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Total Republican Collapse Imminent

by Chris Bowers, Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 08:21:50 PM EST
The last ten days have been amazing. Starting with Bill Clinton
fighting back against Faux News, we have now seen:

    * The National Intelligence Estimate declare that the war in Iraq
in increasing terrorism worldwide
    * Colin Powell say he was fired
    * Rice is on the verge of having to resign.
    * Bill Frist say that the Taliban should rule Afghanistan
    * The White House met with Jack Abramoff 485 times, and had a huge
amount of influence.
    * Bob Woodward comes out with a book saying the Bush administration
is lying about Iraq.
    * Droves of Republicans are under investigation for something.

I'm sure that I am forgetting some stuff too. But there is this other
thing that is going on:

    * For five years, most of the Republican leadership covered up for
and protected a Republican congressman / sexual predator who was
targeting young pages who worked on Capitol Hill. And the establishment
media is saying jus that.
    * The Republican House Leadership has been figuratively decapitated
as a result, and now can't speak effectively on anything.
    * The Republican response has been to blame the pages, blame each
other, block investigations, call the incident unimportant, blatant
lying, and show once again just how homophobic and ignorant they really
are. Because defenses like that really work.
    * And they did it all because they were worried it might cost them

This meltdown has been breathtaking. Even before it started, Democrats
were already on the brink of at least taking control, if not a huge
wave election. Now, even taking the Senate seems entirely possible. At
this point, who knows how bad things will get for Republicans in
elections around the country. There is no way to hold off an onslaught
like this when they were already in such a bad position. Even the
generally cautious, uber-insider Hotline is now starting to see a wave:

Matt is right that Democrats in Congress once again showed how they are
not an effective opposition party because of their weak campaign to
stop the torture bill (although I disagree when he says they could have
"easily" stopped" the bill with an effective campaign). However, I am
starting to seriously think that that bill may be the last time we have
to worry about ineffective opposition form Democrats in Congress. In
the face of total Republican collapse, a good situation for Democrats
is quickly turning into a rout. My only regret is that the election
ends in five weeks instead of two weeks, because there may be enough
time for Republicans to at least somewhat recover and keep the battle
for control close. Right now, at least in the House, I don't think the
battle for control is very close. There is just no way they can win in
the face of this when they were already losing before it.

Please, someone pinch me to make sure that I am not dreaming. This is a
total Republican collapse. The House of Representatives may now be ours
to lose, but we need to make sure that we stay on the attack as much as
possible, and not slack off for one second.

Tags: Republicans, 2006 elections (all tags)
Permalink :: 38 Comments :: Post a Comment

here's my only worry. (none / 0)

i'm not sure how much traction it's having in the mainstream media.

I was talking to Jello Biafra last night (yes, THAT Jello Biafra.) at a
show in Oakland.

And he hadn't heard about the Foley scandal at all, which was pretty
amazing as I got to drop some knowledge on one of the guys who helped
politicize me and turn punk rock aggroness into real change and social

But I digress, Jello doesn't read blogs, do e-mail any of that... he
doesn't even have a computer.

I know, I know... he should.

But he hadn't heard anything about it, and think about how plugged in
he is.

However, this IS still in the newscycle and people are paying attention

So maybe i'm just being worrisome.


I write at GovernorPhil.com, a site helping elect Phil Angelides the
next Governor of the great state of California.
by neutron on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 08:31:58 PM EST

Re: Total Republican Collapse Imminent (none / 0)

Oh, and they also eliminated habeas corpus and legalized torture only 4
days ago, though Bush has yet to sign the bill (expect another round of
media attention when that happens).

The only thing I can think of that's going right for them is that gas
prices are still dropping.  Oil spot market dropped another $2/barrel
today to $61, down from $79 just 2 months ago.  Oil prices generally
drop in the fall - they did the same thing last year - but the drop
this year has been exceeding quick and large.

it's an occupation, not a war
by aip on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 08:38:34 PM EST

Re: Total Republican Collapse Imminent (none / 0)

Here's what I want to know: How is the dizzying spate of
rotten-to-the-core news items that you listed above, unfolding over the
course of a week and change (and thank you for having the fortitude to
gather all that slime), and ALL of it proof of the incompetence and
evil of the Republican party -- How is this not news in and of itself?
MSM outlets should be writing this exact story.

by jamfan on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 08:39:35 PM EST

    Re: Total Republican Collapse Imminent (3.00 / 1)

    It's only news if it happens to Demorats..."Democrats Flounder" ...
"Democrats Struggle to Find Message" ... "Democrats on the Defensive"

    When it happens to the Rethuglicans, it's nothing to see...move
along, please...strange aberration...

    by Oregonian on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 08:42:47 PM EST
    [ Parent ]

Pinch (none / 0)

Granted, this is all very good news for the Dems.

