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Re: Suggestion for box where alarm monitoring failovers from landline to cell phone - when landline is cut.

On Thu, 19 Oct 2006 21:31:11 -0400, "Robert L Bass"
<robertbass1@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>> Uh, huh.. Why don't you tell the gentleman
>> the rest of the story, like how he voided his
>> contract...
>No, stupid.  He doesn't "void his contract" by providing an alternate telephone path.  The contract remains inb full force and
>> and any liability the alarmco has by
>> interrupting the line between the panel
>> and RJ-31x.
>The alarm company's contract limits their liability to about $250, give or take a McDonald's Happy Meal, no matter what goes wrong
>anyway.  Besides, if you knew how these things work you'd realize that the device doesn't *interrupt* the line between the panel and
>the RJ31X.  The cellular backup unit takes over the connection only when and if the phone line is out of service.

You go from just obnoxious, to downright dangerous when you make these
kinds of posts.  You are talking about having an inexperienced
end-user interrupt the primary communication between his panel and the
outside world.  Yes, it does void his contract with the CS, and yes it
does involve more than just a "Happy Meal's" worth of liability.

To the OP (John):

Robert Bass is a convicted felon.  He can NOT obtain an alarm licence
and can not legally install anything security related.  He makes his
pathetic living deceiving unsuspecting folks like yourself.  I have
nothing to gain financially by giving you my professional opinion. Mr.
Bass is trying to sell parts.  Check out his company's BBB record and
decide for yourself if he is someone you 'ld want to deal with.



(remove the double e's to email)

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