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Re: Let's say I break into your house 9, was: Good news for US -- Secure Fence Act of 2006

> Maybe the married life would convince
> them not to run for public office or
> joining the priesthood.

Maher: "Homosexual liaisons, underaged boys, alcohol abuse... It's getting so you can't tell Protestant ministers from Catholic

> And the libs loved that Janet's tit popped
> out but I was pissed. Leave that stuff for
> HBO or after midnight.

Not me.  I couldn't care less about Janet's booby.  My kids both saw naked breasts at a very young age.  They seem to have survived
without becoming particularly deranged.

Reality: Nudity doesn't cause kids to suffer psychological problems.  Violence does cause all kinds of problems.  If kids saw less
violence and more naked boobies, maybe there'd be less kids like that Malvo maniac.

> I hear the arguments that kids with net
> access can teach us about sex but do
> we as a responsible society need to add
> to the mess by delivering nudity and
> vulgarity to American living rooms during
> Prime Time?

Well, I guess we disagree on this one.  I don't equate nudity with vulgarity, which they can get more than enoough of right here in
ASA.  As to learning about sex online, that's a real problem.  For one thing, what they leasrn online is rarely about natural,
normal sex.  Second, there are so many online predators that kids looking for information or even just looking for a cyber-friend
are very likely to be approached by some middle-aged pervert.

The only real solution to online dangers is for parents to take responsibility for what their children have access to.  It's a
serious mistake to try to get the government to regulate content.  Besides, every time we allow government to take control they
spend their efforts "regulating" those who oppose them rather that trying to protect anyone.

> There are both Democrats and Republicans
> who pushed us into that dance in Iraq...

True, but it never would have happened if Bush and Dick "chainsaw" Cheney hadn't lied.

> when simply using a few nukes on 9-11-01
> would have turned the war on terror into a
> 2 hour affair without a single soldier lost.

Yep!  Unfortunately, Bush didn't have the nerve to really use our might.  That is also why the troops have never gotten the support
they needed -- what the general asked for from the start -- a massive troop deployment, backed up by real fire power.  The idea of
the USA losing a war to some 3rd world, stone-age country like Iraq is absurd.

> People like Michael Moore should be shot.

Nope.  He expeosed the truth about Bush lies.  He did the same thing to the NRA and its poster child for Alzheimers.  Following is
an open letter from Moore.  Interestingly, he voices some of the same things you have been saying.


November 8th, 2006


You did it! We did it! The impossible has happened: A majority of Americans have soundly and forcefully removed Bush's party from
control of the House of Representatives and the Republicans have also, miraculously, been tossed out of running our United States
Senate. This was done because the American people wanted to make two things crystal clear: End this war, and stop Mr. Bush from
doing any more damage to this country we love. That is what this election was about. Nothing else. Just that. And it's a message
that has sent shock waves throughout Washington -- and a note of hope around this troubled world.

Now the real work begins. Unless we stay on top of these Democrats to do the right thing, they will do what they've always done:
Screw it up. Big Time. They helped Bush start this war, and now they should make amends.

But let's take a day to rejoice and revel in a rare victory for our side -- the side that doesn't believe in unprovoked invasions of
other countries. This is your day, my friends. You have worked hard for it. I can't tell you how proud I am to count all of you as
part of the greater American mainstream we now occupy. Thank you for all the time you gave this week to get out the vote. Some of
you have been at this since the large demonstrations of February 2003 when we tried to stop the war before it started. Only 10-20%
of the country agreed with us at that time. Remember how lonely that was? Some people were even booed! Now, 60% of the country
agrees with our position. They are us and we are them. What a nice, strange, hopeful feeling.

A woman, for the first time in our history, will be Speaker of the House. The attempt to ban all abortion in the conservative state
of South Dakota was defeated. Laws to raise the minimum wage were passed. Democrats were elected to fill Tom DeLay's and Mark
Foley's seats. Detroit's John Conyers, Jr. is going to be the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. The Democratic governor of
Michigan beat the CEO from Amway. The little township next to where I live in Michigan voted Democratic for the first time since...
ever. And on and on and on. The good news will continue throughout today. Let's enjoy it. Savor it. And use it to get Congress to
finally listen to the majority.

If you want to do one thing today, send an email or a letter to both of your senators and your member of Congress and tell them, in
no uncertain terms, what this election means: End the war -- and don't let George W. Bush get away with any more of his bright

Congratulations, again! Now let's go find a spine for the Dems to do the job we've sent them there to do.

Yours in victory (for once!),

Michael Moore


>>> We're spending billions fighting over placement
>>> of Christmas mangers and Easter Eggs.
>> As a Christian, I like seeing Christmas decorations
> on private property.  As an American, I don't want
> tax dollars spend endorsing or promoting any religion
> -- even my own.  When will Christians learn that by
> mixing government in therir religion they open the
> door for government to control religion?
> It's more like when will Americans learn that
> by giving these religious zealots a place to
> hang their holidy hooplah we're exposing our
> nation to certain religions that wish to see
> America exterminated?  Keep them all the hell
> off the government lawn.

Let the church say, Amen!

> It's not like anyone in those government
> buildings follows GOD anyway.


>>> While I personally don't believe that GOD
>>> intended for two members of the same sex
>>> to wed...
> Same here, but I don't claim to have the
> authority to speak for Him on the matter.
> Besides, what if I'm wrong?  What if God
> actually made them that way?  I'm not
> saying He did -- only that I can't be 100%
> sure He didn't.  That being the case I figure
> it's best to let people decide for themselves
> how they wish to live as long as they're
> not hurting anyone else. <
> It's the ones who hide their perversions
> who end up attacking our children anyway.