Dose of reality.  It will only take one scumbag Dem to screw it all up.
 If it turns out that there is a Dem congressman or candidate that is
also a bigtime Abramoff buy-off, or worse, a sexual predator, it will
balance out the whole story -- unless the Dem leadership reacts vastly
differently than the GOP has.  (i.e. cuts the guy right away, even if
the seat is competitive and says something like, "we would rather have
a right wing republican elected than a pervert.")  Will/Can the Dem
leadership do the right thing if this happens?   I hope so, but I
wouldn't invest my 401k on that chance.

by The lurking ecologist on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 08:52:36 PM EST

    Re: Pinch (none / 0)

    if that happens- noting they do will matter. that's how the game is
played. the republicans aren't held accountable, and we are. that's the
reality of being on the side of angels rather than power for the sake
of power.

    by bruh21 on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 09:03:31 PM EST
    [ Parent ]

    Re: Pinch (3.00 / 1)

    Here's your October Surprise.  It wouldn't surprise me if there are
Republicans waiting to drop a scandal, even a rather thin one, a week
or two before the election just to spread around the corruption.  Will
it work? who knows.  Seems like a pretty decent shot to take though.

    by Lucas O'Connor on Tue Oct 03, 2006 at 12:20:24 AM EST
    [ Parent ]

485 times (none / 0)

I've been reading the blogs on and off all day and hadn't read that
exact number.

485 contacts with Abramoff.


Four hundred eighty five.

k/o: 2006 politics and local blogs
by kid oakland on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 09:04:17 PM EST

Re: Total Republican Collapse Imminent (none / 0)

You are not dreaming.  We are witnessing the total collapse of the
Repubs.  There was open talk on Countdown tonight of Hastert resigning.
 Who would have predicted that a week ago? I agree that it would be
better if the election were 2 weeks away not 5 weeks but I feel good
about where we are.  The Foley story is not going away - the press
loves this type of stuff and the Repubs, are for once, at a loss for
words.  Unbelievable.

I also want to comment on Matt's piece and the torture vote.  I agree
with him on the issue and wish the Dems had been tougher but I think he
tends to under estimates the power of the majority party in Congress.
The majority party has incredible levers of power at its disposal when
it wants to get something done.  I am not saying the Dems couldn't have
done more but the power of the majority can sometimes make the minority
look weaker than it actually is.

by John Mills on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 09:14:26 PM EST

I know we don't like market references (none / 0)

But today they moved in our favor. So I guess the dreaded conventional
wisdom concurs, at least partially.

The senate odds changed on Tradesports for the first time in months,
down to 75% GOP control. And we moved back to slight favorites in the
House, at about 53%.

Those are equivalent to odds, BTW. The Iowa Futures Market clown who
wrote to think of it in terms of a vote percentage is a moron. He wrote
than in terms of a presidential race which was close to 50/50. Fine.
But what about '96, when Clinton would have traded at 90+%. Does he
really think that's equivalent to a prediction of the popular vote

I'm watching Woodward now on Larry King and I  really wish the other
stuff had been earlier/later or not at all. Woodward's info is
devastating but I don't see it getting the play it deserves, probably
based on what was mentioned on MyDD, that sex sells.

My prediction that Bush's approval rating would be 45% on election day
has been wonderfully lanced. I'll be interested to see the new polls
but I would guess in the 40% area. The flood of news means I can root
for gas prices to decline without feeling guilty about how it impacts
our chances:)

by jagakid on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 09:20:25 PM EST

Re: Total Republican Collapse Imminent (3.00 / 1)

Don't unclench just yet.  Rove will have an October surprise loaded up.
 I'd bet on a barely-averted terror plot around, oh, October 10th or
15th.  Although I have to say, I think it might backfire this time.

by takhallus on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 09:49:19 PM EST

Okay, I'll pinch you (none / 0)

I hope you're right, but I've been a Democrat too long to be wildly
optimistic. That and the Scandahoovian genes.

Here's my fear: Bush, Cheney, Rummy and many more are all indictable at
this point. For war crimes, treason, corruption. The works. So why
would they ever agree to "go quietly?'

This gang doesn't believe in democracy. They don't believe in the rule
of law. They don't believe in the Constitution.

