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[no subject]

Well, I said I wouldn't respond to your continued misunderstanding of MIME
VCards, and I don't intend to adress that here, but you make a couple of
statements that really irked me,
 he biggest concern is the last commentsyou made...

As I've pointed out before, you alone have swayed my opinion of you. If you
search through DejaNews to about 12-15months go you'll find a post in
comp.home.automation where I publicly and strongly
defended you when someone else called one f your PR: type posts spam.  I've
disagreed with you, and made mention that
you have a thin understanding of the Internet and Usenet, but I've also said
publicly that I believe you are very
intelligent in your trade. Recently a topic or two has come up in
misc.homeowners about alarm systems, and
I've referred one or two people toyour website.  If you call my disagreement
with you abuse or slander, so be it.

Go answer your e-mails that people constantly complain about you not
Or fix your e-mail system, you seem to have plenty of time and technology to
keep up with Usenet posts.  I'll give
you a hint, the people e-mailing you. I_WANT_ to hear your opinion...
You find my public posting of you disagreeable, and I'll admit that I
sometimes, or even often, may take a strong stance against your opinions.  I
may be completely blind to your side, but I
haven't considered any of my posts unsubstantiated attacks on you.  I have
sided against you, and tried to give
relevant data to back up my arguments, perhaps I could have been more
eloquent.  Had I been just some guy making
random slanderous attacks on you, I might understand why you'd simply delete
any mail with my name on it,
however, you did not see fit to delete the norders I've placed through your

Yes, for those still following along I've ordered about $500 worth of
components from Robert in the last few months.
I'm a telecommunications geek by trade, and an Automation and cabling
installer alongside my 'day job' I've
recently begun to pursue alarm systems as a branch of my private business.
biggest alarm installs have been
assisting others, and/or my own house.  When I had to buy some products
recently I went to http://www.Basshome.com,
not because of price, not because Robert is my best friend, but because
despite my disagreement with him I felt he
had an efficient online store and I wanted to 'reward' his efforts with my
business.  I could have gone to
any number of local places and received identical equipment at competitive
prices, but I didn't.

After ordering some Napco equipment, I had some questions about the
and X-10 add-ons, basically I wanted
to know the differences between them, etc., as his website didn't really
clarify this.  So, I sent him an e-mail,
which as I mentioned, and he confirmed went unanswered.

So Robert, your overall stance seems to be that you will help any DIY'er so
long as they _publicly_ agree with you.
However, should someone do a moderate amount of business with you and later
disagree with you, all support is cut off,

This is what your actions and words state, and I caution anyone who orders
from you that you have a strange way of
doing business.

This would almost seem like a complete story, but  there is a bit more to

When I buy things via the Internet I use a debit card as a credit card, as a
small security measure, should the
number fall into the wrong hands I can easily minimize my loses and cancel
card without disrupting the rest
of my finances, however it's sometimes a less than perfect way to transact
business.  During a a recent order
with Bass for about $380 there was some difficulty in processing the card.
There was more than enough funds in
my account, but the bank didn't authorize the card on the first try.  Robert
(and/or his wife) e-mailed me directly
with questions/concerns about the card.  After verifying my address the
still wouldn't go through, so his wife
resorted to calling me on the phone to clear things up, which we did. This
process probably took about 4 days to a
week and resulted in about 4 e-mails back and forth and a couple of voice
mails.  During this time Robert had to be
more than aware of who I was, as I had posted other 'nasty' public
disagreements with him, but no mention was
  made in the e-mails or phone calls that he would provide no support after

I hope this message serves to warn some of those who might consider giving
some business, or otherwise putting
their faith or trust in him...

Robert has also publicly stated that he doesn't take things too seriously,
is quick to make amends, however
I'd have to doubt this...

Robert, I'm sure my $500 didn't buy you an Armani suit, or allow your family
to take a tropical vacation, but perhaps
you should state somewhere on your webpage that you only support those who
support _you_ with words rather than dollars.

I do apologize to all the others that have had to sift through these
small wars and battles

Brian@ 'at' @Karas. 'dot' .com.
Return address munged to prevent SPAM...
SOHO DataComm wiring, FAQ's, etc:

"Optional" <fillingtheform@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> "Bob Worthy" wrote:
>> You would just give out someones phone number to
>>anyone on the net?  And you have access
>>to peoples credit card numbers? I can see it now: "here are a couple
>>of credit card numbers on me".
> Warning! Warning! Security Breach.
> Robert Bass is giving out peoples credit card numbers.
> Aaauuugaaa,  Aaauuuugaaa.

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