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Re: Best place to buy parts for those of us who don't have a dealers license ?
Send me the Ohio info, Franklin.
This I gotta see.
Frank Olson wrote:
> Robert L Bass wrote:
> >>A while back I had done a quote for home CCTV, quite extensive system. Gave
> >>the guy my proposal and he calls back the next day and starts quoting prices
> >>out of the ADI catalog, saying that he was not going to allow me to make
> >>"that much money" on the system. He'd called ADI and told them he worked for
> >>me and went by one of the branches and picked up a cat. with prices.
> >>Needless to say I ripped that branch a new asshole...then I told the client
> >>that if he thought it was so easy to install the equipment he could just do
> >>it himself...which he did..or actually he tried. A couple of weeks later he
> >>paid me HOURLY to redo everything he tried to do properly.
> >
> >
> > That guy got what he deserved -- not for DIYing the job but for
> > taking advantage of you and ADI. In this case, one can
> > understand ADI's error. The guy smooth talked them. At least
> > they didn't offer to open account for him.
> In most states (including yours), you're reqired to be *LICENSED* to
> purchase product from ADI. Since it's obvious you have an account
> established with them, you must have "smooth talked" your way through as
> well.
> >
> > Crash, I don't have anything against installers making a fair
> > price for their work, their hardware and their knowledge. Guys
> > like you and I try to give people what they pay for.
> Here you go comparing yourself to a professional installer once again.
> You run an online parts counter. I won't mention the fact that you're a
> convicted felon and probably can't get a license in your jursidiction.
> > But if you
> > stop and look at it carefully, the ones doing most of the whining
> > here about DIY are the unskilled "professionals" who cheat their
> > clients, lie to make the sale, do slovenly work and (often) bend
> > the client over a five-year contract that would do old Slew Foot
> > proud.
> OH??? Where has *anyone* here whined about DIY (except to say they've
> had to clean up the mess afterwards)? Where has anyone attacked a DIY?
> Give us an example where a professional has failed to answer a DIY's
> question in this forum.
> Have *you* ever lied to make a sale?? Your website is chalker-block
> full of lies and misrepresentation. I make this statement because what
> you say about DSC on your website (where their products are extolled) is
> completely different from what you say about them here.
> > The true professionals don't give a rat's Olson about
> > DIY. They figure that DIY customers are not their market and
> > concentrate on the 98% who are.
> Now, you see... I wouldn't have even bothered responding to you if you
> hadn't dragged my name into this. You just gotta get your little "dig"
> in here and there... What a schmuck (that's a Jewish term if you didn't
> already know).
> >
> > It's the same for me. I have no problem with most people hiring
> > a pro to do an installation for them. Heck, I occasionally refer
> > customers to professional installers. I've referred customers to
> > Jim Rojas on occasion and he made good money doing the work. I
> > also used to refer people to Worthless until he started behaving
> > like a fool in the newsgroup.
> Heh... I believe Bob Worthy mentioned that he'd received a call from
> one of your "clients". What's the matter?? Couldn't figure out a way
> to install the system on your own (for free) "as a
> friend/neighbour/uncle/cousin"??
> >
> > The point is there are distinct segments of the security
> > marketplace. Few, if any, companies are equipped to deal with
> > all of them. Bob Campbell is respected by every technician in
> > this forum (well, except one moron from Brooklyn with a penchant
> > for assaulting children with hammers).
> And another moron in Sarasota with penchant for hurling children around
> a stage...
> > He tried servicing the
> > DIY market and for various reasons it didn't work for him.
> He didn't have your "flair" for the business. Didn't like the fact that
> he'd have to spend upwards of two to three hours on the phone coaching
> the guy through an install. Unlike you... whose "technical support"
> has been taken to new heights (doesn't *answer* the phone, email, fax,
> etc...). And speaking of technical support... When someone does press
> "2" on the phone options menu, who do they wind up talking to when
> someone *is* there??
> You *still* haven't changed the address on your multiple websites (even
> though you moved weeks ago), *still* dont' have an 800 number (which you
> once stated was an absolute necessity when you were deriding another
> individual's efforts at starting an online business), and *still*
> haven't been able to prove I've lied about anything.
> > No
> > problem. I owned a small but modestly successful alarm company
> > for ~24 years until I sold it. At this stage of life I have zero
> > interest in starting a new installation business.
> And likley you couldn't, given the fact that your criminal record would
> prohibit you from obtaining licensing in Florida.