I do think we got 'em cornered and on the ropes. I think they ARE in
danger of losing Congress. So at this point, Cheney and Rove have got
to be planning a very, very big October surprise to change the

They're not dumb. They're evil. And when it comes to power, they're

So what will it be? Nuke Iran? Or a domestic act of "terror?" followed
by the declaration of martial law?

This article (http://www.consortiumnews.com/2006/02210 6a.html) talks
about  how in late January of this year, Halliburton was awarded a $385
million contract to build detention centers somewhere in the United
States. According to the New York Times, these detention centers would
be used to house people in the event of a natural disaster or "for new
programs that require additional detention space."

So, in light of the torture legislation just passed that allows the
President to declare anyone to be an enemy combatant (using any
criteria that the President chooses) and be indefinitely
detained.........well, it's worrisome. I mean, why would we need a
rapid construction of a network of detention camps in the United

I wanna be an optimist. I hope they get their butts kick at the polls
in November and go quietly. But these folks make Nixon look like a

by midwestmeg on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 09:53:16 PM EST

My theory, for what it's worth (3.00 / 1)

 The media is NOT our friend. The last six years have been
characterized by complete media sycophancy to the Bushies, with the
runup to the Iraq war being the most egregious example.

 But over the last couple of weeks, the media has actually sort of done
its job -- and they're even FOLLOWING UP and rejecting Republican spin.
That's a complete sea change in their approach over their behavior in
the last few years.

 So my guess is that there are still some important, powerful Americans
who retain consciences, love their country, and have signaled to the
"gatekeepers" that BushCo needs to be stopped. They've seen Iraq, they
see Iran, they've seen the deficits, they see the religious right, and
they've seen enough. They don't like where all this is going any more
than we do -- remember that neocons are but a small subset of actual
conservatives.  And they've unleashed the hounds to try to stop the

 My guess is that the military does NOT want to do Iran, given how
Rumsfeld's eviscerated it, and given that the idea is nuts anyway. And
military leaders, speaking through the unassailable and respected Jack
Murtha, have been shocked and horrified at the pugs' treatment of him.
That was likely a HUGE wakeup call to traditional conservatives that
the Bush/Cheney axis is just plain batshit insane, like nothing we've
ever seen before in America.

Maybe we still have some patriots after all.

The problem is that my confidence in the Democrats' ability to make the
best of the situation is shaky at best, given their track record of
feebleness as an opposition party. But things are going SO bad for the
Party of Perverts that simple adequacy might just be good enough.

Just my theory...

by Master Jack on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 09:59:11 PM EST

    Re: My theory, for what it's worth (3.00 / 4)

    It's post-Katrina, the Iraq War is a disaster, there are no WMD,
the creeps in the WH showed they were willing to out a CIA agent to
save their own asses, even idiots see that the weather patterns are
changing, the cost of gas has gobsmacked farmers all across the US, the
housing market is softening... and need I mention a Republican

    Even people who voted for Bush in 2004 got a Wake Up Call From Hell
with Katrina. (And, BTW, that includes  a couple of evangelicals that I
know, who are now talking about something that they call 'Creation
Care' to deal with global warming.)   People realize that 'something's
wrong.'  They may not know the details, but that elemental fact does
not escape them.

    Howie Klein is probably the person doing the best job of really
introducing candidates and making a case that -- the CALIBER of
Democrats running for Congress this year is impressive.

    Look across the country: Eric Massa (NY), Braley (IO), Goldmark
(WA), Grant (ID), Kissell, the Dems running in Colorado... these are
all very impressive candidates.  When have we had a molecular
biologist/farmer in Congress?  We will if Peter Goldmark wins.  Larry
Grant has been instrumental at Micron (largest employer in Idaho).   I
don't recall any group of candidates this promising.  It's fascinating
to me that SO MANY interesting, committed people are running for

    It took the country getting into this degree of filth and slime to
bring out the best, but I'm coming to the view that if these Dems are
elected, this will be a very transformational election.  .  Not simply
because 'more Dems will hold seats' -- that's very superficial.  It's
because so many SMART Dems will hold seats.  This appears to be a
remarkably talented group of candidates across the board, and I don't
think the Republicans even grasp what they are really up against.

    The thing that I hope more posters and commenters will focus on in
coming weeks is how amazing it is that all these engaged, apparently
smart, competent people are running for office.

    This is very, very unusual.

