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Re: New ADT Homeland Security Program

If you couldn't figure out it was a joke in less than 1 second then I am
glad you live where you live and not here. Let me see "shallow and insanely
stupid"? Yes, your post certainly qualifies for that distinction! Do you
know your own IQ score by the way? Good enough to get into any ivy league
school I suspect. Do share it with us so we have something to gauge the
merit of your other observations by. Do you read 10 to 15 books a month?
What topics do you prefer? Economics? A heavy philosophical treatise? What
tomes have pleased you most recently? Do tell all! Please let us know where
you received your MBA (or equivalent in your country and where it was from).
What was your GPA and position in your class? I am sure you are proud of
that and would be eager to share it with us. And I missed where you learned
how to pilot a jet. Not a pilot? Too bad! I suspect perhaps you have a
future as a pilot, probably the hot air type of some sort. Of course the
above is a brief contrast of you and of the things George W. Bush does or
has done. If he is at or near the bottom of the intellectual food chain in
your view, where are you? In American Baseball, something George W. Bush
knows something about too, you would be playing the position they call "left
out" I believe. However if you do come visit us here in the USA someday I
hope you can drive here from where you are. We have an extra passanger that
posts here that would be right at home with you on your little yellow bus on
your way back. You may need a come along (perhaps called a lever hoist where
you are from) and a "A" frame to help him and you remove the respective feet
from your mouths. Be forewarned that some folks that post here want to
donate their foot for his other end and a foot for yours too perhaps if you
have any other similar observations to make in the future.
If you think these comments a bit harsh, you should be thankful that this
might be WW III coming and not WW I again. Here is a breif U.S. History
lesson for foreigners to see where a little political criticism in the USA
can get you if said at the wrong time. Let's see what happened to some folks
(some of whom I suspect are your heroes) after the Espionage Act was passed
by Congress in 1917.
Eugene Victor Debs. (by the way a good Democrat in the Indiana Legislature
and socialist - perhaps that is a redundant statement) sentenced to 10 years
for one speech no less, unfortunately he served only 3.
William Dudley Haywood. Big socialist publisher, but he got that eye for an
eye thing confused. He got 20 years but fled to Russia. Died there too. What
a guy! Go and be near Joe Stalin. That says it all.
Asa Philip Randolph. A man who apparently thought being black should exclude
one from national service and said so. Clink.
Victor Berger. He probably got the worst sentence of them all. Bypassed jail
and got elected to Congress while out on appeal. And worst of all got a
pardon from a Republican President. (Read on it really starts to go down
hill from here)
John Reed. Wrote a lot (The Masses) and sounds just like you do in your
post. Here is a taste (below) to see if that doesn't fit your world view.
"No recent words have seemed to me so ludicrously condescending as the
Kaiser's speech to his people when he said that in this supreme crisis he
freely forgave all those who had ever opposed him. I am ashamed that in this
day in a civilized country any one can speak such archaic nonsense as that
speech contained.
More nauseating than the crack-brained bombast of the Kaiser is the
editorial chorus in America which pretends to believe - would have us
believe - that the White and Spotless Knight of Modern Democracy is marching
against the Unspeakably Vile Monster of Medieval Militarism.
What has democracy to do in alliance with Nicholas, the Tsar? It is
Liberalism which is marching from the Petersburg of Father Gapon, from the
Odessa of Progroms? Are our editors naive enough to believe this?
We, who are Socialists, must hope - we may even expect - that out of this
horror of bloodshed and dire destruction will come far-reaching social
changes - and a long step forward towards our goal of peace among men. But
we must not be duped by this editorial buncombe about Liberalism going forth
to Holy War against Tyranny. This is not our war."
John Reed died young of Typus. Like most liberals and socialist he wrote a
lot but learned nothing, especially about Ectoparasites. What should I say
about rats and fleas, no too easy. Let's say stupidity is its own reward and
he certainly got his.
Max Eastman. He just published critical articles in The Masses. Hung jurry
after two trials. I bet that left him broke. It must have broken something
in him too because he went from left to right. He went to work for the
Reader's Digest and then supported Joe McCarthy! I can't tell which is
Emma Goldman. The world owed her and everyone else a living. She decided
that the unemployed should steal the food they needed. Talk about family
values she was promoting free love and birth control way before the '60s.
Here She simply opposed conscription, and only got two years for that. In
the end of her life special permission had to be obtained to bring her
carcass to back to the USA to be buried.
Emma Goldman lamented in her autobiography that there were about 100 folks
that were cought up with her in the trial and destroyed. Many for just
handing out tracts. Up to 10,000 were eventually hauled off to jail or
deported by J. Edgar or the rest of the FBI boys that followed his pink
panties. Funny but major portions of the Espionage Act remain part of United
States law (18 USC 793, 794). The best part is that a Democratic President,
Woodrow Wilson, was the big push behind it all and was proud of it!
(Picture Bob Newhart in a one way conversation for a moment here) Wait a
minute. Wait! Yes! I think someone just spilled their Kool-Aid again. No
he's choking. I can't tell is it grape flavor or is he turning blue? Man he
spit it all over everything! This is ugly! He's down on the floor snapping
at flies. He looks like a cold tuna bouncing around on a hot deck. Wait.
wait.... he is saying something Help maybe? no, no, He is saying ..It? yes,
"it"... get his hand away from his throat It. It what? It.. It  Yes "It" we
understand. It can't.. Yes we understand! "It can't" He's gurgling
something, I think it's be true. Yes "be true"  Oh, "It can't be true". "Oh
yes, positively true!" "No, no sorry no Fox news to blame." "No, I promise
there was no Fox news." "Yes." "Yes the BBC reported about it eventually
when it came into being."  "No, no Fox news!" "Yes I am sure Rupert Murdock
wasn't born yet." "Yes, I am sure Wilson was a Democrat." "Yes big 'D'
Democrat as in not Republican" "Yes Democrat, Yes all Wilson's idea start to
finish" "Yes the Supreme Court Upheld it." "Yes it upheld it, Yes, yes in
1919" "No. no take the gun out of your mouth and calm down." "Yes, it was
all in Emma's autobiography." "Stop screaming" 'TAKE ME NOW'!" "Here,
breathe into the paper bag, you'll be fine." "Okay we will talk about
Thorstein Veblen if that will make you feel better."(Okay turn off Bob

