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Re: Suggestion for box where alarm monitoring failovers from landline to cell phone - when landline is cut.

"Robert L Bass" <robertbass1@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
  However, according to Florida statute, if I
> actually did wish to persue a carreer as an installer, I could do so.

An installer, yes, a license holder may be another question. As Dezi would
say, "you have some splain'n to do Lucy", in front of the ECLB prior to even
getting the test application approved. With Mugford on the board that Q&A
process would be a riot. Than you would have to pass the test. How long has
it been since you were in the field?

> > And if you note this was a reply to your
> > message to G Morgan which also had
> > nothing to do with the OP's question...
> Cracker has nothing to do with anything.  He's of no significance to me,
you or anyone else.

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