>>> and I don't care to see Dennis Franz' ass
>>> on my local TV station...
>> How about Halle Berry?<
> No

I was kidding, but she's certainly better looking than any part od Dennis Franz.  Side note: I like his acting.

>>> I don't recall asking my local representatives
>>> to waste my money fighting over that when
>>> they can't find two nickels to spend on
>>> education or body armor for our troops...
>> Let the church (well, those who are still
>> attending anyway) say, "Amen!"
>>> And while I firmly believe that Christianity
>>> is under attack by the left wingers I don't
>>> remember asking anyone to spend billions
>>> defending Easter Eggs...
>> As a left-leaning, liberal Democrat, I can
>> assure you it's not.  We're too busy trying
>> to get rid of Bush to attack "the church."
>> Besides, most of us are church members
>> -- something which really confuses
>> conservatives in the church.  :^) <
> Christianity is definitely under attack...

Fake Christians and sexual predators hiding under the mantle of the priesthood do more harm to the church than any outsiders ever
could.  In fact, the church thrives best under pressure.  Christ even said that we should expect to be attacked by unbelievers.
Paul said to "beware when all men speak good of you."

> Check some cases filed by the ACLU.

Specifics, please

> Look at how some schools allow the
> teachings of the Koran but not the Bible.

Actually, most schools still allow teachers to *explain* the Bible as well as the Koran.  What they can't do is promolgate belief in

> There is a difference between being a
> left winger like Leiberman, and a lefty
> nutcase like Danny Glover. Lefties like
> Leiberman aren't out to destroy America.

I've never heard Glover's political beliefs so I can't comment on that.

> Nutcases like Michael Moore and Danny
> Glover would love to see another country's
> flag flying atop the White House.

That's not fair, Tom.  Whatever Glover may believe, Moore is a patriot.  He exposed White House lies to try to steer this country
back on course.

>>> I'd bet money if we interviewed Jesus he'd
>>> had difficulty recalling seeing any bunny
>>> rabbits handing out chocoalte eggs when he
>>> emerged from the tomb...
>> I always wondered where the Easter Bunny
>> stuff came from.  Probably some gaelic thing
>> from the thirteenth century or whatever. <
> Or probably some salesman with alot of
> rabbit and egg molds...

Were those "free" molds with a 3-year egg-painting contract?

>>> I'd also imagine Jesus wouldn't be too
>>> happy seeing disabled veterans laying
>>> homeless in the streets because this
>>> country has cash to spend on programs
>>> that promote painting his mother out of
>>> cow shit, and nothing left for those who
>>> fought for our freedom...
>> Good Lord, man.  You're starting to sound
>> like a good Democrat.<
> Both Dems and Reps are guilty on the
> Disabled vets issue but the Dems are
> the ones who made funding available for
> that "art display" involving the Virgin Mary
> portrait painted with cow shit.

Sorry, but I missed that one.  What is that about?  It can't have been anywhere near as expensive as the bridge to nowhere up in

>>> Wouldn't the atheists get annoyed when
>>> there's no money to help the homeless
>>> move from the cardboard box on the
>>> sidewalk into a home, but they see cash
>>> flowing left and right to morons worrying
>>> about a spotted owl?
>> It depends on which atheist we're talking
>> about, whose house the homeless guy is
>> sleeping in front of and whether the owl just
>> defecated on the said atheist's windshield. <
> You'd need a large armor windshield for owl crap.


>>> Defend the country from attack or imminent
>>> attack, maintain the basic infrastructure of
>>> the nation, and keep the hell out of our
>>> personal lives.
>> Bush and his cronies are not interested in
>> our private lives.  They only interfere with
>> us because to pander to the hard-line,
>> ultra-right wing religious whackos who vote
>> for them.<
> Whereas I believe Bush isn't near strong
> enough. Cheney? Another one who'd be
> best suited for a boot in the ass on his way
> out the White House door...

Just wait another two years.

> Had Bush ignored Cheney and Rumsfield's
> "advice" on September 11th I'd bet money
> we would have used the nukes like we
> should have.

Naah.  He doesn't have the guts.  Don't forget... he was the coward who went AWOL for a year rather than fuilfill his military
duties.  He was also a draft dodger.  Kerry, OTOH, signed up for two tours in Viet Nam and won awards for valor.  Bush's Swiftboat
Vets for Bullshit" managed to get people to believe trheir lies even though their own candidate was the coward.

>>> Funny thing about the Right wing Christians and Left wing liberals
>>> The religious right has been doing more hammering of bungholes than
>>> discussing the evils of bungholing, and the left wing tree huggers have
>>> been travelling the country in their SUV's, and jet planes with armed
>>> guards talking about gun control, and global warming.
>> Heh, heh, heh.
>>> Don't you think it's time the people, and not the
>> special interests, have a voice in this country again?
>> We still do.  On Tuesday we used it. <
> Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House?
> Things will only get worse.

Not necessarily.  Give them a chance.  We've already seen the terrible damage the Republican party did.

> The only good I see coming out of a Dem
> House and Senate is the freeflow of cash
> through idiotic programs which you don't
> have to be the Question Mark Suit guy
> (forgot his name)...

It's Cooper.  :^)

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