    Perhaps I've spent too much time with people involved in personnel
and hiring, but the quality of the 'hiring pool' is cyclical.
Sometimes they'll be excited because they have so many great
prospective candidates, and then other years they're glum and grouchy
because it's just a 'shallow pool'.

    I don't fully understand what drives this, but I have observed that
it's unusual to have a period in which SO MUCH talent is rising to the
challenge. I suspect that many of this years' candidates might be doing
some other things with their lives, if they weren't so incredibly
appalled by what's happened under Bush.

    I also credit Howard Dean -- whatever he's doing (along with the
blogs) is working some strange magic.  I think that if even half these
Democrats win, the change could be extraordinary BECAUSE these appear
to be highly motivated, smart people who have very strong committments
to clear outcomes. That's something that we've not seen from Democrats
in my memory.

    In other words, it's my fervent  hope that the builshit days of
pr-brained 'wedge issues' are simply not credible in view of the very
grim problems facing the U.S.  So if the Dem's win, they're going to
have plenty of heavy lifting ahead of them.

    And the polls will be very important -- if the Diebold machines
toss elections to Republicans who are down by 10% in the polls, then
the Diebold fiasco will be further revealed.  With a pretty solid gap
in poll numbers, the Republicans have less opportunity to throw

    I really sense that we may be upon the cusp of a transformative
time in US history.  It's going to take a lot of voter turnout, but if
these Dems win, I have a hunch they're motivated by a whole lot more
than a paycheck and some ego massage.  Every indication that I see
suggests that these guys are not running in order to roll over and do K
Street's bidding.

    Should be interesting.  And Bush has so little crediblity at this
point, he may as well pack it up. Osama could blow up the WH and half
the public would figure it was a Rovian tactic at this point.  These
asshats have cried 'wolf' too many times, and I don'ot see the public
buying too much more of their bullshit.  Even the conservative voters
that I know are seriously pissed.

    by readerOfTeaLeaves on Tue Oct 03, 2006 at 03:20:48 AM EST
    [ Parent ]

        Re: My theory, for what it's worth (none / 0)

        I agree. In Minnesota, the caliber of folks running for
Congress is also unusually high---Keith Ellison, Tim Waltz, Colleen

        by midwestmeg on Tue Oct 03, 2006 at 10:28:15 AM EST
        [ Parent ]

Re: Total Republican Collapse Imminent (3.00 / 1)

DO NOT get our hopes up. I do not need to go through another bout of
post-election depression, as in 2004, when they stole the election
AGAIN and Kerry caved at the earliest opportunity, despite having
promised he wouldn't.

by lightyearsfromhome on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 10:05:15 PM EST

Re: Total Republican Collapse Imminent (none / 0)

Even if we take both Houses, will the Democratic "leadership" have the
guts to launch investigations or a special prosecutor?

by antiHyde on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 10:13:05 PM EST

I would say their momentum is stopped (none / 0)

Their two best issues have been de-fanged. Victory is not guaranteed,
but at least Democratic issues can now be heard.

First, Speaker Pelosi no longer sounds like such a bad idea.

Second, How could the Democrats possibly do any worse on Terrorism and
Iraq than the GOP? How would that be possible?

Ergo: it's time for a change.

In addition to keeping up the attack, I think it's very important to
sell candy:

College loans for all
Lower health premiums
Higher minimum wage
Lower gas prices
Guaranteed Social Security for the next 100 years.
Middle-class tax cuts.

How do you pay for all this? Easy. Just get rid of the Republican
crooks and perverts in charge of Congress.

by stevehigh on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 10:27:49 PM EST

What amazes me (none / 0)

is that there has been so much evidence out there of their
incompetence.  I have read Imperial Hubris, Richard Clarke's book,
Assassin's Gate, Cobra II and Fiasco.  Now there is Hubris, the One
percent Solution and now Woodward's book.  How come the Dems just can't
keep hitting about how incompetent these people are?  Are they afraid
of disgracing the poor families with loved ones, or worse, who lost
loved ones, in Iraq?  This is not just a scandal, it is an outrage!
Lord knows that if we had a Newt Gingrich on our side, the story would
be different.  These people are throwing democracy away!  The evidence
is overwhelming, but still, Bush has 40% support. How can this be?