> So... Let's have a little math fun while I'm "warmed up" on the subject
> (I just happened to finish doing my tax return). Robert "says" he's
> been in the trade for 27 years (28 or 29 it doesn't matter) and that
> he's specifically run a "modestly successful alarm company" for 24 years
> where he's also inferred he was actively involved in installing, and
> servicing alarm equipment (mostly Napco by his own admission). Taken at
> face value, that's pretty impressive, but let's remove some of the "pink
> face makeup" Robert's so fond of (and keeps slathering on).
> Robert incorporated a business in 1979 (at least this is what he's
> stated frequently in this Newsgroup) in Hartford, CT. I don't have any
> record of that except from a Better Business Bureau Report which lists
> the business start date as January 1, 1980. OK... So he's only "off"
> by a year. No "biggie".
> This *is* interesting though...
> His criminal record states that he was "on Parol" between 1979 and 1984
> in *Polk County, Florida*. Ermmm... Last time I looked at a map of the
> U.S., there's about seven States between FL and CT, but it's not beyond
> the realm of possibility that he could have incorporated this business
> in CT and acted as an "absentee President" (sort of like Bush). It
> doesn't explain how he got his installation experience *in CT* like he
> says though (he could have rented the "Alarm Installation Made Easy"
> series of videos at the local "Block Buster"). He's admitted to having
> to obtain the CT "L-5" in 1989 when he was "nailed" by a license
> inspector on an installation and has also admitted to getting his "L-6"
> in 1984.
> OK... So let's say he's "off to CT" in 1984 (where his business has
> been doing absolutely swimmingly in his absence and while he was
> finishing up Parol in Florida). 1984 to 1993 is nine years. Why do I
> mention 1993? Well, that's the other part of the "Bass Story" I've
> managed to "dig up". You see, he's involved in a couple of Florida real
> estate transactions between 1993 and 1996. That's "no biggie" either
> except for the fact that the address he's provided as a residence at the
> time of these transactions is in *OHIO* (Cuyuga County to be precise)
> and the proof he gave the Notary Public was an *OHIO* Drivers License.
> Let's see... There's Ohio, and there's Connecticut... Ummm... two
> States away.
> He started his online store in 1996 and began posting in this Group from
> a CT address around about the same time. He moved to Florida in 1999.
> The last time he was shown as having been registered as an "L-6" in CT
> was 2000.
> Let's "thin" (as Desi Arnaz would have said) this through:
> 1979 - 1984
> On Parol in Polk County, Florida.
> 1980
> N S Systems Inc registered in CT. Robert's listed as "President" (at
> the time of the BBB report). The BBB opened its file on N S Systems in
> 1983. The report I have is from a later date (February 25, 1999) since
> it also makes a reference to not having received "no customer complaints
> within the last three years". I've talked to the BBB several times (not
> about Robert) and they tell me that ownership/directorship and
> incorporation date information on non-member companies isn't usually
> confirmed unless there's a problem involving criminal fraud or theft.
> George Bush or Errol Flynn could have been named as the President of
> N.S. Systems and they wouldn't have even "blinked".
> 1984
> Robert licensed (and living) in CT as an L-6.
> 1989
> Robert runs afoul of a CT License Inspector and gets his L-5.
> 1993 - 1996
> Robert's in *OHIO*.
> 1996
> Robert opens bass-home.com (an online store selling security items and
> tube tops) after returning to CT.
> 1999 - Present
> Robert's living in Florida. He currently runs *four* online stores all
> selling security items (in an effort to "sneak" under the BBB's "radar").
> Plotted out on a time line it would look like this ("CT" is Connecticut).
> |Florida | | | |
> |On Parol| CT |Ohio | CT |Florida ....
> |________|____________|_____|_____|________....
> 79 84 93 96 99
> What's all this mean?? Quite simple. Robert has obviously
> installed/serviced alarm equipment. What's always been difficult for me
> to swallow is that he'd been doing it for 20+ years (like he keeps
> saying). I've just provided verifiable proof that Robert could only
> have been installing security equipment in CT between 1984 and 1993, and
> possibly between 1996 and 1999 (unlikely since he was full time
> operating his online business and posting in this and other Newsgroups
> during the day). That's twelve years max, not twenty, 27, 28, 33, or
> what-ever his latest number is. OK, OK... So he actually had a valid
> CT license until 2000, but I sincerely doubt he could have been
> *installing and servicing* equipment *in CT* while he was living in
> Florida. He also could have applied to have his Parol served in CT, but
> the funny thing is there's no mention of it on the record I've seen.
> It's the New Year and I'm feeling generous, so let's give him the
> benefit of the doubt and say he worked in CT between 1980 and 1993.
> That's still five years short of the twenty he says he
> installed/serviced alarms *in CT*.
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