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Re: DuMP DuMP DuMP .....

"Crash Gordon" <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>A few hints on the older panels:
> Don't let the system batteries go longer than 3 years. In my experience
> the older panels where/are hard on the batteries...maybe the charging
> circuit I dunno. But it's like almost to the day...3 years and you'll
> start getting low batts, no matter what brand you use. Don't ignore low
> battery sigs fromthese panels - for reasons stated in my last post.
> If any of them have 692 keypads - the LED keypads - there was a lockup
> issue

All the DMP panels I have serviced have LCD Alpha Keypads.

 > Have you had DMP come out and get your guys trained? They'll do that you
> know, it might help if you havent.

No, I have not.  For a whole host of reasons (not the least of which is
having something I didn't order charged to my credit card) I don't sell or
install new DMP panels.  I had a good chuckle when I received my letter this
year informing me I was only a servicing dealer due to my low sales volume.

While I have not had training I did have a guy come out and try to hard sell
me on going exclusively with DMP controls.

The only problem I have had with DMP panels is this lockup and trashed
processor thing.  I replaced two of them with new Napco (bigger) panels out
of my own pocket because I thought I might have done something wrong.

Bob La Londe

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