I have been doing GOTV calls in MD lately.  We are now working to get
people to vote by mail.  People I call do not trust the voting system.
This is so scary.  People feel helpless.

by MDMan on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 10:42:10 PM EST

Re: Total Republican Collapse Imminent (3.00 / 1)

Steve Gilliard introduced the pugil stick metaphor to Democratic
electoral streetfighting,  Above is a picture of a pugil stick bout.
In the Marines, recruits train with the pugil stick, a heavily padded
quarterstaff.  Pugilists fight until the loser is unable to fight
further - not in pain, not demoralized, incapacitated.  The goal is to
induce the ability to fight back with a bayonet when completely
exhausted and to encourage general toughness.  The victor is not
permitted to show mercy and the loser is not permitted to request or
receive it; the drill instructors will nail anyone who shows mercy in
these bouts.  (Those with certain medical conditions are barred from
the pugil stick training.)

Moral: it is not enough to demoralize the GOP.  They must be crippled,
wounded, rendered unable to inhale, begging to heaven for an immediate
sweet end to this vale of tears.  The DEMS must keep battering them on
this until the GOP is puking and spitting mucous in doubled-over agony.
 Then crushed in the head with the end of the stick, hard, like a

Why?  This is the business we have chosen.  These folks protect sexual
predators, no mercy is due to them.  Now is the time to inflict the
mother of all righteous anger and revenge on these corrupt, fraudulent,
bellicose theocratic bastards.  Karma for Clinton, x1000.

I could say more, but this is not the forum and decorum calls for

by Crablaw on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 11:07:22 PM EST

    Re: Total Republican Collapse Imminent (3.00 / 2)

        ...it is not enough to demoralize the GOP...

    When your opponents are drowning, throw the bastards an anvil.

    543,895 votes
    by Michael Bersin on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 11:23:26 PM EST
    [ Parent ]

Bet that GOP are holding their fire (3.00 / 1)

In WW2, one of the features of US public opinion about the Jap soldier
was an oscillation between ideas of him as superhuman andsubhuman.
Either he was an android impervious to jungle conditions or a near ape
- the favorite propaganda image - incapable of independent thought and

I wonder whether the lefty opinion about the GOP as an electoral force
has reached a similar pass: on the one hand, one has the laundry list
of fubars in Chris's post - plus others, I'm sure, to come; on the
other hand, we have Rove and his cohorts, an almost Fu Manchu-like
combination of amorality and effectiveness.

My sense would be that what the GOP have over the Dems is a working
assumption that things will go seriously wrong, and the capacity to
react decisively in real time when it does. Whereas I can see that,
if/when Rove starts pulling rabbits out of his hat - Jefferson/Mollohan
has been rather quiet, for instance - the Dems will go rigid and stop
thinking effectively.

The other thing is: I'm sure that the GOP has planned for losing one
both houses - and that their plans don't include a two year pity party.

They can do this (it seems to me) without impairing their ability to
concentrate on squeezing out a win in November - which I'm sure they're
as hungry as hell for.

They will also - again, my view - be able to view a loss in November as
an opportunity: to remove tired warhorses and inject fresh blood, to
hone fighting skills, to show fighting spirit and tight organization to
those from whom they need the money to fight back in 08.

My sense with the Dems is that they got so used to winning Congress
after Congress - in which individual elections could be bloody for the
candidates, but not for the Dem parties in both houses - that they do
not yet have the mentality for continual total war, in control or out
of it, that the GOP has.

Chris's list of snafus (plus the Six Year Itch) may be enough to push
the Dems over the winning line this time. But - like the GOP in the
80th Congress - I'd say that they are woefully badly equipped to take
advantage of their good fortune.

by skeptic06 on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 11:50:08 PM EST

Re: Total Republican Collapse Imminent (none / 0)

While I'm inclined to agree that this is likely the final nail in the
coffin of the GOP's chances of holding onto the house, I'm going to
wait to see the latest polling after these scandals broke to see if
voters agree before throwing away that hammer.

And with all these scandals overrunning each other, I can't help but
wonder if voters aren't going to just tune out in disgust and scandal
overload. Actually, that can only work in our favor. It might not
necessarily result in a wave of unexpected votes for Dems, but it'll
likely keep more than a few base voters at home and swing voters
leaning our way on election day.

