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Re: Let's say I break into your house 9, was: Good news for US -- Secure Fence Act of 2006

> Not antiamerican feeling here, but a lot of
> antibush feeling and its politics of war....

Anti-bushism is considered a plus by thinking Americans.  However, many of your comments have been anti-American.

> its so damn cool what you did for all of us!
> but remembre something about the french,
> they were your first ally aginst the brits and
> they were the first to recognized USA as a
> country and that helped a lot in your fight for independance...

Gee, thanks.  Look Petey, I have nothing against the French but what has that to do with Canada?  Last I looked you guys thill bow
to the Queen of England.

> they are not rubbing this enough in your face...

Careful.  Approaching said face might result in the loss of a few digits.

> and the fact that you entred in WWII as nothing
> to do about helping the french...

The same can be said of French assistance during our war of independence.

> its all about the fact that you saw a damn
> good time for taking more control over some
> territory...

Flunked history 101, did you?

> Not hating jew (outside of israel) nor american,
> just pointing to some here that there so good
> govt is hurting them and many other and that
> they are not the ONLY country to with we can
> deal, just to make you see that you are not the center of the world,and that everyone is
> not revolving around you...

I don't support Bush or the crazies who put him in office.  Most Americans have finally woken up to the fact that Bush lied to get
us into Iraq, that there never were any WMDs and that the Bush administration has wrought havoc upon our nation, it's economy and
our relations with the rest of the world.  Don't worry.  We'll get rid of him and the rest of his cronies during the 2008 election.

>> What did we do other than treat you as an ally
>> and keep you safe from Soviet attack?
> attack from the soviet were always based on the
> fact that YOU were in a cold war against them,
> and the fall out would have hurt us, protecting us
> was just simply the thing to do...

The reality is that if not for America, the USSR would have taken over the entire world.  Before that, if not for America, the Nazis
would have done the same thing.  It makes no difference why we did it.  The only thing that matters is we kept the two most
tyrannical regimes in all history from world domination.  We didn't do it alone but if we hadn't been there the rest would have

> cause it was in fact protection yourself...blowing missile in orbit on top of my head is hardly something
> i would be looking for...or even call it protection..

I don't recall us sending missiles into Canada.

> we were the buffer between 2 country at war..it was a GREAT freeling..

If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

>> You're hollering about some Canadians that died because
>> of Israeli bombs. How about when Canadian frigates were delivering
>> grain to North Korea just prior to the Korean conflict? Canadian grain
>> fed our enemies. Should we hate all Canadians now? Are the citizens of
>> Montreal more valuable than citizens elsewhere?
> not more valuable, just AS valuable then any israel
> or lebanon or american citizen..

Yet you don't see us suggesting that someone kill a Canadian.

> wasnt there was so really nice tie with the
> Bush family and the Nazy govt, about some
> funding prior to WWII...

Prescott Bush, the Connecticut senator and grandfather of the current moron had relationships with seome German industrials prior to
WWII.  There's no indication that he did anything to support the rising Nazi government though.

If you want to learn the whole truth about the Bushes, read the book "The Family : The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty," by Kitty

> feeding a country is nothing, the poeple there
> have a fucking right to live and eat, as you, its
> not because there leader are jerks (as some
> others) that we should let all die....

We don't endorse letting all the Palestinians or Lebanese people die.  The problem is they refuse to kick out Hezbollan and
Hezbollah uses them as human shields.  They're as dumb as the idiots who support Bush while he takes away their civil rights.

> Now i supposed thats how you view us, too bad
> you never came here and really saw what we are...

I've been to Montreal.  It's a beautiful city and people I met were quite friendly.  Then again, I never met you.

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