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Re: To mikelewis1971

<mikelewis1971@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> McGinn wrote:
>> Mike,
> 1/4 ccd is not good and you won't get quality pictures.  The video will
> be grainy and will work terribly in low light conditions.  The lowest
> you want to go is 1/3 ccd.

Ok, I will upgrade to either 1/3 or 3/8 ccd.

> The varifocal lenses are fine, even real cheap ones do the job.  The
> varifocal lens is a zoom lens as you can adjust them to as wide or as
> narrow as the apeture will allow.  The key to a decent cam is the CCD
> size and TV Lines of Resolution.  380 is real low and pretty much
> worthless which is probably what you have if you have a  1/4 ccd but
> it's irrelevant at this point.

The camera specs says 400 lines horizontal resolution.

>The camera, unless you got real lucky
> is most likely substandard and should be upgraded.  Min specs should be
> 1/3" ccd with 420 lines of resolution.  Keep the varifocal when you
> upgrade but in a space that small all you need is a 3.6 mm lens and
> you'll see everything you want to see.  You could probably get away
> with using the one's you have but in low light conditions they're gonna
> be worthless.

If they dont work in low light, then I will return them and buy 3/8 ccd with
higher resolution.

> Your security system seems more than adequate especially since it
> doesn't stand a chance at stopping a spook from walking right through
> it, no matter what you install.  If you're relying on electronic
> security to protect your place, you have to understand the nature of
> what is going to be breaking in.  A spy/agent/007 type isn't really
> concerned about your system(s) in the slightest as they can control any
> signal emanating from the monitored site.  Even if a signal should slip
> through their counters, they still control the phone lines and the cell
> lines so your signal will never reach you, no matter what you do.

I thought about it along the same lines that if these psychopaths have the
technology to secretly insert a synthetic telepathy chip in  my body and
read my private thoughts, they probably have the technology to disable the
door alarm system and the cell back up but I decided to give it a shot
anyway. If I fail, I fail. I have nothing to lose anyway.

> best defense and really only shot at hindering them for at least 20
> seconds is by installing a gigantic siren inside your place and hoping
> to at least draw some attention from your neighbors.  You cannot stop
> them from entering so your only hope is to figure out ways to
> inconvenience them and annoy them until they leave.  This is where the
> X-10 could come in handy.  Having a few motions rigged up to turn on
> radios, lights, tv, activate remote sirens could throw up a few
> obstacles but they'd of course just shut down your power and then, funs
> over.

Can you post a little bit more information about this X-10 and how I can use
it. After reading your response so far, I think I would be better off
returning the swann security system and buying this X-10. Can you recommend
me a good DVR. I checked Clover and Swann but not sure which one is better.
What would the best place to buy DVR's. Frys, best buy, circuit city carries
only one or two DVR models if at all they do carry.

What about installing a power backup ? I know it works only for an hour or
so. Would that help in any way.
Where can I get this gigantic siren and how do I install them.

> The Powermax is not really what you'd be looking for for this type of
> application.  The only system that can do this without requiring a lot
> of technical expertise would be the Simon, though these are a joke to
> someone who knows how to take one down.  In fact, all systems are a
> joke once you know what your doing.

mch mch mch.

> Trying to confound them with irritating tricks is about the best you're
> going to be able to accomplish.  If they're locked onto you, there's
> not a thing you can do to stop them.

They are locked on to me for more than 4 years. Every minute and every

I understand your perspective but I DO NOT want to ACCEPT that we can't do
anything to STOP THEM since I CANNOT live LIKE A SLAVE PRISONER for ever.

>I promise you.  If you're under
> 24/7 control, you're up against anywhere between 12 - 16 professional
> agents

Please dont call them agents, they are perverted psychopaths. There is
absolutely no reason why any human being should be watched inside their
house and disgustingly in their bathrooms. ONLY perverts will do that.

>who have complete authority and the capability to stop any wired
> or wireless transmission from your residence.  Even your video feed
> could be intercepted and looped back through to your office and they'd
> even make sure the clock was right on time and your newspaper was
> current.

