is productivity.
>Business owners here have been held hostage by unions and if the
>opportunity to circumvent unions is available then that road will
>likely be travelled. Bus drivers earning $80,000 per year is vile.
>I recall a recent thread where you discussed what you expected from an
>employer as an alarm installer. You want a 40hr work week, company
>vehicle, overtime, health, dental, life, etc.

<snip the rest of the tirade>

Tom, this is really very simple, and it's not just a union thing -
it's employer vs. employee.

When I choose to go to work for someone I am pretty much giving up any
hope of getting rich.  In exchange for my loyalty, you have to agree
to pay a comfortable wage - and provide benefits that are necessary
for everyday living.

Overtime is not a union rule, it's based on state law.  It's meant to
keep tyrants like yourself from exploiting workers.

Why shouldn't you provide a company vehicle?  I'm driving to YOUR
jobsite.  From what I understand, parking in your city at the jobsite
would cost me a half-days wage -- I guess I should pay that too?

All these things are the cost of doing business and should be included
in your markup.  These are not luxury items.  Like I told Bob, if I
wanted your headaches, I would start my own business.

>Nowhere does it say REQUIRED yet if an employer doesn't pay a Xmas
>bonus he's called cheap, lowlife, scumbag, whatever you choose to call
>Maybe that employer couldn't afford the bonus  because his employees
>didn't PRODUCE enough.

That's fine.  I never expect a bonus, when it's given I truly
appreciate it.

>We are in a country where even the youth are told that they are worth
>more than $8.00 an hour in the workplace. None of them want to work
>their way to the top. Everybody feels their kid is a genius and
>deserves to go to college.
>When you want to talk about a fucked up country take a look here first.
>Not every kid is a genius. Some kids were meant to grow up and sweep
>floors. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh but they won't sweep floors because they were
>told they are geniuses. OK so now who the hell do we get to sweep the
>floors? Who is going to wipe the old lady's ass in the nursing home?
>Who is going to pick the oranges? Who is going to clean motel rooms,
>bake pizzas, or bus tables?
>The answer from America is NOT ME OR MY KID.

Does that apply to your newborn?  Is your kid going to sweep floors if
he turns out to be a nimrod?  Nahhh... you will have told him
everything you just wrote above.   And if he DOES turn out to be a
half-wit, you'll give him a job at 24/7 in management, no less.

>Well guess what........ the floor still needs sweeping. The sheets need
>changing, and the lettuce needs picking.
>If you don't want the job for what I can afford to pay then I am
>looking elsewhere.
>So if you have a problem with Mexicans coming here taking away jobs
>then instead of bitching about it grab everyone who thinks like you and
>run your asses right down to Denny's and take that dishwashing job
>about from Raul. Then mosey on over to the Super 8 and tell Guadalupe
>you are taking her job changing sheets. And in your spare time make
>sure someone tells Francisco that his electrical skills at $20 an hour
>are no longer required because you are American and willing to work for
>$20 an hour as an electrician.
>The problem isn't trying to stop the flood of immigrants (legal or
>otherwise) it's trying to find a vehicle big enough to import their
>whole damn country here so some shit can get done because frankly I am
>sick & fucking tired of Americans whining about immigrants when that is
>what makes this country great.

Yeah.. You and I are paying for the illegal's children's  education,
healthcare, food stamps, social programs, and oh yeah-- prisons & jail
occupancy,  but that is great.   You know that 25% of your health care
premium is paying for illegal's, right?   You see a small picture,
like most republicans.  What's good for your wallet at this moment is
all that matters.

>And if you have a problem with someone who no speakies then send them
>and their wallet my way.

Send down the busses, you can have them all.

>Too bad they don't speak English or I'd hire the whole damn lot.

You can't,  they are not eligible to work here.

>The rest of this country should learn to speak French because we've
>just like the lazy frog bastards.

Seems to me you've reverted to a plantation owner.


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