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Re: Napco MA3000 - Dialer Test on both Lines?

Robert L Bass wrote:
>>I don't know the panel, hence the use of
>>the word " If "...
> And yet you immediately attacked.  This simply shows your intention is not
> to share information but only to flame.

Nope.  You're wrong.  What you suggested was both against code and
installation practise.  It seems to me that there are several *UL
listed* controls out there whose listing has been compromised by one
Robert L. Bass and his "methods".

>>I do know the code and I know your suggestion
>>is a violation, pure and simple...
> Code requires that the hardware used be listed for the purpose.  You don't
> know the panel.  I do.  You've never worked with it.  I have installed many
> of them and serviced them for years.  In short, you spoke (and continue to
> do so) without knowledge or understanding.  Feel free to continue flaming
> away.

Read NFPA and tell me where it states that an acceptable method of
testing both phone lines involves compromising one to test the other.

>>its also pure bullshit on your part that you
>>have used this technique on Commercial Fire
>>and  had an inspector sign off on it...
> You've never seen any of my installations and you have no idea what the
> panel is capable of.  You ought to know (though there is room for doubt
> about that) that the code says the AHJ (inspector) determines what is or is
> not compliant.

Name one AHJ you've worked with that has determined your method complies
with NFPA or UL.

>>after all since you know the panel so well and state that it does support
>>requirement, why would you need to bodge it in this manner...
> You call it a bodge only because you don't know the method or the hardware.
> In fact, the technique uses listed devices and programming.

Oh??  Show me the "listing" for the devices...  and the programming...

> Your problem
> isn't with what I do or how I do it.  You post only because of personal
> animosity.  This is nothing new.  You've done it before and I expect nothing
> honest or reasonable out of you.

You are such an ass, Robert.  As I mentioned before, you'll defend your
mistake to the last (and hurl insults at anyone that points it out)...

>>so stop bullshitting and trying to make yourself look important...
> Important?  I only shared a technique that works and has passed muster with
> inspectors.

Name one.

> The topic (in case you've forgotten) is about testing both
> phone lines on a Napco MA3000.  It's not about your personal hatred.  It's a
> shame that no thread can exist on this newsgroup without being filled with
> the kind of trash you spew.

And it's ludicrous in the extreme that you are giving advice on a
subject you have no clue about *to a licensed installer*.

>>I also know that if you knew the panel as well
>>as you would have everyone believe, then you
>>would have told Alan the correct way to generate
>>the required test on the secondary communication
> I already did.  He seemed to understand it right away.  What I didn't do is
> create an image for him.  I'm not spending a lot of time at my desk these
> days because I'm recovering from cancer surgery.  When I get around to it
> I'll send him an image if he wants it though.

Your method is both unapproved and strictly against NFPA.  It involves
compromising a telephone line with a relay that (listed or not) is
clearly beyond your ability to understand.  You still haven't provided
the name of even *one* AHJ that has approved "your method".  I doubt he
would be "on record" for doing so, and a "verbal approval" is about as
valuable as a three dollar bill (CDN or US funds).

>>On another subject, I hope the chemo goes well for you.
> I plan to beat the cancer.  I've overcome adversity before.  This one just
> hurts a lot more.  Unlike some who post here, I wouldn't wish this on
> anyone.

Where has *anyone* here ever wished such a thing on you?

> Fortunately, I have a very strong family and close network of
> friends helping me and pulling for me every step of the way.  I hope you
> never have to go through this stuff.

I finally understand your sudden need to sell your house and move in
with "the folks".

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