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Re: Compass Software

Robertm wrote:
> "Jim" <alarminex@xxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:1128533654.849143.325690@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> > I don't know about you, but why don't you go back and read the OP's
> > post. At first glance, it appeared to me that he was a dealer and had
> > lost his copy. Why would anyone assume that an end user was in
> > possesion of the compass software?
> > That is ..... anyone who hadn't been doing business with slimeball Bass.
> I agree I may have made a wrong assumption, but that does not mean that
> every wrong comment must be associated with Mr. Bass.

Oh yes it does. He's a slime bucket, contiuously disrupting this group
for over eight years. Now it doesn't matter what anyone does here
simply because he feels he can do anything he chooses to anyone, at his
whim. His comment when chastized for doing his nasty deeds is: "you
don't control this group and don't have any say in what anyone does of
doesn't do here. If you don't like it you're welcome to leave" We'll if
that's the attitude of even ONE participant in this group then it has
to serve every one else too. Therefore, any time he does ANYTHING AT
ALL. Anytime there is even the remotest oppotunity to kick him in the
ass ..... to put him down, to discredit him by posting all of the nasty
rotten things he's done to people here, through the years, it's going
to be done. If he feels he can do anything to anyone at any time
without concern or remorse, than so be it. Anyone else can, and will do
the very same thing. And why not? He's destroyed this Newsgroup for
YEARS with is petty picking on people while being the worst
transgressor of any form of social contract, both here and in his
personal life.

> I have not transacted
> any business with Mr. Bass. I have no association with Mr. Bass. Any
> discussion I've had with Mr. Bass has been posted on the NG and open for
> anyone to read. Your reasoning is that you disagree with Mr. Bass, therefore
> if you disagree with anyone, they must be a Mr. Bass customer or friend or
> whatever.

No, that WASN'T, my point in my reply to you. And I don't really care
one way or the other whether you did or didn't do business with the fat
pig. The point was, that there wasn't any indication that the OP was or
wasn't an end user and since he'd stated that he'd already had a copy
of the software, it was a resonable assumption to make that he was a

H O W E V E R. If he had been in contact with Fat ASS, then it would
have been reasonable to assume that he WAS an end user, because Fat ASS
has no reservations at all of giving the dealer software to ANYONE who
asks for it. Whether he was or not, I really don't give a crap. It was
simply one more taken opportunity to shove it right back up Bass' ass.

 > Paranoia? Mr. Bass lurking behind every rock and tree?

Not in the least. Regardless of what anyone says, revenge is sweet.
It's a great pleasure to me and to the majority of participants in this
Newsgroup to see this fat bag of shit get his just rewards. There isn't
one soul here, who doesn't agree with the fact that he's the reason
this group is in the chaos that it's in. He does what he does here, on
purpose and has garnered the emnity of every one he's ever come in
contact with. You tell me Bob, do you think it's merely a coincidence
that there are so many people who dislike this SOB? Do you think it's a
coincidence that he's been thrown out of Newsgroups before, for doing
the VERY SAME THING AS HE DOES HERE? You want to take a trip down dija
vue lane and look in the Aviation group that he was thrown out of so
many years ago for doing EXACTLY what he does here? You want to see the
posts where he's gone real life with people and says that he "enjoys"
doing that to people? Would you like to see the forged derogatory posts
he made on a competitors website? How about where he actually stole a
report from someone, claimed it as his own and then held it for ransom,
if they'd let him participate in the group again?  And, how many people
do you know that's a convicted felon for a gun crime and is also
responsible for someones death?  Is this a normal person Bob? The real
question Bob ...Is this someone who should be allowed to participate in
society much less a mere Newsgroup?

So, least there be any mistake, on your part, about where I stand on
this matter, let me quote something that at one time I would have never
considerd doing ..... but as you can see, under the circumstances it is
only just.

"you don't control this group and don't have any say in what anyone
does or doesn't do here. If you don't like it, you're welcome to leave"

Ya get it Bob?

My VERY stong suggestion to you is. Stay out of it! You will be long
gone from this Newsgroup and this will continue until the fat slob dies
of a heart attack, which will be sooner, rather than later.

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