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Re: New comcast Digital phone Be Aware

> You can call the Comcast phone service VOIP
> if you want, but it merely is digital phone service
> that runs with the cable tv signal in the same
> coaxial cables.  It does NOT run over the
> Internet as packets, but is merely piggybacked
> on the coax to a regular ESS phone switch.

Hmm.  I stand corrected.  Thanks for the info.  I was under the impression it was just VoIP.

> I've had this for over 3 years now and, since it
> converts to two wire pots, I've never had a
> problem with it.   There is a battery unit in my
> garage, but so far, I've not had to deal with
> replacing it.  The whole thing has been pretty
> reliable.

Glad it worked out for you.  My experience with Comcast in this area has been quite different.  When my HD/DVR box acted up it took
visits from three techs over the course of several weeks before they got it right.  When the last guy showed up to swap out the box
he tried very hard to convince me that the box kept losing its memory due to a faulty connection to my stereo receiver.  Absurd as
that sounds, he insisted on it.  I refused to sign the work order until he swapped out the defective box -- something that should
have been done weeks earlier by the first moron.

BTW, I asked the first "tech" how long he'd been working for Comcast.  He said it was his second month on the job.  Before that he
had been working for an ADT authorized dealer in the next town.  It figures.

Problems with their cable modem service have been handled poorly, too.  I keep a Verizon DSL line as a backup for times when the
cable modem service goes down.

Anyway, it's good that they're taking better care of you.  Thanks again for the correction.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

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