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Re: New comcast Digital phone Be Aware

>Glad it worked out for you.  My experience with Comcast in this area has been quite different.  When my HD/DVR box acted up it took
>visits from three techs over the course of several weeks before they got it right.  When the last guy showed up to swap out the box
>he tried very hard to convince me that the box kept losing its memory due to a faulty connection to my stereo receiver.  Absurd as
>that sounds, he insisted on it.  I refused to sign the work order until he swapped out the defective box -- something that should
>have been done weeks earlier by the first moron.
>BTW, I asked the first "tech" how long he'd been working for Comcast.  He said it was his second month on the job.  Before that he
>had been working for an ADT authorized dealer in the next town.  It figures.
>Problems with their cable modem service have been handled poorly, too.  I keep a Verizon DSL line as a backup for times when the
>cable modem service goes down.

Actually it is a story in progress.  Comcast is no panacea for good
phone service.   They sold me on it a few years ago because it was
about 10 bucks cheaper per month.   I keep Verizon for my business
phone lines, but they have their good points and bad points too.

One problem for Comcast is that they are mostly a cable tv company
that has just recently become a telephone company and wants to be an
Internet broadband company as well.   They apparently don't have the
old-timer phone technicians with years-and-years of experience that
began their careers with the old Bell system.   I asked Comcast about
digital fibre phone lines for my business and they said they couldn't
handle that yet (but they want to, apparently).  In my part of the
woods, Comcast answers their customer service phones.

A recent experience with Verizon Business Services really ticked me
off.  I talked to a Verizon Sales person about getting long distance
for my  biz lines and they said sure, we have this great no-minimum
fee plan at x cents per minute.... blah... blah...blah".   I said
"Great... Sign me up".

A Verizon contract comes in the mail that has a different (higher)
rate than what was quoted and a new $9.95 (minimum) monthly fee.  I
get really ticked off and call Verizon...  Get placed in voice mail
hell and on hold for half an hour... and then... "Oh we're sorry, you
must have misunderstood...  blah...blah ..blah but we have no minimum
monthly plans, etc..."

Just like the old days of MA BELL...  Don't like our sh*tty
service...Go get yourself another phone company...  F*CK YOU!

I reported this to the local public utility commission, but they will
most likely get away with doing this to others.  I'm happy that they
at least have competition for the residential phone service and now,
for high speed Internet Service (in my area) as well.


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