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Re: What can you say

Doug L wrote:
> So I had a customer with an old VCR/Multiplexer call me yesterday having
> problems with the system, hasn't worked for at least a month they tell me,
> but now they need it repaired so they can view an incident that happened
> last week.

Yeah, we get similar calls on about a monthly basis... doesn't have to be old
VCR/Mux setups either.  One place has been having ongoing issues with their
video system ever since they upgraded to a DVR with a couple extra PTZ cameras
almost two years ago (NOT our systems - we have a maintenance contract for
existing camera/VCR/MUX systems with the chain, but new DVRs are being provided
by someone else).  They asked me to look at a couple problem cameras they had...
at first it looked like a couple views were stuck on night views, but on closer
inspection, it turned out the DVR was frozen.  After rebooting, a little further
investigation revealed the machine had been frozen since 1am the previous
morning... some 41 hours.  And it had locked up almost exactly 9 hours after
being installed as new by the supplier.  Nice.

What gets me is that nobody noticed that the display hadn't changed AT ALL in
over a day and a half... it wouldn't have surprised me if it had gone a week in
that state...

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