As for the senate, all this can't be helping the GOP--i.e. guilt by
association--and there's still 5 weeks for yet more scandals to let

Are there any other members of the Wallace family who'd like to come
through with yet another blockbuster interview?

by kovie on Tue Oct 03, 2006 at 12:51:48 AM EST

Re: Total Republican Collapse Imminent (none / 0)

Well, FWIW, I was ready to stop making contributions to Dem candidates
this cycle. I figured the race had pretty much reached a tableau and
didn't see it moving a lot between now and election day. From all
reports here, it looked like the Dems were in good position to win the
House by a few seats. Good enough. The Senate remained a very long
shot. At best, a numerical tie, but we've got about a dozen
Democrat-in-name-only Senators, so either way, the Senate was going to
remain a Republican power-base. Why would I want to give more money?
I'm going to wait another three days to see if official law enforcement
investigations will cause everyone to clam up. If the legal system
takes control of this, it's a long time out and, I think, the story
will lose focus. If, three days from now, the heat is still high and
the meltdown continues to appear inevitable, I'm going to bet the ranch
on Democrats and hope I win.

by NealB on Tue Oct 03, 2006 at 02:00:28 AM EST

Re: Total Republican Collapse Imminent (none / 0)

The Horror Story of Republican demise will hopefully  carry through to
a fair accounting via Republican Diebold Voting Machines.

Bush Republicans are giving hypocrisy a bad name.


Steve Brier
by truthorconsequences on Tue Oct 03, 2006 at 04:30:37 AM EST

Re: Total Republican Collapse Imminent (none / 0)

I think it is possible to extrapolate from here to the grave further
damage Democratic-led House/Senate investigations will do to Bush.
This will ensure a Democratic presidency in 2008-probably Hillary.  She
must be thrilled to death right now.

by Bob H on Tue Oct 03, 2006 at 07:49:57 AM EST

All caps means you're shouting (none / 0)


Q: What's the difference between acne and a republican from florida?

A: Well, Acne normally comes across young boy's faces when they're

by heyAnita on Tue Oct 03, 2006 at 08:20:14 AM EST

Re: Total Republican Collapse Imminent (none / 0)

The Question should not be about mark Foley but when did the House
republicans what they knew and when they knew it. Especially Denis
hastart the Coverup is always worse than the Crime and this looks like
a major cover up

by orin76 on Tue Oct 03, 2006 at 08:51:32 AM EST

Collapse Imminent ? (none / 0)

It ain't over till the votes aren't counted.

This administration sucks.
by thief on Tue Oct 03, 2006 at 10:52:32 AM EST

Don't say "ours to lose." (none / 0)

'cause then you know the dems will find a way to lose...it's still a
close call, we still have to fight for every seat, there is no sure
thing, the wave isn't local....please don't say it's ours to lose.

by David in Burbank on Tue Oct 03, 2006 at 10:57:27 AM EST

    Re: Don't say "ours to lose." (none / 0)

    Then how about this:

    All the necessary conditions are now available to each individual
candidate to nail their Republican opponent.  It's up to them to
properly weild their opportunity.

    by Lucas O'Connor on Tue Oct 03, 2006 at 12:14:40 PM EST
    [ Parent ]

It is a lack of... (none / 0)

Oversight once again from the Congressional Republicans. Iraq,
Abramoff, CIA leaks and now Foley. There is no accountability. Where's
the checks and balances? We have got to change the tone in Washington
when we take control of both houses.

People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be
afraid of their people - V is For Vendetta
by BlueCheese on Tue Oct 03, 2006 at 12:25:27 PM EST

Re: Total Republican Collapse Imminent (none / 0)

Dream on, deluded Democrats.  There's no way that these
Repulico-facists are going to give up control of the House or the
Senate.  The sooner you face up to the fact that these idiots don't
believe in democracy and will do anything to hang onto power (including
stealing the last 3 national elections!), the sooner you'll finally
actually do something after they steal yet another election.  Stop
kidding yourselves.  Mark my words - these facists do not care about
the will of the people.  It's time to start planning a massive protest
or something along the lines of Ukraine, because the Democrats will not
win at the ballot box.

by nmonster on Tue Oct 03, 2006 at 03:44:33 PM EST

Re: Total Republican Collapse Imminent (none / 0)

I wouldn't get too rosy yet. Dems may win the House, but that scumbag
Lieberman is blocking all hope of taking the Senate.

It's looking more and more like Lieberman WILL win and be the decisive
vote as to who controls Congress. And you just know he'll LOVE to give
the shaft to the Dems. for "betraying" him!

Utterly unprincipled? Sure, that's Joe all over.

He gets a Cabinet post or a Republican committee chairmanship and
Cheney gets to cast the deciding vote!

by Cugel on Tue Oct 03, 2006 at 03:56:08 PM EST

Rice Resigns? (none / 0)

Rumsfeild should have had to resign hundreds of times and he hasn't.
Bush won't make Condi resign.

by delmoi on Tue Oct 03, 2006 at 08:52:18 PM EST

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