There HAS to be SOME WAY to THWART these psychopaths. Otherwise embassies
wont have any sort of privacy from snooping spies.

>You'd never know, never in a million years would you know,
> unless they wanted you to know; then you really don't have much to
> worry about.

Why do you think they post all my private thoughts and private actions on
internet for me to read them ?
To MENTALLY TORTURE me. They will NEVER charge me with anything because I am
not a terrorist and did not commit any crime. These psychopaths are using me
as a GUINEA PIG for mind control projects and experiments. That doesnt mean

Why should I live like a SLAVE PRISONER for ever ?

>If you know they're watching you then they're not
> watching you,

That is true in real terrorists and criminals cases but not in mine. They
want me to KNOW they are watching me all the time since I am a MIND CONTROL

> they're just trying to frighten you and by the sounds of
> it, if you're for real, doing a good job.

Actually they are TORTURING ME not just frightening me.

> If you're really a thorn in their side, they'll just kill
> you and dump your body in a feild somewhere.  Look up Terrence Yeakey
> and you'll get an idea about what they do to thorns.

I do not belong to any political party, any activist organization and never
worked for any govt agencies. I am just a software engineer. How can I be a
thorn for them.

>So if you're
> "seeing them", don't worry about it.  They're just fucking with you and
> anything you do to counteract that won't phase them one bit.  In
> fact,it'll make their job more enjoyable.


> My guess is, you've just been spooked by shit like 9/11, Oklahoma City,
> the mysterious deaths of the world's leading microbiologists, the
> Anthrax snow-job, etc, etc, etc... but trust me, man.  It's not as bad
> as it looks.  It's bad, there's no doubt but it's not that bad.

Trust me, it is real bad. You wont know it until you experience it yourself.
Would you want video surveillance devices in your bath room watching your
loved ones including underage ones so fbi and nsa psychopaths can jerk off.
Tell me if video surveillance devices in bath rooms accomplish any other
purpose other than jerking off. These psychopaths already know I am
completely UNARMED and have absolutely no knowledge of fire arms.

> just awakened to find you've been living in the Matrix.  It's not
> really a big deal once you begin to understand how they operate and
> what they're trying to accomplish.  They don't give a shit about you
> until you get in their way and then they either ruin you or kill you.

They already threatened to kill me or inject some kind of debilitating virus
in my body. I gave all the gathered evidence to my counselor, psychiatrist,
my family members and partially to a journalist so far who will raise a
SITNK in the media if SOME THING HAPPENED to me whether I die in an accident
or die of any disease. In fact these are the undercover FBI agents who
followed me. What the hell, I will post their real names, addresses and
phone numbers anyway. What can these FBI and NSA PSYCHOPATHS do to me ?
Charge me for posting undercover agents names and addresses on public forums
? Let them do it, so I can present all the evidence I gathered to the judge.
They wont DARE to charge me because if they do, then they will have to
EXPLAIN to the judge WHY and HOW do I know the REAL IDENTITIES of undercover
fbi agents even though I NEVER worked for any govt agency.

1) Agent Maddelina Wahl , 28087 Hickory Drive, Farmington Hills, MI 38331
2) Agent Kathleen Taylor, 29390 Bermuda Lane, Southfield, MI 48034, Ph
3) Agent Mediha Krijestorac, 30408 Shiawasee Rd, Farmington MI 48336, ph
4) Agent Frank Spodek, sfrank9 at aol.com

5) 351 FTK - Atlanta, Georgia car registration in Sep 2004 (undercover

> I seriously doubt you have very much to worry about but one never knows
> for sure.  I, myself, could give a rats ass. I could surround myself
> with electronic gadgets that in the end wouldn't ever make me feel
> secure so I'm just gonna keep on, keeping on and trusting that the Lord
> Almighty will one day show them the error of their ways.

That will NEVER happen unfortunately. SADISM and PERVERSION are entrenched
in NSA and FBI.

INSANELY UNLIMITED POWER will turn any human being into a BLOOD THIRSTY

Thanks for your response.

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