To see feeble posts like yours parroting off the cuff political remarks
truly reflects a barbaric level of stupidity on your part. No I don't hope
you will get it eventually get it because you've identified with a group of
folks that make it a practice not to get anything that might in some way
help the other side. It really doesn't matter to me whether you bury your
snout in the trough on the left or the one on the right. Unless you take the
time and trouble to find the truth for yourself it is all the same swill. It
all looks the same, tastes the same and stinks the same, and you and some
others here are apparently happy eating all they can get. Try to break you
lazzy ass away from the trough long enough to come up for some fresh air. My
point is simple. This whole situation fighting terror might be on a real
downturn before it sees an upside. Drive by comments like yours when flag
draped coffins are coming home are not appreciated by everyone. If the level
of toleration gets too thin, and the past says anything about the future,
who knows what measures, legal or otherwise, comments like yours may
provoke. Again, attitudes like yours might be the cool thing to have in your
neck of the woods, (you and others that post similar drivel have already
proven beyond any doubt not to be bright enough to come up with them or much
of anything else on your own), but they aren't universally appreciated here
in this country. I feel certain all sides of this issue will be surprised,
for all of us that may still be around in 30 or so years, to see how the
History Channel tells us the current events really unfolded behind the
scenes. Until then, unless you have loved ones in harms way or soon could
have, a word to the wise says to be more reflective and circumspect in your
future posts. I doubt this post will mean much too you. You'll probably dive
right back into the swill so deeply the last thing anyone one will see or
hear from you is your curly brushy tail going under and a big "Oink" bubble
coming up. What a legacy!

"tourman" <robercampbell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>I don't normally comment about other country's politics, but this has
> got to be one of the Bush administration's most shallow and insanely
> stupid ideas. At first I thought it was all a joke, but then I saw it
> might actually be a fact....or is is ?....surely not...
> What will this guy think of next.....
> G. Morgan wrote:
>> On Sat, 14 Oct 2006 20:44:20 -0400, J.
>> <jsloud2001<removeme>@netscape.net> wrote:
>> >Thought you guys might like to know about this...
>> >
>> >http://www.thebluebrick.net/ADT.html
>> LOL... That would not surprise me...
>> --
>> -Graham
>> (remove the double e's to email)

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