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Re: An Inconvenient Truth - Unlicensed Bay Alarm Company.

Bob Worthy wrote:
> >>>>> "secure15" <secure15@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> >>>>> news:_o4Zg.325$Xg6.165@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> Nice take on the subject, Bob.
> Yeah the NYBFAA wars amongst themselves as to who has to have the
> biggest piece of pie, who gives the most $, who has the most members,
> etc. They cut their noses off to spite their faces.

United we stand, divided we fall.

> when I approached Local LI Board Members about Membership- the
> Past Pres was against us- "conflict of Interest" but made out to me that
> it was a Board "no" vote.

conflict of what interest?  Personal interest?

 >A sitting Board member posited to try to
> incorporate a training program but got nary a whit of excuses of why no
> ones could make a meeting. Lets take it up next meeting attitude - never
> confront the idea! So if I'm a member in good standing who decides to
> open a training facility I'm automatically kicked out of the association?

Does the Association, any one of the many in NY, have an actual active
training program for their membership that they own the rights to? Do they
charge members and non members for taking these courses? In Florida, the
state controls the continueing education credits. They are CE credits and
not CEU credits which are different. Florida doesn't recognize CEU's. The
state also controls who teaches these courses. Not to say one cannot take
any course they want, but if the course does not have a state course #, a
state provider # and the instructor is not  approved, the student does not
get credit toward the required hours needs for either license or technician
recertification. All class attendance needs to be uploaded to the state by
the provider within 5 business days of the course to get credit. That way
the state has a 100% audit on all classes taken by any individual..

> The last few years of Board Positions has been a "trading Places" game
> between the Pres, VP, Treasurer and Secretary- you do it this year!

Unfortunately, that is common with most all associations. I liken it to
sports. You have the players on the field and fans in the stands, who either
like or dislike what the players do. And believe me, you hear the boo's more
than the cheers. Seldom do you see those fans suiting up for all the work
and dedication it takes to be a player. When someone does eventually raise
their hand, there will be those players that are tired and beat up enough to
step down. If no one steps up to the plate, because of their make up, those
tired, beat up players keep the game going.

> Hopefully, with the new slate set to be elected in Oct. (a clean house)
> we can get it to work-

Good Luck.

> One thing I can say is that the attitude of Electricians as thiefs to
> their dinner is one of the impediments to mutual understanding-Too bad
> that electricians account for over 80% of my students- seems they know
> the value of education!

Union? If so they are used to education. And besides they better stay
educated or they could die. L/V installers don't have that concern, not to
say they shouldn't have further education. If they don't, only their
business could die.

 They want to start a training program but down a
> State accredited Training School with Licensed Proprietary School
> Teachers that has the ability and the facilities to do it- as well as an
> in place accredited job placement program- no, we'll just do it amongst
> ourselves cause we know it all!

They won't be successful without some sort of mandate and/or control. The
field of dreams theory does not work in this situation. The students have to
dragged kicking and screaming to sit in a classroom and won't do it
voluntarily. What you refered to is more like a full blown accreditation
system recognized throughout the state and, if passed through and accepted
by the Dept. of Labor can be recognized nationally. To meet any type of
demand and to make it convienent and readily accessable to the masses, a
volunteer association program will not work. It must be structured.
Fortunately, we overcame that problem but the fees take care of the cost
involved. I am talking about something more manageable like the 1-4 hour
course that is easy to give and for the students to take. We have a battery
of state approved 1-2 hour courses we give at our regional meetings which
draw attendees. These are member only courses are free but they get their
hours and the meetings are packed. They have courses for both business
related topics as well as technical and they mix them up from one month to
the next. Our regular training program is on the road and we have given over
90 classes in different locations around the state so far this years. We
held one class at our trade show, this last spring, that had over 250 people
in attendence. To large of a class but it went well. Most of our classes are
anywhere from 30 to 50 students.

> The Local Chapters do have regional meetings in Albany-for
> directors/presidents etc. LIAA does have an executive director- the past
> presidents sister! we do have an attorney and a CPA and Committees but
> its only a 5 member board.

That needs to change.

 No, the board meetings are a big secret to
> the rank and file- for who knows what reasons.

That needs to change . I am suprised there hasn't been a mutiny. Especially
with you New Yorkers. I didn't think you guys put up with things like that.

 Their lobbying is as
> effective as throwing a roll of toilet paper at a steel door.

One thing I have found out dealing with State politics. If you don't go to
them with one unified voice representing the entire industry in the state,
you will accomplish exactly the result you discribed.. If you have a paid
lobbyist, he knows this and if he didn't communicate this to you, he is just
taking your money. The bill we got passed into law this year, even though it
was our bill, we gathered the forces, which included 15 trade associations
here in Florida, 9 lobbyist, and had the blessing of several state agencys
all talking the same language. That is what I mean about being united on an
issue and taking that, as one voice for the industry, to the legislators.

Of course
> I was against mandatory inclusion in NBFAA as well as bowing to Fart
> Didn't and his upstate cronies- but miraculously the "vote" was to
> continue as a bunch of asshole sheep following a blind shepherd who as
> I quote " puts an x on the back of the ones who kick".

Florida has carried that brand for some time now in the eyes of the NBFAA.

 I'm sure the rant
> will be a cleansing experience for my colon- "sloppy Joes for dinner
> tonite!

OH OH!! Hope those gas detectors are working for you. They do detect methane
you know. :o]

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